Before you joining our family, the little dog that stayed in the house is the center of attention. But now, you are the center of attention and occasiaonally, you try to scare the dog by making "aaaarrrgggghhh" sound, so cute.

Nowadays, as and when you sleep in cradle,Mimi will either sleep at the first step of the stairs or nearby to you, as mummy always tell Mimi, "Mimi, help mummy to take care di di" hahahahaI feel so guilty for neglecting the dog nowadays.
Last time, i used to play with Mimi everyday, shower the 3 dogs ~ Mimi, Maggie and BoyBoy every weekend, and now, no more time for them :( Luckily, Mimi still a very well behave dog. I still remembered, the first day when you reached home, mummy carried you in my arm and Mimi try to have a look at you. When we put you on the bed, Mimi try her very very best to have a peep at you, too bad, Mimi is too short, she can't see you :)
Now, every time when you sees Mimi, you will move your hands and legs, wanted to touch her. Ah Kong did let you touch Mimi with your leg couple of time. Mimi used to afraid of baby and toddler. I don't know why. But, she seems to be ok with you. Hope both of you can be good friend.
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