Before this, i thought, by letting her taking the
rotavirus medicine, she will escape from this, but until last Saturday, i only realized that i am wrong. But one good thing is, with the medicine taken, when she had
gastroenteritis, she wont vomit and diarrhea that badly.
On Saturday around 5pm, out of sudden, Kaitlyn vomit. She throw out small pieces of not being well digested green apple as well as milk. Intially i thought it's the green apple causing the vomit but after a while when she vomitted out all the water that she drank. She kept ask for water, but as soon as she finish the water, she will throw out all water again and again. Oh...not a good sign though. As per plan, we need to attend neighbor's daughter big one party, so we still proceed with the plan. Kaitlyn still very active and the vomit doesn't seems bother her much.
When we were at neighbor's house, she vomited again. So at the end, me and hubb decided to bring her back and let her take anti-vomit medicine. However, after few mins, she throw out water and we believe at the same time the medicine get throw out as well. Frankly, i totally lost count on how many times she vomited from 5pm to 9pm, i think more than 6 times.
Without any delay, we brought her to Adventist emergency room and so coincidentally Dr Pong is there. We waited for a while as he is examining the 2 sisters in the ER pediatric room. I was surprise to see children ER room there, as i can't recall they have this previously. When it's our time, my little girl walk into the children emergency room and she get excited seeing the elephant printing on the wall, she said out "elephant" loudly until Dr Pong also had a good laugh at her. She happily let Dr Pong check on her, without any fuss. I am so proud of her. I guess could be the doctor set that i bought for her make her feel comfortable to let doctor check on her.
Dr Pong told us she might eaten something wrong and get virus infection. We were given 2 options:
1. Use suppository to stop the vomit, but no guarantee as some kid will still vomit
2. admit her and go on drip, this will stop the vomit as the glucose will make her feel full and she will not ask for milk or water
**bla bla bla bla...chi chi cham chi chi cham** i had a side discussion with hubb and we decided to admit her as i worry she will vomit again middle of the night and it will be super messy. And the poor girl still doesn't know that we want to admit her, she happily tell me "mummy, go home!". All of us had good laugh. Dr Pong even praised her by saying that he didn't see her for few months and her vocab improve so much.'s the time that i HATE the most. IV time. Kaitlyn stick to me more than hubb, so i need to stay in the room with her when doc did the procedure. We let her lay down on the bed and enjoy the Barney movie while Dr Pong and nurses prepare all the thing. When when we started to wrap her with the bed sheet, she started to scream and she kept calling "mummy mummy, i don't want, mummy, mummy, i don't want!". I feel so upset hearing that...but i have no choice :( Luckily her hand is not as puffy as Kelvin's, so easily, Dr Pong can easily get everything done real fast.
We then proceed with the admission, and all private room in pediatric ward fully booked, so we stayed in adult ward. Kaitlyn was kinda tired and she asleep pretty fast after we get into the room. However, she does wake up on and off to check whether i am beside her or not. As she's on drip, and i kept waking up to check on her when i hear her turning on the bed, every time i need to adjust the rubber tube for her as she will round herself with the tube. I worry that she may tangle herself with the tube, so at the end, i decided to let her sleep with me on the SINGLE PERSON lodger. So both mummy and daughter squeeze in the single person lodger and the little girl occupied almost 70% of the space....when i am typing this, my back still very pain, coz i need to curl myself up and keep adjust myself according to her sleeping style.
I took her pic on the next day when my sleeping beauty wake up from her sleep. She looks a bit pale but still very cheeky. She even scared my by trying on press on the buttons in the machine. LOL!