My lil princess, Kaitlyn, is getting more and more cheeky and talkative. I remembered, when she start to pick up word, i feel kinda worry as she hardly talk much as compare to Kelvin. But now, gosh, she talk non stop and sometimes she will surprise me with all her word and excuses!
Lately, when i ask her to pose for me, she will do all sorts of funny expression.
Her serious face, as she's rocking her baby doll to sleep. Thanks to
Aunty Angie for getting her the doll.And yes, now she no longer reject any soft toys. I tried to get her play with soft toys so many times and she will burst into tears when she sees it. But..she got this as her 2 ys old present and she just love it so much. **hint, maybe she likes the doll that bought by
aunty Angie**

Another favorite expression of hers me her tongue whenever i ask her to pose.

shh..don't disturb me, i am talking over phone. She will pretend she's talking on the phone with me.
K: hello, mummy, where are u? ok..bye bye. LOL!

Of all, i LOVE this pic the most. She's so sweet in this pic. Whenever i feel bored or tired, i just need to have a look at this pic, and i will fully re-energized!
I don't get your hint. But good to note she's shifted interest from the BAG to the doll!
ReplyDeleteAngie: u still don't get the hint? Nvr mind, u just need to get her more toys :)