Wednesday, January 23, 2013


一直以为, 当大宝贝上一年级, 我就会较轻松. 天啊, 原来我错了. 大宝贝上了一年级, 我比以往更忙,有时, 我还得帮他做功课 不明白呒为什么会有那么多的涂颜色活动. 感觉上大宝贝好像在上幼儿园而不是国小. 不懂大宝贝有什么感想.

不想给他太多的压力, 但是又不放心, 总爱检查他的功课. 其实, 我这大宝贝, 他蛮乖的, 功课时常在学校做完, 但是, 但是, 但是, 因为社会要求完美无缺, 老师说, 大宝贝的字体不美, 所以我每晚得叫他从写. 可怜的大宝贝, 每次我骂他因为字体不美, 他就会用那是懂非懂的眼神看着我, 搞得我心疼到半命!!!!

希望接下来, 我和大宝贝会慢慢的适应这种生活.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My happy boy!

I am off on second half of today...why??  Because today i need to drop by my boy's school to collect RM100 that given my government. Last night i informed my boy that i will be going to his school today and this morning before he leave for his daycare class, my boy so happy and reminded me that he said he can see me in school today. And of course i am happy too, coz i can see him in the school.

 I purposely take second half of the day off because i want to have a peaceful mind so that i can give my sweetest smile to my boy when i go to his school.
When i was queuing up, noticed that my boy so well behaved. Instead of day dreaming and look around, he took out his Chinese text book and pretend he is reading the book, LOL! Hope that he will keep this well behave behavior not only today but everyday in the school.

Whose fault?? Me? You? Society??

Today when i went to collect the RM100 from school, received a small complain from the form teacher on my boy's writing. Well, i know, this day will come as my boy doesn't write neatly and nicely as compare to other kids at the same age. Even though i know this problem, but when i heard this from his form teacher, my heart sank. But of course, i still need to act cool in front of the teacher, so i told the teacher please help me and it's ok if she were to request him to rewrite as long as it's meeting her expectation. Well, the form teacher did briefly explain to me the expectation of the school. Well, in fact, most of the Chinese school expect the kids to write properly like the example below.

When i reached home, quickly goggle for solution, well, not that i am a kiasu mom, but i do not want this minor thing hinder my boy from loving school life.  At last i found this article,  Special Education/My 5 year old can't write properly.In this article, it did mention that kid who was highly visual will have this problem.I will need to fully digest this article and find way to help my son to improve his writing.

I know, since we are in government school, we need to follow the expectations, rules and regulations. But what does writing matter so much?? His writing is not that bad til un-readable, it's just that the writing is not on the line per the example. So my poor boy need to spend most of his night rewrite whatever has been written in the school. I rather he spend his time doing some other more value added thing rather then rewrite all the writing.

Well, do u want a kid who can write like typewrite or printing machine and no creativity at all, or u want a kid whose writing is so so and creative?? I rather my son to be creative though. But not much we can do since we are in government school.  So, what's next?? Me and my boy need to work together to have this problem resolve else me and him will keep getting complain from teacher on this minor issue. Wish both of us good luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boy, u can do it!!! Good luck and all the best!!

Last night, while checking through my son’s homework book, saw him write down one of the item which is for this coming Saturday’s drawing contest. The title is 海边~ seaside.
As I know my son well, he doesn’t has the interest in drawing nor coloring. But he is quite creative, he can draw robot, cartoon well, but not a proper drawing type.

So I goggle-ed a simple seaside picture for him and at the same time I simplify it further for him. I can sense that he is trying his best to mimic what I drew and until one point of time,snd here’s the sad part of the day, he asked me whether can he being excused from participating in the contest. I wish I can opt him out too, but this is part of school activity for this coming Saturday. Cruelly, I turn him down and tell him, NOPE, YOU HAVE TO TAKE PART. But of course I did explain to him why he needs to participate.

I really don’t understand, why the school EXPECT a first grader DRAW the picture themselves!!!! Not every kid can draw well at this age. I don’t mind if it’s a coloring contest, but what I hear from here and there is, the kid need to DRAW and color it themselves.

It's very heart wrenching seeing my boy so discouraging. And this is  his FIRST time showing this type of respond to me. In the past, no matter how bad the situation is, he will never tell me he want to pull out from anything. But this time, he made his first request to me. And i REJECTED him. Boy, no worry so much, you just need to do your best. Be it success or fail, at least you have given your best effort, daddy and mummy will always be here to support you! Cheers, my boy!! Remember, YOU CAN DO IT !!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Another heart wrenching moment with my boy

I have no clue, why under this new education system KSSR, there is so many coloring and tracing activities. And this is the area where my boy can't do well at all. Ever since kindy, my son hates tracing and coloring, he doesn't has the patience to do tracing and coloring well. He will just scribble and that's it!!! I tend to close one eye during his kindy time, and i really make a big mistake and this mistake bring endless pain to me and him.

Everytime, when he bring back tracing and coloring activity from school, i will have hard time with him. I will have to shout at my top volume to make him redo his coloring. Same thing happen today. I was so unhappy with his coloring work and insisted him to redo it. And i am seeing him struggling to fill up all the empty spaces in the drawing.

I shouted, scolded, yelled....and i can see him holding his tears in his eyes. And i really feel i am so helpless, i really really hope that i can help him. But, he himself is the only person who can help him. He needs to really stay focus on the tracing and coloring in order to have it done properly.

After awhile, i tone myself down, and had a conversation with him,

M: boy, mummy always scold you, do you angry at me?
K: hmm...a little bit angry

Sigh, boy, i hope you will not angry at me and hope that you will understand mummy. Because of this don't know what education system that only have 2 major exams per year, so i have no clue how the teachers will assess the children's performance. 


我一向来都认为当个称职的妈妈不容易, 真的,是不容易. 尤其是当你得工作和家庭兼职时,简直就希望你有超能力,  可以一发个简单的命令, 所有的东西都可以在你控制之下完成任务. 想得美, 世上哪有不劳而获的东西, 若有的话, 你我他就不必工作得那么辛苦.

但是,有些妈妈, 她们却能工作和家庭兼职, 把家人安抚得很妥当. 好羡慕.

上星期,简直是在考验我的能力,老板不停的要这要那, ,  一个容易的price proposal 竟然要我重做,再重做. 改变的不是我的建议 , 要改的竟然是那不起眼的 power point formatting.  天啊......然后,呒老板竟然还批评我的建议书, 讲我做得好烂...

可是, 有料的人,就是有料嘛...当我把建议书呈上与 Brand 讨论时, 既然我的大家都同意, 还说合理....哈哈! 老板很不心甘情愿的在大伙前赞我! 好假!


Saturday, January 12, 2013

How should i answer this question ?

This morning, my boy asked me,

K:Mummy, why last time when u send me to D'Monte, all the daddy and mummy are not in the school with the kids on first few days, and when u send me to KwangHwa time, all kids daddy and mummy are with the kids in the school for few days

M:Boy, coz KwangHwa is a big school, and new environment for all kids and the parents too, so we all go school together with you all

K:Mummy, D'Monte also a new place for us on our first day...

M: **oops** Errm, coz in D'Monte, less student and teachers can handle the kids well, and also teachers know the kids' parents too, so parents feel safe leaving their kid and leave to work.

K: oh....

Not sure he understand me or not, but glad that he ended the conversation, else i won't know how to answer him further

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cinderella visiting our house

While we are having our dinner, since my little girl already had her dinner in school, so she doesn't want to join us at the table, and she decided to find her own activitiy.

It's weird that she doesn't come by and talk to me, usually, she will on and off pop by and talk to me to remind me that "mummy, i am alone, when will you come to play with me".  Guess what keep her occupied?

It's my messy kitchen drawer :) For an unknown reason, she opened up the top drawer in the kitchen where i usually throw all plastic bag into it. I used to fold the plastic bag nicely before i put into the drawer, but after a while, i get lazy and just throw all plastic bags into it. She takes one big plastic bag and slowly put all small plastic bags into it.
She then bring the whole big bag and put it on the sofa in the living room. Reason is, she can't put the big bag into the drawer, LOL! She's such an adorable girl, agree??

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 2 of schooling

Time flies, this is week2 of you attending primary one. For this week onwards, parents are not allowed in school area and this make me kept thinking of you the moment the clock ticking at 11am. I start to think of have you ready for your bath, have you taken your lunch, have you get picked up by the van .....Actually, i don't have to worry on this because you already get used to it from last week's routine.

It's so hard to wait til 6:40pm. I wish i can make the clock fast so that i can see you soon. And finally my dream come true, no no, not that i am able to turn the clock faster though. It's after long waiting, finally i am seeing the clock finally reaching 6:20pm. So again, i went to school, waiting for you at outside of the gate. Yes, this week onwards, parents are not allowed to go in, so all parents wait outside of the main gate.

A while later, i can see group of students walking out and uh huh, i spotted groups of students with purple name tag. You are getting smarter, you kept look around searching for mummy, and as i told you, instead of me finding you, it will be rather easier for you to look for me and walk to me :) Very fast, i saw a cheeky boy smiling happily at me and it's you!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

上学了...Going to Primary 1

Today is a remarkable day as it's a brand new start of the new chapter in your schooling life. You are entering to Primary one under government school. You in fact looking forward attending primary school as you feel that you are officially a "big boy" by going to primary school.

As usual, daddy and mummy dropped you at daycare around 9am. And in fact, teacher told us to wait for you at school's main gate around 12:40pm. However, even though mummy told teacher "OK" , but me and daddy still drop by daycare around 12:15pm because i want to see how my darling boy get himself ready for his first day at school. And the actual reason is, mummy refuse to accept the truth that you are growing up too fast!! I want to keep this moment in my memory, i want to see how you get yourself up and down from the school van. To my surprise, some other of your friends' parents also drop by at the day care, LOL! So, we are not alone, there is others parents who misses their precious.

The van come at around 12:30pm, and all of you happily carrying your SUPER HEAVY school bag and humpty-dumptyly walked up to the van. The van services actually operated by a couple , so the husband drive meanwhile the wife will sit at the back with all the kids. And they do help the kids to get up and get down from the van too. Quite happy with the service though. As soon as the van moved, all parents also get back to their cars and headed to the school to wait for their precious.

We waited at the main gate and every passby van make us excited and finally you guys arrived. I tempted to go help you, but i didn't as i know, i can't help you on this everyday. So i just stand and observing you. The van aunty did actually help each of you getting down from the van and ready with your school bag. All of you then being redirected to the waiting area. All of you seems happy and i do see some crying kids.

Next thing is, all of you being bring by your form teacher to your class and then to the hall for briefing. And for the first 3 days, you guys has the luxury of having earlier recess time and since we already pre-booked the meal for you, so one less worry for me and you.

Since both me and daddy yet to have our lunch, so we quickly sneak out to have a quick lunch before your recess time. We were in time back to the school before your recess time. And what is today's meal?? It's your favorite "Chee Cheong Fun". In few minutes time, you finished up the whole plate and we quickly bring you to washroom, and get you back to the assembly area to line up and go back to your class. Recess time is 20 minutes, but in fact it's just enough time for you to eat and line up in washroom.

When you get back to your classroom after recess time, daddy and mummy went back to have a short break. It's really tiring to spend almost half a day in the school though.

Before i realised any further, it's time to pick you up. Again, we headed to the school, and before i reached school, aunty Grace called me telling me all of you already line up and looks like getting ready to walk out from the classroom. I need to half way and run towards your class. Luckily i am just in time, all of you just line up and waiting for your class's turn to walk out. I then walked to the main gate, waiting for you. But you gave me a heart attack, i can't find you when all students are lining up at the main gate assembly area. I was searching high and low for you and thanks to one of your kindy classmate ~ Gui Teng mom, she told me she saw you somewhere around awhile ago and help me to find you. And poor boy, you get pushed by some other kids to other part of the assembly line, that's why you are not lining up accordingly to your class color. I guess at that point of time, my facial expression must be telling everyone that i am looking for my precious ^_^.

That's the end of Day 1 of you at school. Overall, i can feel that you do enjoy the schooling life, which is a good sign :) WELL DONE, my boy! On the way back, you kept complaining that you are hungry, LOL!

My 2 sweethearts

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