Gossip not only happen in adult world, it also happen in children world! And it's just like the "Passing message" game, the whole thing will get truncated and lots of spices will get added into the story.
On 5/21 Tuesday, when i picked up my boy, immediately, he told me there were two incidents happened in the school on that day.
First incident : Kid get kidnapped by stranger at the back entrance of the school. Wow, this really scary though! Hope this is not true. Flipped through the newspapers on next day, didn't see any news on this. However, a week before, i received message indicating there's a suspicious car wondering around outside another nearby school. Really hope this is just speculation.
Second incident: Snake found in school field where the kid used to have their regular exercise class.
My boy told me 1 snake found on the field; one student said there were 3 snakes being seen in the school compound; one student said saw the snake were on the tree then later crawl to the field. So ....what is happening? No clue
On 5/23 Thursday, when i picked him up, he told me one standard one student bitten by snake !
On 5/25 Saturday, heard that the kid who bitten by the snake passed away. Checked with my boy, he said actually some students saw that kid get bitten by the snake and the others went to inform the teacher, however, the kid denied and insisted that he was bitten by the snake. And since there is no adult around there to witness the incident, so no one know the truth.
I hope that all these incidents are just rumors!

Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
原本以为孩子们考完试,我可以很轻松,但,人算不如天算, 公司来了个大洗牌,将一个非常有上进心的执行董事调到我所顾的地区, 天啊, 原本清清松松的我, 被逼做那些我一向来觉得毫无意义的市场分析.
结果, 我就像千手千眼观世音,这里忙点,那里忙点.换来的是, 忙,盲,和茫,非常郁闷! 挨了大越两个星期,终于雨过天晴. 但是, 这只是短暂的休息, 接下来的日子肯定会很忙.
结果, 我就像千手千眼观世音,这里忙点,那里忙点.换来的是, 忙,盲,和茫,非常郁闷! 挨了大越两个星期,终于雨过天晴. 但是, 这只是短暂的休息, 接下来的日子肯定会很忙.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
考试完了, 接下来就是另一个跟刺激的时刻...成绩放棒了!!!!
儿子只把考卷带回, 还没有家长老师会面日,所以,我还不晓得儿子在学校有多乖,多顽皮.儿子考试成绩还不错,但是,数学就倒,太太粗心. 问他有什么感想,他竟然说 NO FEEL.气死我了. 如果,他不会, 我还没那么气, 但是, 他是粗心....希望,在 接下来的考试里,他会较细心.
至于,女儿,家长老师会面日在5/21,但,出呼预料,她竟然考出预料不到超好的成绩!好棒!!!!! 但是, 有被老师投诉,说她在班上有时会发白日梦,有时不回答老师,有时就太多话.....希望女儿会慢慢的变乖,不要那么调皮,
儿子只把考卷带回, 还没有家长老师会面日,所以,我还不晓得儿子在学校有多乖,多顽皮.儿子考试成绩还不错,但是,数学就倒,太太粗心. 问他有什么感想,他竟然说 NO FEEL.气死我了. 如果,他不会, 我还没那么气, 但是, 他是粗心....希望,在 接下来的考试里,他会较细心.
至于,女儿,家长老师会面日在5/21,但,出呼预料,她竟然考出预料不到超好的成绩!好棒!!!!! 但是, 有被老师投诉,说她在班上有时会发白日梦,有时不回答老师,有时就太多话.....希望女儿会慢慢的变乖,不要那么调皮,
Friday, May 17, 2013
Exam week after one another
May is exam week for most school and luckily both kids' exam fall in one week apart, else we will have big hard time. However, even though the exam is one after another, it doesn't make our life perfect too.
Kaitlyn's exam is one week before Kelvin, so when Kaitlyn burning her midnight oil, instead of accompanying the sister burning midnight oil, Kelvin busy wondering around in the house and this also impacting Kaitlyn's study mood. However, we didn't push the kids too much, just let them move at their own pace.
Finally....Kaitlyn finished her exam. So with this means, Kelvin will have his exam then. So while Kelvin burning his midnight oil, Kaitlyn's turn to wondering around in the house, LOL! After Tue, Wed and Thus, finally....exam finish!!!
So, that's the end of exam fun for both kids and both me and hubb!!! Another will be by Sep/Oct. So we still have few months to breath before the next exam wave hitting us.
Kaitlyn's exam is one week before Kelvin, so when Kaitlyn burning her midnight oil, instead of accompanying the sister burning midnight oil, Kelvin busy wondering around in the house and this also impacting Kaitlyn's study mood. However, we didn't push the kids too much, just let them move at their own pace.
Finally....Kaitlyn finished her exam. So with this means, Kelvin will have his exam then. So while Kelvin burning his midnight oil, Kaitlyn's turn to wondering around in the house, LOL! After Tue, Wed and Thus, finally....exam finish!!!
So, that's the end of exam fun for both kids and both me and hubb!!! Another will be by Sep/Oct. So we still have few months to breath before the next exam wave hitting us.
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