Sunday, September 27, 2009
Help ME!!
Incident #1
Once, when you had conjunctivitis, Ms Goh volunteer to help us to take care you. And we asked her to put eye drop for you....And you hate people putting eye drop for you. Once, you know that it's almost time for eye drop, you told Ms Goh that you want to go wee wee...after wee wee, you told Ms Goh that you will lock her in the toilet. She doesn't seems to believe you will do so, so she ignore you. Who know, you run out of the toilet and lock her inside the toilet. After that you went to uncle James room. And i am not sure whether you told uncle James that you locked Ms Goh in the toilet or not. Seems that uncle James and por por do not aware that Ms Goh being lock in the toilet...until kakak come to the house and she heard some noise from the toilet....and guess what, it's Ms Goh inside the toilet asking for help! LOL! When i picked you up from her house in the evening, she told me about this and we both had a very good laugh over what you have done!You are such a naughty boy!
Incident #2
Today while everyone was so busy with their own task, you tag along with Ah Ma to the balcony. As Ah Ma want to wash the balcony, so she doesn't allow you to go out to the balcony...and guess what happen? You told Ah Ma that you want to lock her outside. And Ah Ma didn't take it seriously. And at the end, you did that you say! You locked her outside at the balcony.
You ran to the room and tell 2 Ee Pohs that you locked ah ma. And they thought you close the room's door and doesn't want to let ah ma come into their room. No one actually know that poor ah Ma is being locked outside at the balcony.
Ah Ma keep shouting and no one hear her. Ah 2nd Ee Poh wanted to tease you by telling you that she wants to open the room's door to let ah ma come in. But you don't bother at all, coz i guess you know you locked ah ma outside and there is no way ah ma can come into eldest ee poh's room. And 2nd ee poh open the door, telling you she wants to let ah ma come in, and she heard some noise at her room. So she went to her room and check. She heard someone banging on the balcony door, and OMG , it's ah ma out there!!!
And now, only they recalled that you did run to them and tell them you locked ah ma outside! Earlier non of them believe that you will be able to lock ah ma at the balcony. Now, everyone need to be super careful when they are alone with you as anytime you may lock them somewhere else! LOL!
Almost there...for the party
I ordered cake for Kaitlyn, and Kelvin's cake still yet to order as he can't make up his mind, one moment tell me he wants transformer's cake; next moment he tells me he wants Thomas and Friends cake; and a moment later he will tell me he wants Tom & Jerry cake. So, what i have in my mind is, get him a plain cake and i go buy some miniature of transformers, thomas & friends and Tom & Jerry, put everything on top of the cake for him..ta daaa! Whatever he wants, i got it for him! haha! What do you think?
We went to Queensbay Mall yesterday night, did some shopping for 2 of them, bought them new swimsuit, new clothes to wear on their birthday and also got some goodies for the party bag.
Looking forward to the birthday celebration. Hopefully all kids will enjoy themselves and all adults will enjoy eating. Errm....don't put much hope on the food ya, i'm going to buy some from this stall, buy some from that shop!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Don't disturb me
Another TV addict at home. At such age, Kaitlyn will give her full attention to the TV whenever we switch on any cartoon. So most of the time i need to be the bad mummy, i will switch off the TV and get her crawl all around the house. I prefer her to be moving around rather that sitting in front of the TV.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Family lunch at E&O Hotel
I filled up half of Kaitlyn's tummy, then pass the feeding task to my mom and i proceed to filled up my own tummy. Although it was my xth times to have buffet there, so far the food quality still well maintained.

Kaitlyn finished all the porridge that i brought from home, and yet she still keep asking for food when she sees us eating. Luckily i spare some baby rice biscuit for her, at least the biscuit can keep her occupy for whort while. She ate 5 biscuits on top of her porridge. Even though she eats quite a lot, but she doesn't gain much weght. I guess this is due to she's too active.
As for Kelvin, he's more interested with playing at promenade instead of having meal in the restaurant.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Bye Bye diaper!
It has been long waiting…I’ve been waiting for the day…The day when you tell me you are ready diaperless! Last night, you refuse to put on your diaper, no matter how we coax you, you still refuse to give in. So finally, mummy make the final call, go diaperless for the night.
Since it’s Saturday night, so daddy and mummy stay up late. Has been long time daddy and mummy do not have a “our time” to watch a movie peacefully. Daddy bought a Korean DVD, “Tsunami” and we decided to watch it after both of you fall sleep. After the movie, it’s 1-ish am, mummy carried you to the toilet for wee wee, and of course you make some fuss when I carried you to the toilet. You keep telling me you want to sleep, but mummy keep telling you that you need to wee as you are diaperless. And you did wee despite of you are at sleeping mode.
Another round of wee wee around 4am when mei mei wake me up for midnite feeding. After that all of us sleeping soundly until next morning around 830am. We managed to go through the first diaperless night with dry bed!
Bravo baby! You are well prepared for this! Mummy so happy and proud of you! So now, all those XXL diapers that we bought for you, i guess we need to pass it to mei mei, but i do hope that she doesn't need to use that much of XXL size diapers. Hope she can goes diaperless as fast as you.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wish can have more than 24 hrs a day
K:mummy, you sleep with me ok?
When i heard of such a request, my heart really broken, i asked myself, how could i treat my son that way? He's going to turn 3 in less than a month time, he's still such a young boy, and how could i neglect him and not spending as much time as possible with him. As soon as i lay down beside him, guess what he said to me.......
Kelvin said, "mummy, you are very nice to me!"
Geez....you know, this sentence really heart wrenching. To me, it sounds like he really treasure the time i sleep beside him and i further asked him,
M:baby, do you misses the time mummy sleep with you?
K: yes, i want mummy to sleep with me and pat pat me
OMG! I don't know what to say next. I wish i can have more than 24 hrs a day!
Sometimes when we are in the car, he will ask me whether is it ok for him to sit at the backseat with me and Kaitlyn. Of course, if Kaitlyn is in good mood and not cranky, i will more than to let Kelvin sit with us as i can play with him in the car.
As for Kaitlyn, she is super glu to me. Whenever she sees me, she will wants me to carry her. And as soon as i leave her on her own, she will scream, cry until i attend to her. Even if daddy or ke ke is beside her, when she is not in the mood, she will cry until i carry her. That's why i spend more time on her as no one else can handle her when we are back to our house. If we are at my parents house, at least she will stick to her grandpa. Some people used to say, daughter is daddy's previous life's girlfriend, but for my little princess, i think she is her grandpa's previous life's girlfriend, LOL!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Birthday cake hunting
I saw the brochure on some cupckaes and i quite like the design. In fact, for the past 2 years, i ordered cup cakes for Kelvin's birthday celebration. As for this year, maybe i would like to get him a birthday cake instead of cup cake. But well, i still try my luck to visit the cup cake shop at the Pan Palace Plaza at Lip Sin.
We reached Pan Palace Plaza at 6pm, the whole plaza quite vacant. Walked up til 3rd floor, can't find the cup cake shop, so i gave a call to the owner.....
The respond is "sorry, our shop is under renovation, currently we operate from home, the shop will only open by early Oct"
Duh! So next stop is ...
Cake Story at another side of Lip Sin.
I saw there is few nice cakes displayed in the fridge. Can't decide what to get for Kelvin, so i asked him,
M: Kelvin, what you want for your birthday cake?
** I asked such questions few times and i get different answers. Seems like my little boy can't make up his mind. Earlier, he told me he wants Thomas and Friend, then lately he told me he wants Transformers. And when we were at Cake Story cake house, he told me he wants Tom and Jerry. **slapped forehead**
K: I want Tom and Jerry
M: ok, then mummy choose some pics and you decide.
Kaitlyn's cake easier to decide as i already have the idea in my mind. I want to get her a baby doll cake. And i found it.....
As for Kelvin's cake, still undecided because, the one that i like very costly. I saw on Tom and Jerry cake at Cake Story, and i wanted chocolate moist cake. The quotation is RM196 for a 2kg cake. No way...i am not a cake lover so i don't think i will spend so much on it. So the lady offer me German chocolate flavor, and the price also sky high...it's RM 176. Different of RM20. So i told her to place order for Kaitlyn's cake and i will reconsider the cake for Kelvin.
Before we leave the cake house, Kelvin told me he wants to buy a cake. And to my surprise, he asked for a cake. I bought one small cake for him and he can't wait to eat it. As soon as we reached home, he ate the cake happily. I am so happy seeing him enjoying the cake as my little boy doesn't like anything that taste sweet, but to my surprise, he loves chocolate cake. Like mother like son! yeah!
My little queen at home
Poor ke ke, he has to keep switching with the toy that he is playing and he doesn't get to play with the toy that he wants. Everyone keep asking him to let you play with the toy that you want. And not long after that, we discovered your trick and we no longer asking ke ke to give you want you want. Instead, we give you what we want you to play. But of course, you do not happy with the arrangement. So what happen...you scream your lung out loudly and sharply. LOL! Well, we assume you are exercising your lung!
And also, our neighbor has minor renovation on their house, so when the workers drilling the wall, you will scold them "uuuuhh!" Same thing happen when the dogs bark. You will scold them "uuuuh!" LOL! Oh...my dear little queen at home!
Oh my goodness
Ah ma told me when you were in the car with them, for some reason, suddenly you said out "oh my goodness" when you are not happy with the way they answer your "why why why" question.
Daddy said it's all because of me like to use that word.
Well, luckily mummy don't use any bad word, else i will have hard time to "format" the word from your memory.