We went to the library and mummy brought you to the children section, you were happily crawling around and make some noise, so mummy need to bring you out to look for daddy. However, we only manage to keep you quiet for 1 min, then you decided to clap hand, laugh and make some noise. Before the librarian chase us out, daddy and mummy quickly get whatever books and VCDs that we want, then off, we headed to the lobby outside Captain Deck restaurant. It's a windy day, so 3 of us get to enjoy the sea breeze "a bit"! Daddy let you sit on the sofa, but you decided to stand! You stand squad jump, bla bla, do all stunt! While mummy busy taking your pics, daddy need to support you from behind, just in case, you lost balance and fell backward. We rested there for a while, then daddy call it off for the day.

Mummy crave for hotdog! So mummy insisted to dropby the Captain Deck restaurant for hotdog! I ordered Hotdog for myself, and guess what you order? ice lemon tea (per the pic)..nah....you were pointing at the waiter as he walk pass our table. Mummy get hot water from the waitress and prepare your rice cereal for you as your tea break. While mummy enjoying my hotdog, daddy get the honor to feed you your tea break ~ rice cereal. But, mummy won't bully daddy, i feed daddy some hotdog too. So 3 of us enjoy ourselves very much ! We left PSC around 4pm as you started to show the sign of "I am tired, i need a nap!" I hope you have a great day at PSC!
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