I received his whole year assessment on 11/15, and with heavy heart, i opened up the report book. And to my surprise, he scored straight A for every items listed in the report card. But again, i don't happy with it, not that i am giving him pressure. The reason i am not happy with the result is, i know he he very bad in mandarin, and i can't understand how can he score A for mandarin. So i waited til Parent Teacher meet up on Thursday and clarify with his teacher.
On Thursday 11/18, after dinner, we headed to the school for the parent teacher meet up. And i managed to have a good talk with the teacher. According to the teacher, they rate the children based on their academy progress and their learning attitude. They are seeing there's tremendous improvement on his learning attitude. As a reward, they give him A for those he scored B in the half yr assessment. Receive good feedback on him from teacher, except for one thing, need further improvement on his mandarin. But he is not alone, teacher told me, majority of Kelvin's friends are bad in mandarin as most of them speaks English. LOL! And at the same time, teacher invited me to the prize giving ceremony on the next day as my little boy get the 3rd placing in his class. BRAVO!!! Never expect this though!
On Friday, 11/19, early morning Kelvin asked me to drop him to school, telling me he will receive trophy today. He's so excited with it. I kept telling him that the event will start at 9am. LOL! When i get there, he was so excited and straight bring me to the table where they put all the trophies. He was so excited and keep checking at his trophy. I am not sure whether he knows what is going on and how he manage to get the trophy.
Kelvin's friend , J : Kelvin, u are number 1 and i am number 2, HZ is number 3.
LOL! Kids are kids...i doubt they really know what is happening. His friend and him thought, the first one who get the trophy is number 1...in fact, it's the other way round.
After everyone get their trophies, it's group photo session. My little boy so happy to show his trophy but too bad, he was blocked by one of his friends. So can't see his face clearly in the pic. When i leave the school after the prize giving ceremony, he kept tell me that i need to keep show his trophy to daddy and keep in daddy's car. LOL! Too bad, daddy is busy at work, so he missed the opportunity to join the fun.
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