After that, we start our journey to Harajuku. Mummy supposed to visit the 100 yen shop at Harajuku, however, as soon as we walked out from the Harajuku train station, mummy too excited to find out where is the Kiddy Land. Apparently, the 100Yen shop and Kiddy Land is at different direction, so since mummy promise that i will get you some toy from Kiddy Land, so i gotta keep my promise. Along the way to Kiddy Land, we passed by few shops but somehow as mummy mentioned before, i am pregnant and there is no way i can guess what size of clothes i will be able to fit myself in after deliver, so i dropped the idea to shop for clothes even though i saw some which is quite nice!
Finally, we reached Kiddy Land. As soon as we stepped into Kiddy Land, you get so excited!Initially mummy thought we will spend about 30 mins in the shop, but end up we spend 1.5 hr in the shop. You keep asking for Thomas train, and poor daddy gotta bring you up to each floor to look for Thomas train while mummy slowly enjoy "sight seeing" at each floor. There is lots of interesting stuff in each floor consists of Hello Kitty, My Melody, Snoopy etc.
You seems super excited when you see Thomas train and immediately you stop nagging and start exploring everything. And there is one train track and you refused to leave the shop no matter how we coax you. And we have no choice but to drag a noisy toddler out from the store as it's almost time to leave and go to other shop.
The next shop is Oriental Bazaar, we bought you one t-shirt with lots of sumo printed on it and also one yukata. It's around 8pm and the sky so dark as if it's already 10pm!
So what's next, dinner time! We went to Fujimamas for dinner. We ordered rice, tou fu and vegetable soup for you. And too bad, the veggie soup is creamy type and you don't seems enjoy it. You ate a bit and decided to play. After dinner, it's time to back to Shinagawa.
We reached hotel around 9:30pm, daddy and mummy feel exhausted, but you seems super energetic. Coz, you insisted that daddy carry you throughout the trip, that's how your battery still fully charged. Poor daddy, every night he will complain that his hand is so painful. Can you imagine, carrying a 12kg toddler for almost 5 hrs? hahaha!
We managed to tug you to bed around 10:30pm.
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