Sunday, March 30, 2008
Missed Kindermusik Trial class
We suppose to join Kindermusik's trial class, however, you wake up this morning with running nose and after taking the runing nose medicine, you sleep from 10am til 12:30pm. And since there is no way we can reach Sg Ara by 12:50pm, so mummy need to call off the plan. Probably we will join the trial class other time.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seek for second opinion
From nursery’s feedback, your movement seems no improvement and you seems to be in more pain when you move around, so Friday after work, we quickly rushed to Srigim Medical Centre to see Dr Sim after mummy confirm with aunty Lay See on Dr Sim’s clinic hour. We reached the clinic around 6:20pm and there is still few patients before us. As usual, you will get excited with the toys at the waiting area even though this is your first time going to there.
After waiting for about 20 mins, it’s your turn. Since you refuse to leave the toy, so daddy gotta carry you into Dr Sim’s clinic. While mummy explaining to Dr Sim on your condition, Dr Sim asked daddy remove your pants so that he can have better view on your whole legs. You seems pretty ok, you even squad down, crawling and also walking in the clinic. Just that you tend to drag one side of your leg when you walk.
Earlier, you told us right leg is pain, however, on Friday, it seems that left leg is the culprit that causes you walk limp-ly. You don’t show any discomfort when Dr Sim touched your ankle and knee. Sigh, what’s wrong with it then. Initial suspect is muscles pain and according to Dr Sim, it should goes away in few days time. So again, doc asked us to monitor your condition. Sigh....what's wrong with the legs, sweetie?
After waiting for about 20 mins, it’s your turn. Since you refuse to leave the toy, so daddy gotta carry you into Dr Sim’s clinic. While mummy explaining to Dr Sim on your condition, Dr Sim asked daddy remove your pants so that he can have better view on your whole legs. You seems pretty ok, you even squad down, crawling and also walking in the clinic. Just that you tend to drag one side of your leg when you walk.
Earlier, you told us right leg is pain, however, on Friday, it seems that left leg is the culprit that causes you walk limp-ly. You don’t show any discomfort when Dr Sim touched your ankle and knee. Sigh, what’s wrong with it then. Initial suspect is muscles pain and according to Dr Sim, it should goes away in few days time. So again, doc asked us to monitor your condition. Sigh....what's wrong with the legs, sweetie?
Friday, March 28, 2008
What happen to you?
Yesterday when mummy picked you up from day care, Ms Goh told me you are walking limp-ly since morning. Initially they thought it's the diaper which make you uncomfortable and walk limp-ly, however, when they remove the diaper and let you walk, still the same pattern. She said you were walking just a bit limp-ly in the morning and in the afternoon, seems like more limp compare to morning. However, you remain super active throughout the day and instead still keep walking fast in the day care.
Daddy and mummy decided to bring you to see your "favourite" ped, Dr Tan. Before that, mummy gave him a call asked for the night clinic time. Dr Tan asked mummy to check whether you had any cut or injury....NOTHING. And Dr Tan said his concern is most of the time when you see him, you will cry and refuse to let him check on you, then how can he check whether anything happen to your leg? Anyhow, he told us to see him after dinner.
So when we reached Ah Kong's house, Ah Kong helped to check on your leg too, no luck, nothing found. And initially we thought it's in grown nail, then later Ah Kong said you may hit the side of your leg cause when he press on your leg, your face a bit sour look.
So quickly, daddy and mummy took our shower and dinner, then we headed to see Dr Tan. This is our first time seeing him after he moved to Lam Wah Ee hospital. Mummy doesn't like that hospital, but no choice, we choose to follow Dr Tan. To my disappointment, there isn't anything for children to play at the waiting area as the ped clinic is not separated with other clinics. Luckily, there is a fish tank that can keep you occupied while waiting for your turn.
Luckily we arrived a bit early cause while waiting more and more patients come in, and even though there is only 4 patients in front of us, but we had to wait for around 30 mins before our turn to see Dr Tan.
When your name being called, we brought you into the clinic and Dr Tan said he will not look at you because everytime when he says "Hi" to you, you will cry and insist us to bring you out from his clinic. Before we can do anything, you saw him and started to nag, and you walked to the door, try to open it and want to get out. So quickly Dr Tan hand me a toy to distract you. You are an easy distracted kid, as soon as u see the toy, you walk to me. YES, we need to make you walk as Dr Tan need to see which leg actually causing you walking limp-ly. Then, daddy carry you while Dr Tan checked on you, meanwhile mummy distract you with the toy. You seems ok when Dr Tan checked on you as you busy playing with the toy. When we asked you to show your cheeky smile to Dr Tan, you did it. Dr Tan kept asking you to do it, and you did. Also, mummy told him that you drool quite a lot recently and Dr Tan checked your throat. To our surprise, you open your mouth and let him check! He asked us to give you PCM as your body a bit heaty but no fever. Could be the pain causing your body a bit heaty.
Before we leave the clinic, Dr Tan asked for a hug and a flying kiss from you, and happily gave to him. He said it's his lucky day! hahaha! And last but not least, your CHEEKY smile again to him.
Mummy fed you PCM and very fast after milk, you went to Zzzz land. And whole of last night, you didn't wake up for milk until this morning when we wake you up, you asked for milk.
Daddy and mummy decided to bring you to see your "favourite" ped, Dr Tan. Before that, mummy gave him a call asked for the night clinic time. Dr Tan asked mummy to check whether you had any cut or injury....NOTHING. And Dr Tan said his concern is most of the time when you see him, you will cry and refuse to let him check on you, then how can he check whether anything happen to your leg? Anyhow, he told us to see him after dinner.
So when we reached Ah Kong's house, Ah Kong helped to check on your leg too, no luck, nothing found. And initially we thought it's in grown nail, then later Ah Kong said you may hit the side of your leg cause when he press on your leg, your face a bit sour look.
So quickly, daddy and mummy took our shower and dinner, then we headed to see Dr Tan. This is our first time seeing him after he moved to Lam Wah Ee hospital. Mummy doesn't like that hospital, but no choice, we choose to follow Dr Tan. To my disappointment, there isn't anything for children to play at the waiting area as the ped clinic is not separated with other clinics. Luckily, there is a fish tank that can keep you occupied while waiting for your turn.
Luckily we arrived a bit early cause while waiting more and more patients come in, and even though there is only 4 patients in front of us, but we had to wait for around 30 mins before our turn to see Dr Tan.
When your name being called, we brought you into the clinic and Dr Tan said he will not look at you because everytime when he says "Hi" to you, you will cry and insist us to bring you out from his clinic. Before we can do anything, you saw him and started to nag, and you walked to the door, try to open it and want to get out. So quickly Dr Tan hand me a toy to distract you. You are an easy distracted kid, as soon as u see the toy, you walk to me. YES, we need to make you walk as Dr Tan need to see which leg actually causing you walking limp-ly. Then, daddy carry you while Dr Tan checked on you, meanwhile mummy distract you with the toy. You seems ok when Dr Tan checked on you as you busy playing with the toy. When we asked you to show your cheeky smile to Dr Tan, you did it. Dr Tan kept asking you to do it, and you did. Also, mummy told him that you drool quite a lot recently and Dr Tan checked your throat. To our surprise, you open your mouth and let him check! He asked us to give you PCM as your body a bit heaty but no fever. Could be the pain causing your body a bit heaty.
Before we leave the clinic, Dr Tan asked for a hug and a flying kiss from you, and happily gave to him. He said it's his lucky day! hahaha! And last but not least, your CHEEKY smile again to him.
Mummy fed you PCM and very fast after milk, you went to Zzzz land. And whole of last night, you didn't wake up for milk until this morning when we wake you up, you asked for milk.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My new toy
Recently, i get bored with all my toys, so i decided to find my own toy! This is what i find at home. The IKEA stool that mummy bought long long time ago!

I like to turn the stool upside down and squeeze myself in between. I feel fun doing so. However, everytime daddy and mummy seeing me doing so, they will scream and ask me to stop doing it. For few times, i actually lost balance and fall on my face, luckily not injuring myself. However, i still like to play with it!
Sometimes i do turn the stool upside down and ask mummy to sit in it, but mummy tell me she can't sit in it, which i don't understand! Why i can squeeze myself in and mummy can't squeeze herself in? Can you help me to clear this doubt?

I like to turn the stool upside down and squeeze myself in between. I feel fun doing so. However, everytime daddy and mummy seeing me doing so, they will scream and ask me to stop doing it. For few times, i actually lost balance and fall on my face, luckily not injuring myself. However, i still like to play with it!
Sometimes i do turn the stool upside down and ask mummy to sit in it, but mummy tell me she can't sit in it, which i don't understand! Why i can squeeze myself in and mummy can't squeeze herself in? Can you help me to clear this doubt?
Kindermusik, YES or NO?
I found that Kelvin loves music, so am thinking whether shall we send him to Kindermusik when he’s 18 mths old, which will be next month!
Whenever our little one heard music, he will start to dance, shake his body, shake him bum bum, and sometimes when he sees people dancing in tv, he will follow them! When he is in school, the principal's hubby will bring him over to the elder kids class and let him play with them. And from there, he picks up the dancing skills. cool huh!
So any suggestion? YES or NO?
Whenever our little one heard music, he will start to dance, shake his body, shake him bum bum, and sometimes when he sees people dancing in tv, he will follow them! When he is in school, the principal's hubby will bring him over to the elder kids class and let him play with them. And from there, he picks up the dancing skills. cool huh!
So any suggestion? YES or NO?
New word from "Kelvin Dictionary"
Mummy has been quite slow in blogging since I change to new job. Feel so guilty. There is so many things I want to jot down, but I just can’t find time. (What a lame excuse huh!) Hope you won’t angry at mummy huh!
Mummy just feel very tired and no mood to write much, maybe I will consider this as a short blog break for me…but again, there is lots of things about your milestones that I want to jot down in this e-diary of you.
Time flies, from a baby, you are a chatterbox now. And on and off, you will communicate with daddy and mummy using your baby language. Although we are not sure what you are referring to, but daddy and mummy still try our best to respond to you and you seems excited and talk more. For the past few weeks, you keep telling mummy something which sounds like “dou dou”. Initially I thought the maid in school says “tak tahu” a lot and you pick up the word from her, until……..2 days ago, when we pick you up from school, while daddy reversing the car, you saw the lantern at one of the houses, and you point at it and say “dou dou”…Uh huh, now I know. Your “dou dou” is referring to LANTERN!!! Then mummy tell you that it’s lantern, and you responded to me saying “dou dou”, and you want mummy and daddy repeat after you saying “dou dou”. Finally…….i know what is “dou dou”
Mummy just feel very tired and no mood to write much, maybe I will consider this as a short blog break for me…but again, there is lots of things about your milestones that I want to jot down in this e-diary of you.
Time flies, from a baby, you are a chatterbox now. And on and off, you will communicate with daddy and mummy using your baby language. Although we are not sure what you are referring to, but daddy and mummy still try our best to respond to you and you seems excited and talk more. For the past few weeks, you keep telling mummy something which sounds like “dou dou”. Initially I thought the maid in school says “tak tahu” a lot and you pick up the word from her, until……..2 days ago, when we pick you up from school, while daddy reversing the car, you saw the lantern at one of the houses, and you point at it and say “dou dou”…Uh huh, now I know. Your “dou dou” is referring to LANTERN!!! Then mummy tell you that it’s lantern, and you responded to me saying “dou dou”, and you want mummy and daddy repeat after you saying “dou dou”. Finally…….i know what is “dou dou”
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Conned by my little sweetie
This morning you wake up around 5:30am, and said to me, "Ma Ma, poo poo!" And i thought you want to poo poo and quickly i wake daddy up as only daddy has the stregth to carry you over the toilet bowl for your big business. However, you sit on the toilet bowl for around 1 minute and make some noise, want to get down. NOTHING, NO OUTPUT! duh!! Being cheated! Or maybe you don't have your favourite book with you so you can't do your big business??
Since there isn't any output, so we bring you back to the room, and thank god, you continue to Zzzzzz, **mummy so afraid that you refuse to sleep, but thank god!** so quickly mummy also go into my dreamland to catch up my sleep.
Since there isn't any output, so we bring you back to the room, and thank god, you continue to Zzzzzz, **mummy so afraid that you refuse to sleep, but thank god!** so quickly mummy also go into my dreamland to catch up my sleep.
Monday, March 17, 2008
My little sweetheart
You seems start to feel jealous when you see mummy touching other kids in the day care. Yesterday when mummy pick you up, since Aunty Fong is wearing your shoes for you, so mummy play with Elicia for a while. As soon as you see mummy touching Elicia's hand, you start to make noise and want to get down from Aunty Fong's hand.
I noticed from last week onwards, whenever you see mummy playing with other kids, you will start to make some noise or walk to mummy ask me to carry you. Hmm...sign of my little one growing up and know what belongs to him huh!
I noticed from last week onwards, whenever you see mummy playing with other kids, you will start to make some noise or walk to mummy ask me to carry you. Hmm...sign of my little one growing up and know what belongs to him huh!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
YEAH!!! Daddy coming home tonight!
Finally, after 7 days 6 nights home alone with mummy, daddy will be home tonight!
Mummy can't wait to see him, do you have the same feel too?
Since daddy's flight will touch down at 6:40pm tonight, so mummy will pick you up around 5:15pm, then go for dinner with Ah Kong and Ah Ma, wondering around at the pasar malam nearby our apt, then headed to airport to pick daddy up. Mummy do think of going to airport a bit early and let you see the aeroplane in taking off and landing! I bet you will love it very much!
Mummy can't wait to see him, do you have the same feel too?
Since daddy's flight will touch down at 6:40pm tonight, so mummy will pick you up around 5:15pm, then go for dinner with Ah Kong and Ah Ma, wondering around at the pasar malam nearby our apt, then headed to airport to pick daddy up. Mummy do think of going to airport a bit early and let you see the aeroplane in taking off and landing! I bet you will love it very much!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Home Alone Day 3
Today is Day 3 daddy not at home with us. Everything seems pretty ok for you.
You wake up pretty early today, around 7am. Ah Mah brought you out from the room while mummy continue with my sleep! YES, mummy love sleeping!
When i wake up around 9am, you are sleeping soundly in your cradle. Sigh, you still sleep in cradle when you are in ah kong's house. Gotta hide the cradle and make you sleep on the bed.It's getting more and more dangerous for you to sleep in cradle as you are getting heavier and furthermore you like to turn your body over in the cradle and play with us. One thing good is, you wont turn yourself when you wake up from sleep, you will call us when you wake up and you will only turn when you see us nearby you.
Today is election day, both ee pohs and ah mah only go out to do their voting in the afternoon. And it rain quite heavy though. In the evening, mummy being assigned to think of place for dinner. Initially choice is CRC or Penang Swimming Club, and since the rain gets heavier, mummy suggested Penang Swimming Club and Ah Kong counter offer with his suggestion, go to Forum Restaurant in Island Plaza....hmm.....means we can go shopping!!!
We arrived at Island Plaza quite early, and since it's raining and we forget to bring extra jacket for you, so we decided to get a jacket for you from Metrojaya. Mummy bought you a green color Tweety jacket. It's just a normal cotton jacket. When we let you try on the jacket, as soon as you wear on it, you walked to the fitting room, look into the mirror then giggle. Geez, you are getting more and more naughty and "ai sui" huh! After we pay for the jacket, we let you wear on it. Although the sales person told us the jacket is meant for 4 yrs old kid, but it's just fit on you. Duh!!! Don't fool by the labelling huh!
We then proceed to the restaurant. Our table is just few steps from the entrance and they even have a baby chair prepared, unlike some other restaurant, they will tell me first come first serve for baby chair! You must be very hungry and keep making noise, then only we realised your last intake of milk is around 3pm. Geez, what a careless mummy. Luckily i brought along the soup that i prepared for you, so i asked for rice and feed you some. After few feed, you decided that you want to walk around in the restaurant. You spotted the long bench at the restaurant's reception area, and you asked mummy to bring you there. You even asked ah kong and mummy lye down on the bench together with you. Also, you play with the waiters and waitress in the restaurant. You don't seems shy, you will show people your cheeky smile. Very soon, our dinner being served! We ordered winter melon soup, eel, claypot toufu and veggie.
As usual, we will let you take tofu with rice, and this time, mummy let you try on some winter melon and you love it so much. You can't wait for mummy to feed you with the food, so end up, mummy and ah kong take turn to feed you so that all of us can have opportunity to eat! hahaha!
After dinner, we continue with our shopping. We wanted to get you a pair of sandals as you show strong interest on the sandals that ah mah wear in the house. Unfortunately, we can't find something that nice and furthermore the salesgirl doesn't seems helpful at all. Mummy let you play with one of the trolley bag in Metrojaya and you seems able to pull the bag around without any problem. You even can pull the bag in between a narrow space......After that, you wak around the toy section, once you spot anything that ca catch your attention, you will take it down and put it on the floor, look at it for a while, then continue with your hunting game. Poor 2nd ee poh and ah kong need to chase after you and put back all the toys that you take from the shelf. And guess what, mummy did mention shopping right? Shopping means we will sure buy something right? We bought you 2 pairs of pyjamas, 2 shirts...and guess what, we spend around RM140 for dinner and we spend around rM100 on you !! hahaha! While we were choosing clothes for you, you were running around the place and poor ah kong has to chase after you!! haha!
Ok, time to go back!! You started to become cranky on the way home, i guess you probably feel sleepy. You still refuse to sleep in the car, so we have to keep you entertain and also bear with a noisy toddler in the car! Since daddy going to karaoke with his staffs, so he called back earlier and you did talk to him. But then....when we were at home, you refuse to sleep and keep looking for daddy. Mummy has no choice besides calling daddy and let you "talk' to him. Surprise ! Surprise! After you "talk" to daddy , you agree to sleep and in fact, you go to your lala-land very fast. Another smooth day.....
You wake up pretty early today, around 7am. Ah Mah brought you out from the room while mummy continue with my sleep! YES, mummy love sleeping!
When i wake up around 9am, you are sleeping soundly in your cradle. Sigh, you still sleep in cradle when you are in ah kong's house. Gotta hide the cradle and make you sleep on the bed.It's getting more and more dangerous for you to sleep in cradle as you are getting heavier and furthermore you like to turn your body over in the cradle and play with us. One thing good is, you wont turn yourself when you wake up from sleep, you will call us when you wake up and you will only turn when you see us nearby you.
Today is election day, both ee pohs and ah mah only go out to do their voting in the afternoon. And it rain quite heavy though. In the evening, mummy being assigned to think of place for dinner. Initially choice is CRC or Penang Swimming Club, and since the rain gets heavier, mummy suggested Penang Swimming Club and Ah Kong counter offer with his suggestion, go to Forum Restaurant in Island Plaza....hmm.....means we can go shopping!!!
We arrived at Island Plaza quite early, and since it's raining and we forget to bring extra jacket for you, so we decided to get a jacket for you from Metrojaya. Mummy bought you a green color Tweety jacket. It's just a normal cotton jacket. When we let you try on the jacket, as soon as you wear on it, you walked to the fitting room, look into the mirror then giggle. Geez, you are getting more and more naughty and "ai sui" huh! After we pay for the jacket, we let you wear on it. Although the sales person told us the jacket is meant for 4 yrs old kid, but it's just fit on you. Duh!!! Don't fool by the labelling huh!
We then proceed to the restaurant. Our table is just few steps from the entrance and they even have a baby chair prepared, unlike some other restaurant, they will tell me first come first serve for baby chair! You must be very hungry and keep making noise, then only we realised your last intake of milk is around 3pm. Geez, what a careless mummy. Luckily i brought along the soup that i prepared for you, so i asked for rice and feed you some. After few feed, you decided that you want to walk around in the restaurant. You spotted the long bench at the restaurant's reception area, and you asked mummy to bring you there. You even asked ah kong and mummy lye down on the bench together with you. Also, you play with the waiters and waitress in the restaurant. You don't seems shy, you will show people your cheeky smile. Very soon, our dinner being served! We ordered winter melon soup, eel, claypot toufu and veggie.
As usual, we will let you take tofu with rice, and this time, mummy let you try on some winter melon and you love it so much. You can't wait for mummy to feed you with the food, so end up, mummy and ah kong take turn to feed you so that all of us can have opportunity to eat! hahaha!
After dinner, we continue with our shopping. We wanted to get you a pair of sandals as you show strong interest on the sandals that ah mah wear in the house. Unfortunately, we can't find something that nice and furthermore the salesgirl doesn't seems helpful at all. Mummy let you play with one of the trolley bag in Metrojaya and you seems able to pull the bag around without any problem. You even can pull the bag in between a narrow space......After that, you wak around the toy section, once you spot anything that ca catch your attention, you will take it down and put it on the floor, look at it for a while, then continue with your hunting game. Poor 2nd ee poh and ah kong need to chase after you and put back all the toys that you take from the shelf. And guess what, mummy did mention shopping right? Shopping means we will sure buy something right? We bought you 2 pairs of pyjamas, 2 shirts...and guess what, we spend around RM140 for dinner and we spend around rM100 on you !! hahaha! While we were choosing clothes for you, you were running around the place and poor ah kong has to chase after you!! haha!
Ok, time to go back!! You started to become cranky on the way home, i guess you probably feel sleepy. You still refuse to sleep in the car, so we have to keep you entertain and also bear with a noisy toddler in the car! Since daddy going to karaoke with his staffs, so he called back earlier and you did talk to him. But then....when we were at home, you refuse to sleep and keep looking for daddy. Mummy has no choice besides calling daddy and let you "talk' to him. Surprise ! Surprise! After you "talk" to daddy , you agree to sleep and in fact, you go to your lala-land very fast. Another smooth day.....
Friday, March 7, 2008
Home Alone Day 2
Day 1 seems peaceful..and Day 2 also started with a peaceful day!Phew..what a relief.
Daddy gave mummy a call in the morning, and since i'm in the office, so you don't get to talk to daddy.
Daddy called back in the evening, but mummy missed the call, why? Coz mummy and ah ma busy trying our best to drag you out from D Monte's playground. Mummy went to pay your school fee and you saw so many ge ge jie jie playing at the playground, you insisted to get down together with me. No choice, we let you play for a while, then drag a protesting kid from the playground.
Later in the evening, when mummy started to get sleepy, daddy called around 8:30pm. When i passed the phone over to you, you said "pa pa" for couple of times, and mummy asked you to give daddy a kiss, you kiss my phone! HAHAHAA!! Not sure daddy can feel your salive over the phone or not. After "updating" daddy with our status, mummy brought you to the room. When i asked you how you kiss daddy again, you took my phone and kiss the phone. *slap forehead*
You refused to sleep, instead you roll here and there, even try to walk in the room with socks on, seems like you can walk pretty well with socks huh! Not long after that, finally....you agree to go to your lala-land. Phew!!
Hmm..seems like you didn't notice that daddy is not around eventhough you said out daddy for few times. But after mummy told you that daddy is in China for business trip, then you will stop looking for him.
Daddy gave mummy a call in the morning, and since i'm in the office, so you don't get to talk to daddy.
Daddy called back in the evening, but mummy missed the call, why? Coz mummy and ah ma busy trying our best to drag you out from D Monte's playground. Mummy went to pay your school fee and you saw so many ge ge jie jie playing at the playground, you insisted to get down together with me. No choice, we let you play for a while, then drag a protesting kid from the playground.
Later in the evening, when mummy started to get sleepy, daddy called around 8:30pm. When i passed the phone over to you, you said "pa pa" for couple of times, and mummy asked you to give daddy a kiss, you kiss my phone! HAHAHAA!! Not sure daddy can feel your salive over the phone or not. After "updating" daddy with our status, mummy brought you to the room. When i asked you how you kiss daddy again, you took my phone and kiss the phone. *slap forehead*
You refused to sleep, instead you roll here and there, even try to walk in the room with socks on, seems like you can walk pretty well with socks huh! Not long after that, finally....you agree to go to your lala-land. Phew!!
Hmm..seems like you didn't notice that daddy is not around eventhough you said out daddy for few times. But after mummy told you that daddy is in China for business trip, then you will stop looking for him.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Home Alone Day 1
Today is the first day, mummy home alone with you. We are not actually home alone, we are in Ah Kong's house. We will stay in Ah Kong's house til daddy back from China, which will be next Wed.
So far so good, you seems didn't notice that daddy is not around. What mummy worry is, you will start to look for daddy at night, when you want to sleep. Can't recall since when, anyhow, it's quite recent, you will request daddy and mummy lye beside you while you want to sleep. You will make sure both of us sleep beside you, then only you will willing to go to your lala-land. But since the day mummy get to know daddy has to travel to China, i took up the challenge to tug you to bed all by myself. So far so good until last Friday, mummy suddenly fall sick, so i have to ask daddy to tug you to sleep. There goes our plan to tug you to bed by mummy.
I hope tonight will be a peaceful night for you and me. You will go to your lala-land as soon as you finish your milk. Keep my fingers crossed!!! Wish me luck!
So far so good, you seems didn't notice that daddy is not around. What mummy worry is, you will start to look for daddy at night, when you want to sleep. Can't recall since when, anyhow, it's quite recent, you will request daddy and mummy lye beside you while you want to sleep. You will make sure both of us sleep beside you, then only you will willing to go to your lala-land. But since the day mummy get to know daddy has to travel to China, i took up the challenge to tug you to bed all by myself. So far so good until last Friday, mummy suddenly fall sick, so i have to ask daddy to tug you to sleep. There goes our plan to tug you to bed by mummy.
I hope tonight will be a peaceful night for you and me. You will go to your lala-land as soon as you finish your milk. Keep my fingers crossed!!! Wish me luck!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Home alone
Daddy will be away to China for a week, so mummy will be home alone with you for a week. Since last week, mummy already tug you to bed all by myself, so that you will be able to get used to it when daddy is away for the business trip.
It has been a week, and still, you will look for daddy when you are about to sleep. Somehow, mummy able to tug you to sleep! **clap clap for mummy!**
Wish me luck! But mummy will definately miss daddy, and i bet you will miss him too!
It has been a week, and still, you will look for daddy when you are about to sleep. Somehow, mummy able to tug you to sleep! **clap clap for mummy!**
Wish me luck! But mummy will definately miss daddy, and i bet you will miss him too!
Daddy, have a pleasant trip, fast fast come home, we miss you!
from mummy and baby Kelvin
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