As soon as we parked our car in Tesco parking lot, Kelvin reminded us that he wants to have McD sundae cone. Hubb told him that he will get to eat the ice cream after our grocery. So quickly, we get what we want and plan to headed home as for don't know what reason, i;m having bad headache.
While we were approaching the Leomag waffle store, he reminded us his ice cream. So not to disappoint the little boy of us, we get him one. Wait...not end yet...we brought 2 of the kids out for grocery, but we only buy ONE ice cream! We were hoping Kaitlyn won't ask for the ice cream. However, as soon as Kaitlyn see her brother holding the ice cream, she quickly ask for ice cream too.
Hubb quickly carry Kaitlyn away and i keep asking Kelvin hurry up with his ice cream. **Pity Kelvin**
But Kelvin don't seems to bother us much, he takes his own sweet time to scoop the ice cream. I always asked for a spoon when i buy Sundae cone. He likes to scoop the ice cream. And you may wonder why i am not getting him a sundae cup? Reason is, he loves the sundae cone biscuit.**slapped forehead**
When we get into the car, Kaitlyn keep insisting for ice cream, and i told her to wait and i will get the ice cream from kek for her. Guess what? My little girl told me, " i want, NOW!" She repeated it for 2 times. **wah, so fierce!** So i need to sweet talk with Kelvin, ask him to pass the ice cream to Kaitlyn. Luckily Kelvin is a sweet boy, he always willing to share his thing with others. ** well, not sure this is good or bad though**
When i passed the ice cream to Kaitlyn, i can notice the "i win" facial expression. And when i asked her to share some with her keke, she said to me , "NO!" **slapped forehead** At the end, because i only ask for 1 spoon, so i need to use the straw in Kelvin's tumble to scoop the ice cream for Kelvin. And while i'm scooping the ice cream away, the little girl was screaming and quickly scoop the ice cream too. It's kinda find seeing the 2 kids of mine has their own personalities. But too bad, the boy has softer personality and the girl has strong personality.
Lesson learn, always buy McD sundae cone to each of your kids and don't count on them to share it. We are living on the land which is so so so hot, so once in a while, get the kid some ice cream to cool them down and make them happy. If 1 ice cream vs more than 1 kid, it will ended up as "I SCREAM" not "ice cream"