Around 11am while mummy attending meeting, suddenly i received phone call from nursery. When i saw the phone number, i started to worry. As soon as i picked up the call, teacher Chuah in her worry voice told mummy that you cried non stop no matter how hard they trick you. You were under her care since 3 months old and she never see you behave so cranky. She gave you your favourite toy ~ phone, u pushed it away. Even Uncle James and Poh Poh (Uncle James's MIL) also can't stop you from crying. Mummy quickly gave daddy a call and we decided to drop by to have a look. Daddy has to come all the way from Bukit Minyak.
While we were on the way to see you, teacher Chuah called again saying you are ok. But since we were on the way there, so daddy and mummy decided to drop by to say "Hi" to you. When we reached the nursery, you were having fun at Ms Goh's house. Then Uncle James brought you back to baby class and teacher Chuah fed you porridge. You took the porridge happily. So mummy daddy went to take our lunch.
As soon as we sat down for lunch, teacher Chuah called again saying you cried again and this time, due to you cry too hard, you throw out all your porridge. So we quickly finish up our lunch and rushed back to see you.
You were sleeping in teacher Chuah's arm while mummy reached the nursery. As soon as mummy carry you, you sit up straight and open your eyes big and keep calling kakak for few times. See, you are back to yourself again. And when daddy carry you, you happily say out "paaant" (plant) loudly. See lah, you doesn't looks like someone who cried badly for 2 times!
Daddy and mummy decided to bring you to see Dr Tan, to get him check on you as we never see you cry so bad before. On our way there, mummy told you not to cry when the nurse take your temperature and also mummy asked you to open your mouth wide and say "aaaaa" when Dr Tan want to check on you. You repeat doing "aaaaa" for few times after mummy. We reached the hospital around 1:40pm and clinic will only open by 2pm. So we wonder around, and when the nurse took your temperature, you didn't make any noise, but the bad news is, your fever is 38.8 degree!! Gosh!!!! The fever doesn't really bother you as you still walk around and play happily at the waiting area.
While waiting, you heard baby crying and you pretend crying too. Naughty boy! A while later, ta daaaa show time!!! Since your fever is over 38.5 degree, so you need suppository. Luckily the nurse help mummy to insert voren into your bum bum. You make a bit of fuss.
Next, we proceed to dr Tan's room. As soon as you see him, you instruct mummy to bring you out. Daddy and mummy take turn to hold on you while Dr Tan check on your ears and mouth. Gosh, you are having middle ear infection. According to Dr Tan, middle ear infection very painful, no wonder you cry so bad. Careless mummy, you actually show some sign but mummy ignore it. You keep poking and pull your ears recently and mummy thought u are playing with me, so i didn't take it seriously. Until yesterday when Dr Tan asked me whether you show any sign recently, then only i realised these are all the signs! Sorry baby!
You kept crying after Dr Tan checked on you, so daddy has to carry you out from the room while mummy continue to get more info from Dr Tan. Now i experience the scary crying that teacher Chuah mentioned. No matter how mummy do can't stop you from crying. And when we pass by OB clinic, nurse Linda saw you and she came by to help mummy to calm you down, she even ran into their break area to get u a Ferrero Rocher chocolate, also fail to stop you from crying. Your crying voice nearly tear the roof down! Mummy brought you to the pharmacy where daddy waited to make payment and for your medication, still crying crying and crying. Mummy then try to let you listen to 童话 (Fairy tale) sing by Michael. To my surprise, you stop crying and started to move left and right, dancing with the music. Phew!!!
After daddy paid and collect medicine, we headed back. When we pass by OB clinic, you wave bye bye happily with nurse Linda. The cranky baby now become little cute baby! haha!
When we reached home, you ask for milk and after milk, you started to play and refuse to sleep. Mummy let you play for around 30 mins and later force you to sleep. However, you slept for 30 mins only. We then went to school to collect your dinner. So nice of them, teacher Chuah called and ask mummy to pick up your dinner as they cooked your portion too! Earlier mummy was worry what to cook for your dinner, she is my life saver

After daddy, mummy and you had our dinner, you asked everyone to go out to the garden behind the house, you even asked Mimi to go out. You busy walking around and "play" with Mimi. You even attempt to release Boyboy from his house. We accompany you at the garden for
half an hour then we dragged you into the house as ah kong, ah mah and ee pohs need to take their dinner.
We left ah Kong's house around 8pm, back to our home sweet home. You went to your lala land after your milk.....You seems better after taking the antibiotic.
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