When i was browsing through Irene Lim's website, i found an article about free give away dresses for blogger and website owner. And at the same time, i saw the same thing from my friend Yan's posting about this free give away. I did purchase items from Irene and i love the quality and her service. I still remember, once, my parcel was being send to a wrong address and the "super efficient" post laju just ignore my complaint and i was so mad..however, Irene is so nice that she re-send the items to me without asking for additional charges, thanks Irene!
I was so excited when i saw this free giveaway memo in Irene's website...how could i resist such a deal. I browse through the free give away list..and short listed this item, hope that i can get it :)

1. your blog or website is at least 3 months old, and has at least 20 posts or web pages.
2. Need to write a short review about Irene's online fashion store and put at least two links back to the site, with one of the links pointing to THIS page.
3. The short review should be at least 100 words
Simple right? Then..what are you waiting for? Faster write a short review about Irene.
Wish you get your free dress soon.