I being told that you had a fell at daycare and apparently you knocked on one of your incisor teeth that has been a bit shaky since CNY. At the same time, i heard your loud crying sound coming from behind. When Ms Goh passed the phone to you, you are unable to talk clearly and what i can heard is your crying plus sobbing sound. After a few round of phone call between me, daddy and Ms Goh, finally we make a call, Ms Goh will bring you to your usual dental clinic and get the dentist to remove the dangling teeth away. Daddy then will meet with you guys at the dental clinic. I thought everything will be over. However, later another phone call coming in and you refused to let the dentist remove the teeth for you. So in order not to create any phobia on you, we decided to let it be.
It's not the end of the story yet. After you got back from school, mummy and Ms Goh spend around 20 minutes to persuade you to have your teeth removed. And finally you agree with us. Before you change your mind, quick as a wink, we are in the dental clinic.

One of the fun thing happen, when you finally lay down on the dentist chair, quickly Dr Chin turned to the drawer and take out a real long and big needle. Frankly, i was shocked when i see it. My first reaction was "is this being used on human or elephant" LOL! And out of expectation, you suddenly sit up and quickly, Dr Chin put her hand down, trying to hide the needle from you, but you spotted it. You asked her to show you the LONG and BIG needle.
After another round of persuasion, and finally you let her make the injection on your gum, and after few minutes, Dr Chin just push your teeth few times, and ta daaaa, you teeth is out from your mouth. What a relief to all of us as both me and Dr Chin worry that we may scared you if she has to use the tweezer to pull the teeth from your mouth.
No crying from you at all in the dental clinic. Great job, my boy!!! On our way home, i tested you with the word "F","S", "Fish"...and you still can pronounce it well,