Kor kor'sfull moon party we cater food from Eden Catering and have it in ah kong's house and this time we found that it's easier to have it in hotel, no need to worry not enough food for all guests, no need to worry not enough parking space for the guests, no need to worry whether it's going to rain or not ...etc!
So, where to go? E&O hotel since Ah Ma is the member of the The Heritage from the hotel. With the membership, we entitle some discount some more! 2 weeks before the party, mummy started to call up E&O marketing staff and get them to give us a package. And the lady is quite nice and she comes back with a good deal for us! Ta da!!!
On the day, we wake up around 8:30am, get ourselves ready, however, you decided to laze on the bed. At the end, around 10:15am,daddy, mummy and kor kor need to wake you up by talking real loud in the room and yet it doesn't seems to work! So no choice, mummy drag you out from the bed, and of course you scream and cry as you still want to sleep. Mummy bath you, change for you, mummy let you wear the baby clothes that send by aunt Sharon all the way accross the big ocean from US. Mummy let you wear the top as dress since it fit you quite nice as dress. LOL! (creative right?) By the time we are ready, it's already 11:25am! We are suppose to reach the hotel around 11:45am before the guests. Ah kong, ah ma, ee poh and ee ee already there and ah kong called to check where we are.
We invited friends and relatives.Buffet start at 12 noon and it's so crowded. The marketing lady help us to get a small corner of 5 tables, 50 pax, for your full moon celebration. Your kor kor is more excited with the balloon and walking around instead of the food, mummy enjoy the food very much! Even though i already gave birth and lost my license to eat all i can, but since i am breastfeeding you, so i still have half of the eat all i can license. Poor daddy, he needs to eat his food real fast as he needs to entertain you. And what are you doing since you can't take any solid beside breast milk? You enjoy your sleep in the bassinet.
We then headed back to Ah kong's house and as soon as we reached the house, you cry as it's your milk time. Kor kor quickly run the attend to you, ask you not to cry and you ignore him and he even tried to put pacifier into your mouth to make you stop crying, kor kor is such a sweet boy!
Certainly we did!! Thanks for the invitation.