Wednesday, May 30, 2007
New skills!
Yesterday when mummy picked you up from school, i noticed that you pick up new skill, which is FLYING KISS!! Wow, it amazed me and teacher Chuah. When Ah Ma carried you, all of sudden, you did flying kiss to teacher Chuah and when we saw that, we praised you and you kept doing it for few times.
This morning, when mummy dropped you to school, you also gave me a flying kiss. So Sweeeeet! When the other mummy saw you doing this, she was amazed and asked teacher Chuah how many months are you. Mummy soooooooooooooo proud of you! ^_^
Skill #2: Pa
On and off, i will hear you say "Pa" softly. Yesterday night, while daddy playing with you, out of sudden, we heard you said "Pa" loud. When we asked you to say it again, you refuse to. Never mind, soon, one day i will hear you calling "Pa" loud and clear. When will you start to call "Ma" ?? hmm...waiting waiting waiting and waiting for the day!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Your one week classmate, Lynus
Do you realised that there is a new baby in the nursery since last Tuesday,22nd May 2007? And one week later, today, 29th May 2007 will be baby Lynus's last day in DMonte. Mummy Lynus going to bring Lynus back home. Here is the pics that Mummy Lynus took this morning.

Thanks mummy Lynus for sharing the pics with me :)
Hope one day you both of you will become classmate again :)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Clap clap clap my little hands
For about 2 weeks, we noticed that you like to clap your hand whenever you are happy or excited. You will start clapping your hands non stop when we ask you to do so or we clap our hand in front of you.
Mummy: Vin boy, show me how you clap hands
**If mummy doesn't clap her hands, this will be the situation
Kelvin : (blank look!) *few seconds later* start clapping hand happily and excitedly
**If mummy claps her hands, this will be the situation
Kelvin: clapping hands and move excitedly
Yesterday, you woke up from your afternoon nap while daddy and mummy about to go out. And i heard you clapping your hand in cradle. Make me turn back and look at you :)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Adult Party cum Kids Party
You woke up around 9am this morning, and since we are going out in the afternoon, mummy feed you with milk and quickly quickly let you sleep for a while so that your battery is fully charged.
We reached Aunty Angie's place around 1pm and so coincident, she is at her condo's entrance waiting for someone :) And guess what you gave them? Your "yummie" poo poo!! As daddy drove in from the entrace of the condo, i heard some noise "pppooooooo pooooooo" Oops, you poo poo! So, i gotta change you in Aunty Angie's room. After that, let you try aunty Angie's homecook brocolli porridge (mummy order this for you).
Kelvin: Thanks Aunty Angie for the yummie porridge
hmm...i guess you forgot Evan koh koh, you just met him one week ago, but yesterday when you met him again, you gave us a blank look when i ask you to greet Evan koh koh. After our food, it's "match making" session! hahahaha! Aunty Asher brought her Jing Ee along and it's the first time both of you meeting each others. Mummy asked you to kiss Jing Ee and you did...*slap forehead*
We left the party around 3pm. You were actually exhausted but you still act as if you very energetic in Aunty Angie's place. When we were on the way back, your battery flatten and you slept on the way back.
You behave well in Aunty Angie's place...hmm...this means, i can bring you to friend's gathering more often, but must bring daddy along so that he can help to take care you while me eating and chatting :)
Friday, May 25, 2007
Something about your name
During my pregnancy checkup, Dr Dave told me that i'm carrying a baby boy. Mummy later busy looking for English name, list down all the names that i like and send it to daddy for him to review and shortlist. I have few name in mind, such as Bryan, Joshua, Kenneth,Jayden but all get rejected by daddy.....after many many rounds of name selection, here is the final result....your english name is
The origin of the name Kelvin is Celtic/Gaelic and the meaning of the name is A River of Scotland.
Surname: Chiang 蒋, this one no choice, must follow daddy's surname.
And now, the most headache part,chinese name!! Eventhough daddy and mummy are chinese educated, but both of us not good in "creating" nice and sweet chinese name. And we didn't really seek help from both our parents because we would like to name our baby ourselves :) More meaningful in this way, right? And i choose not to follow the Chiang family's traditional way of naming baby based on generation. So, we gotta rely on those naming book to get some clue. Thanks to those friends who lend me the books. We had many many names in our mind, and friends even help to come out with list of names for mummy to choose :-
凯汶 - Khai Wen - (direct translate from Kelvin)
孝恒 - Xiao Hern - 孝顺 + 永恒
家骏 - Jia Jun
育恒 - Yu Hern
After you were born, daddy actually went to 金吊桶 to calculate your 八字. This is what some people will do. They will ask some naming expert to calculate the chinese birth date of the baby to see what is lack by the baby. And to our surprise, you have everything...and here comes more and more headache, as we are free to give ANYNAME to you...Daddy and mummy had hard time coming out chinese name for you. Here are the steps we took:-
1.Refer to the naming book
2.Shortlist those name
3.Think of anythin funny that relate to the name
4.Finalise the name
We even screen through the Hong Kong and Taiwan actors' name ^_^And...at last, this is what we decided few days after you were borned.
First Name :
And what does those words mean?
Chen: Continuos
Jun : Fine horse
We want you to continuously become fine horse? nope nope nope.
According to one of the books, those who born in year of dog, it is good to have name with 马字边, with this, the baby will be blessed with good luck forever.
So, with this name, you will be blessed with good luck forever continuosly :)
Besides, we also use the Name Calculatorto see how many points you will get and whether it's good or so so name. And your name is 80 points and it's a GOOD.....
SOOOO, kau tim! case closed. That's the end of the story:)
**Start Copy**
Proposition: What is the meaning of your kid’s name?
Requirements: write about what or how or why you giving the name to your kids.
Quantity: FIVE PEOPLE.
Tag Mode:1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.
1) Msaufong - Meaning Of SQ & Kiki’s name
2) Miche - My ACB
3) Sweetpea - My Little Fire
4) Yvonne - The Meaning of Ryan’s Name
5) ShoppingMum - Justin & Isabellea
6) Judy - Meaning of the name Terry
7) LiL’deviL - Mini Hawke
8) Mrs. Wallace Notes - My Daugther Name
9) Raising Belle - Monkey Girl
10) Hin Lerk's Diary - The meaning of his name
11) Our Baby Evan - What's in your name?
12)Our Sweetheart, Baby Kelvin- Something about your name
Hmm..who else can i tag? I will tag Vernon's mummy
**Lay See-tell us something abot Vernon ya!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
New Friend
Wonder whether do you notice that there is a new baby joining the baby class since Tuesday? The baby's name is Lynus, mummy colleague's baby. He is 3 weeks younger than you, but in term of size wise, he is bigger than you, so don't bully Lynus huh!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sunday event
You woke up at 6:30am in the morning, i think it's mummy's fault, as the night before, mummy kept telling you that we are going to see fish on Sunday, and you must be very very excited. Mummy try to make you sleep and 1 hr later, around 7:30am, you wake up again..sigh...and i make you sleep again, and this time, less than 1 hr, around 8:15am, you open your eyes and refuse to sleep. You insisted daddy to carry you and kept looking at the door. This is your signal to daddy, asking daddy to bring you down to the garden. So, no choice, you win! Daddy have to bring you down to the garden,meanwhile, mummy quickly quickly catch up with my sleep. Yes yes, mummy enjoy sleeping a lot!
Around 9am, mummy decided to gave you a quick bath. Taking bath in our apt is very exciting. Why? First, i asked daddy to let you sit in the basin, then i wash your hair, massage massage your head for you. Then, we let you lay down the way the hair saloon did and wash your hair for you. After that, we put you into the round bath tub. You enjoy playing water so much til daddy and mummy all wet! Quickly, we bath you and shower ourselves and headed for breakfast.
On the way out,
daddy: bb,what u wanna eat?
Mummy: anything lah..i also dunno what i wanna eat
daddy : think of taking Sg dua's hokkien mee
Mummy: ok, then i will take the wan tan mee
daddy: the wan tan mee so so nia wor
Mummy: aiyak, doesn't matter lah (mummy not so choosy when comes to food!haha, the size can tell)
While we were in the kopi tiam, i gave you the remaining baby bites while we were enjoying our food. The biscuit manage to keep you busy until we finished our food. You kept trying to touch on the table and daddy and mummy kept watching on you. The table is dirty, my dear. Then we headed to Ah Kong's house. And, basically you are exhausted and fall asleep pretty fast.
Mummy later decided to cook porridge for you. We try porridge with carrot. Aiyak, forgot to take the pic. And you love the porridge so much, kept asking for feed. *clap clap to mummy*
We are suppose to bring you out, but we heard couple of thunderstorm sound and we decided not to take you out in case raining heavily as you just recover from sickness. While you were sleeping, mummy and daddy went to Sunshine Square to get you a Thermos food warmer.
We had our postponed Grandmother cum Mother's day celebration at Shang Palace at Krystal Point. You wake up just in time and today, mummy gave you special discount as you behave so well throughout the day. NO CAR SEAT. You get to sit on daddy's lap, but then, you decided to move from daddy's lap to my lap then back to daddy again throughout the journey.
We got the table next to a big mirror and you get so excited seeing Ah Kong Ah Ma and Ee-poh from the mirror reflection. You actually thought that they are sitting on the next table as you kept facing the mirror eventhough daddy and mummy try to move you back to the original position. While we eating our dinner, again, mummy let you eat cum play with your baby bites. Phew, you didn't make any noise. After we finished our dinner, then only you realised that everyone is actually sitting at the same table and you throw a cute smile to everyone.
On our way back, you kept clapping your hand while we said "smart boy, clever boy" and you gets more and more excited and clap non stop. We headed home around 10pm and after feed you through bottle, you ask for latch on. And you roll roll roll on the bed and suddenly we noticed that you falll asleep. So cute :) We wanted to let you sleep on your baby cot but somehow, i think middle of the night, mummy moved you to my bed and sleep in between us .
My teeth
Mummy used to refer me as "boh geh pek" (no teeth boy), but now, i have 2 teeth. You don't believe, let me show you the pic that mummy snap this morning!See whether can you spot the 2 teeth or not. Sorry, no prize will be given out, but i can give u a small bite when i meet with you.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Lunch Gathering
We are suppose to pick up Aunty Angeline and Evan koh koh at 11:45am, but mummy was late, so we only manage to pick up Aunty Angeline and Evan koh koh around 12:10pm. As soon as we reached Queensbay Mall, we quickly quickly proceed to Central Park where all the aunties ancle were waiting for us. It's so crowded and a bit hot there. Luckily mummy let me wear sleeveless shirt, otherwise, i can't imagine what will happen to me :)
While mummy busy eating and chatting with her friends, i also get to eat my food, which is the baby bites that mummy bought for me on Friday. It's not bad though, easy to chew and swallow :) After i finish my biscuit, i decided to make some noise. Here come my saver, daddy!!! He carry me and walk around. Wow, i get to see people playing roller blade, so fun huh!
Oh yeah, forget to mention about Evan kohkoh. Me and Evan koh koh both sit in our big luxury car aka stroller. Evan koh koh's stroller is much bigger than mine. Evan koh koh has porridge and for me, no porridge as mummy not free to cook for me..sob sob, but Aunty Angeline gave me one of Evan koh koh's small biscuit.
After about 2 hrs there, time to go back, as both me and Evan koh koh tired liao :( But this mummy huh, she kept talking talking talking non stop with her friends. Daddy busy entertaining me meanwhile aunty Angeline busy entertaining Evan koh koh.
On the way back, Evan koh koh fall asleep in Aunty Angeline's arm.
hehehee...forgot to mention something. My mummy hior, she bought me a peek-ka-boo toy and she doesn't know how to operate it. Initially she thought the toy is not functioning well until Aunty Angeline showed her how to play with it :) And, tell you something, even Evan koh koh know how to play with the toy, he even demo to mummy. What a mummy.....And guess what, later i found out, closing the bear's nose with my leg will trigger the bear to work well too!! Now, she is busy playing with the toy. Ahem, i thought she bought it for me?????
Aiyak, how come no pic? Mummy, i saw u put your camera into the bag but you too busy chit chatting with you frens and forget to snap pic pic for me...sigh
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I wanna join your meeting
While mummy talking on the phone, you "talked" too...Ah Ma try to rock you to sleep, you refuse to. You continue talk and sing to yourself...hahahaha
Mummy's colleagues told me that they heard baby's voice....You also wanna join in our discuccion ya!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Bye bye phlegm suction session
Thank god! The phlegm gets lesser. For today morning and evening session, i stayed in the room with Kelvin when the physicians pat at his back to soften the phlegm. In the evening,I actually intend to stay in the room while they had the suction session, but the physician advised me to go out. So no choice, i can't accompany my little boy.
After the suction session, we headed to Dr Mary's clinic.
Kelvin: Thanks to all aunties, i am getting better and better. But Dr Mary still want me to take the cough and running nose medicine, hiaks...
Dear Baby,
While we were waiting in the clinic, you get so so so excited with the slide, the plastic rocking horse. You kept want mummy to carry you and let you sit on the horse. You won't let mummy sit down, you want me to carry you around....what a super energetic baby. So end up, mummy sweat too.
However, i am glad that no more phlegm suction session for you. But i need to take super good care of you so that you will recover completely.
Oh yeah, one thing, daddy lost the battle. He is now with cough,flu, light fever. Dr Mary asked him to take medicition as sick adult may pass the virus to baby, especially you, who is just recovering.
By the way, you forever happy and excited when i brought you up to the paed ward. Why? Because you get to play with the lift. Yes yes, you like to press on the button....just like what you did to the lift in our apt...press press all the buttons....
My update

Ouch Mummy!!
Baby,can you recognise this song? Mummy used to sing to you during your bedtime....but ...somehow yesterday night you created new version of this song. "roll roll roll your body,gently down the bed...." oouuuccchh!!!
Mummy left you on the bed as i need to go search for pillowssss to surround the bed so that it will stop you from rolling down from the bed. **You nearly roll down from the bed on the night before.** When i left the room, i saw you sleeping close to daddy (daddy half drunk at that time because he took medicine to counter attack his sore throat, flu, cough. Hmm, almost same as what u had huh, u pass them to daddy?) and i thought it's safe to leave u unattended for few mins, who knows, the next thing i heard is a loud "pop" noise....I rushed into the room and saw daddy carrying you and you were crying loud. You fell down from the bed. Luckily, we put the bed on the floor, so it's just a very short distance between the bed and floor. Phew....You cried for a while then stopped. When i put you back on the bed, you seems like forgot the pain, and you started to roll again....
Monday, May 14, 2007
Still with lots of phlegm
When the nurse let u on nebuliser, you just make some noise and awhile later, you let her do whatever she is suppose to do. While we are waiting for your turn, you get entertained by one aunty. And surprises me, you even let her carry you for short while. When it's your turn, mummy put you on the bed and walk out, i don't think i can stand seeing them doing the suction on you. Later mummy will cry out as loud as you :)
Well, we still need to send you to Adventist again tonite and 2 times tomorrow. After tomorrow night's phlegm suction, we will go to see Dr Mary.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I am back!!
You seems happy as usual, and mummy gave you ventolin in inhaler at 4pm. You cried for a while and refuse to let me put the children mask on your face. Well, baby, it's just for about 10 seconds only. And nother session is at 8pm. Surprises me, for the 8pm session, you didn't make any noise.
And,there comes one funny session. After giving you the ventolin thru inhaler, mummy brought my breast pump near to you, and you were busy playing with the pump. Suddenly, i saw you putting the pump to your face and your tongue out, trying to taste the leftover milk on the pump. I think you get confuse with the children mask and breastpump...hahahaha
The whole nite you seems to be super happy, playing with your stacking rings.....yes yes, u like to throw those rings or u will "eat" them as if you are eating donut.

Hospital stay - Day 3
It's Mother's Day. This is our first Mother's Day...anyhow, you are too young to know what is it about. You woke up around 1030am.
When Dr Mary came for ward visit, we decided to discharge and come back for phlegm suction.
Before we went off, mummy brought u to the children playground again and let you sit in the swing. This time, you seems to be better , you know how to hold on the swing and you even shake your legs to make the swing move. Cool ya!
Ah Ma and Ah Kong went to Eu Yan Sang to buy one of the chinese medicine for you, as while waiting for you to come out from the phlegm suction session, Ah Ma met one lady and she told Ah Ma that her kid also had same problem as you, but her kid recover fully from phlegm-less after taking 2 bottle of the chinese medicine. And she also emphasize that MUST get from Eu Yan Sang.
Later, the nurse taught me how to use the inhaler with children musk as i need to use it for you every 4 hr.
That's the end for Day 3
Hospital stay - Day 2
Day 2 in hospital
Morning,when Dr Mary checked on you, she told me that you need to go for nebuliser. My whole heart sank. Nebuliser, means you will cry cry cry ...as most children don't like it. But i have to give it to you as this is the only way to reduce your phlegm. Dr Mary did a good job in explaining to me why you have to go for phlegm suction. She uses layman term when explaining to me.
Dr Mary : The lung and phlegn now is like a blocked drain and mosquitoes, and if you don't unblock the drain, it will become mosquitoes breeding place. And the baby will get infection easily.
Me: ok ok
Dr Mary : But i will advise you not to see the whole process, let the nurse handle it
Me: ok ok (by that time, thousands of questions pop up my mind, i feel that tear running in my eyes, luckily didn't drop down)
After Dr Mary left, i quickly sms a colleagues of mine coz she send her daughter for phlegm suction before. She also advised me not to see it.
When you wake up from sleep, Mummy and Ah Ma brought u to the children playing room, and you seems very excited. Daddy even let you sit in the swing while mummy go expressing milk milk for you.

Mummy and daddy went home for shower meanwhile Ah Kong and Ah Ma take care you. Around 3pm Ah Kong called and inform that they will transfer you to semi-private room.
Yes yes, there is 1 nice sleeping bed for daddy in the sem-private room, and daddy get another one from the previos room that you stayed for mummy. So means mummy don't have to sit and sleep! We brought ee poh along to Adventist, daddy and mummy sneak out to Midland for mummy's favourite Taiwan food :d. Hey, no complain ya, you tasted it 2 times when you were in my tummy :)
Every 4 hr, you will be given nebuliser and 2 times phlegm suction. I hold on you while you being given nebuliser. You cried cried and cried. But according to Dr Mary, the more u cry, the better the result as when you cry, u will inhale more of the gas and this will soften your phlegm, make the suction session easier.
The morning session, the phlegm seems to be a lot and thick, the evening session, phlegm moderate and thick...Daddy walked away when you had your second suction. I bet his heart sank hearing your crying huh. You are such an adorable baby, who can stand listening to your crying voice. .....mummy wanted to stay in the room with you, but i afraid i may ended crying louder than you. Dr Mary will stop giving you paracetamol starting midnite and monitor your fever. If fever subside, means you can go home by Sunday. But for the phlegm, will see Sunday morning's result then only can tell whether you need to come back for phlegm suction or not.
You being given nebuliser at 12 midnite and 4am. For Saturday nite, mummy basically exhausted, i didn't wake up when the nurse started to give you nebuliser, i only woke up by the noise middle of the procedure, and as for the 4am session, i woke up when the nurse done with it. Sorry baby, mummy exhausted. As for daddy, he totally has flat battery,busy charging his battery...hahahahaha
That's the end for Day2
Hospital stay - Day 1
Friday nite, after you wake up from your usual sleep, you kept making noise, kept saying "eh eh"....usually when you said "eh eh", you could be either wee wee or poo poo. But we checked thoroghly and cant find any sign of wee wee or poo poo.
Ah Kong said seems like you have wind inside tummy, and mummy can't find your "or hong eu" at home. So, mummy and daddy went out to Batu Lanchang to get the "or hong eh" for you. It was almost 9pm, and the shop closed, so we decided to go Guardian to buy the Bosisto's Oil of Eucalyptus which earlier recomended by Dr Tan in Adventist. On our way to Guardian, Ah Ma called saying you cried non stop, and awhile later, Ah Kong again. Both of them can't comfort you. So we rushed home after buying thr oil, and when i got home, heard you crying softly. Mummy managed to calm you down for a while before you decided to make noise. You onverworried grandparents then "forced' us to bring you to see doc.
So, quickly, i packed your thing and headed to Adventist. In the car, you gets super excited. Yeah yeah, car ride huh! When we reached Adventist's ER, the nurse read your temperature and gosh, it was 38.8 degree. While waiting for Dr Mary, the nurse in ER gave you suppository to your bum bum :D Thank god, you didn't make any noise during the process. Good boy!
When Dr Mary arrivved, she suggested we admit you so that the nurses there can take good care of you.
Me: Bb, Dr Mary suggest to admit Vin Boy
Daddy to Dr Mary : Huh? Leave him here with the nurse
Me :*Alamak!Daddy too worry til i ter-ask such question*
Dr Mary : No no no, you guys will stay with him here
Then, daddy and mummy proceed to do admission for you. While waiting, Ah Kong carried you and you actually busy playing with the admission staffs. They kept entertaining you and you kept moving up and down in ah kong's arm. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, you poo poo not long after the nurse insert suppository. Maybe the nurse ter-trigger your poo poo...hiaks!
On that nite, Adventist paed ward "fully booked", no private or semi-private bed available. So, we gotta opt for 4 beded room and put you in waiting list for semi-privte or private room. We decided to bring you back with us as mummy need to go back to pack our "luggage". You look so happy and excited when you see me carrying the big bag. You thought going for holiday ya. Yes yes, we are going to Adventist for 3 days 2 nights stay. Duhhh....
Mummy worried that you may refuse to sleep in the baby cot, and guess what! When i put you on the baby cot, you get super excited, especially the grill. I guess, must be at home,mummy uses cot bumper to surround your cot and you don't know there is grill around it. You were busy putting your hand then you leg out from the baby cot...so cute. After a while, you sleep! wow...
But there is only one sleeping bed besides you, so mummy got sit on the chair and sleep. I kept waking up to check on you til the nurse asked mummy " u didn't sleep?" I sleep but can't sleep well as i worry that you may wake up and cry when not seeing me around you. But u sleep sweetly on the baby cot, i guess could be the medicine make u dizzy. Good boy.

That's the end for day 1
Friday, May 11, 2007
Still fever
Yesterday when i picked you up from school, you seems energetic and happy. All of us thought giving u last feed of medicine, then settle. Who knows, middle of the nite around 1am, mummy checked your temperature and it was 38.8 degree. Oh no!!! daddy and mummy quickly fed you another round of paracetamol and gosh, feeding you medicne is real challenging. You know how to push away mummy's hand when i try to put the medicine into your mouth.
And the most cruel part is, mummy saw your tears rolling down from your eyes NON STOP!!But i have to pretend not seeing that, force you to swallow the medicine. Poor thing, i really wish u will recover from fever as soon as possible. Gosh, what causes the fever? I have no idea...phlegm is the main culprit? duh!
For the whole night, you sleep on your chest and refuse to let me put the "bye bye fever patch on your forehead. I put it, you remove it and cry out loud , i did try to put it on my forehead, yeah, baby, the feeling is not good...i understand why you don't want me to put the thing on ur forehead now...
This morning when i woke u you, you look tired...could be last time we kept waking you up or disturbing your sleep as mummy kept taking your temperature.
Hope u will recover fast then we can go kai kai soon. Remember, yesterday one our way home, daddy said will bring you to Chow Tien Yang to see fish, go butterfly farm see butterfly, go zoo and let the animal see you...hahahaha...yes yes, let the butterflies and animal see you :)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
No no to medicine
Yes yes, baby, mummy know that you HATE eating medicine. In fact, everyone hate eating medicine. Yesterday night, when we pick you up at nursery, you look tired. And you become very manja, you want to sit on my lap instead of sitting in your car seat. Well well, since you are not feeling well, so ok lah, give u face a bit, i let you sit on my lap :)
We fed you another round of medicinesss at around 9pm. Wow, challenging. Why? 5 of us, mummy, daddy, ah kong, ah mah and ee poh each of us have special assignment. Ah Kong carry + hold on you,mummy in charge pumping medicine, daddy, ah mah and ee poh each stand by the side waiting for instruction....hahahaha....the moment you saw me with the medicine, you turn your head away and keep your mouth close tightly. We have no choice besides forcing you yo open your mouth and i quickly pump the medicine in. Poor little boy, you throw out after second medicine. Come to think of it, Dr Mary did inform daddy and mummy that you will either throw out or pass out the phlegm. After 2 medicines ,we saw you cry so kesian-ly, so mummy and ah kong make medicine punch for you...Hmm, guess what, we mix the remaining 2 medicine together and let u eat at once. One thing good about you is, you won't cry for long, you get excited with surrounding easily. So after the medicine, mummy quickly carry you up and show you the wall calendar. Then, you forgot about the medicine pain and you played with the calendar....cool!
Midnight around 4am, mummy check on you and your forehead feel heaty. Took temperature, it's 37.4 degree. Daddy and mummy decided to gave you another round of paracetamol. This time, only daddy and mummy...no other helpers. And as soon as pump some medicine into your mouth, you throw out and make daddy and mummy get big shocked...because you throw out a lot and i think some even come out from your nose. It's a big mess , you whole face is wet. Luckily you didn't cry as daddy quickly put you up at sitting position.
This morning when i send you to nursery, you look a bit tired but when mummy talked to aunty Margerat and Mdm Chuah, you started to shake legs and we feel happy seeing this.You will shake your legs when you feel happy :)
Get well soon baby!!!Then u can say bye bye to all those "sickening" medicinessss !!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Flu, cough, running nose and light fever
After his 3rd DPT dose, and so coincident teething decided to take place. ALL come in one shot, how can a small little baby handle so many things at once????!!!! End up, my little poor baby Kelvin is fighting with all these sickness. One lucky thing is, he still quite active and energetic.
Yday evening,Called up Dr Mary, Kelvin's Paed,asking for advise...Dr Mary advised to give paracetemol if temperature goes over 37.5 degree, and give medicine every 4 hrs.
Yday night, around 2am, i woke up and feel that Kelvin's forehead a bit warm, checked the temperature, wow, it was 37.6 degree. So without any delay, i gave him paracetemol and also uses the Bye Bye Fevel cold patch. Giving medicine is challenging as when this little boy sees the orange color medicine, he will turn his head away and shut his mouth tight. However, i have no choice, i have to close one eyes as if pretend i don't see him crying...keep feeding him the medicine and ignore his cry. Dear baby, do you know what everytime when you cry, my heart sink, i am crying together with you too :(
This morning, when i checked on Kelvin, the heat gone, but an hour later, i feel the body a bit warm again. Anyhow, me and hubby already decided to bring him to see doc.
When we were at the paed clinic, Kelvin get super excited with the toy there. He has been aiming at the plastic rocking horse since day 1. And i kept telling him that "baby, you can't sit well, so cannot play" But nowadays, he can sit quite well, so i decided to give him a try. He LOVEEESSSS it so much.

After waited for about 30 mins, Dr Mary back from "visitng" all her in house patients. Dr Mary a bit surprised when i told her Kelvin is sick, because he is so active and energetic...hahahaha...maybe this is result of fully breastfeed. **clap clap to mummy**
Our little boy had phlegm in lung and it causes the fever ...sigh. Dr Mary prescribe 4 types of medicine for Kelvin. 4 types, so many.
Paracetamol - fever
Benadryl - cough
Polaramine - Running nose
Ventolin - phlegm
While waiting for Terence to pay the bill, i brought Kelvin to the charity counter in Adventist. Kelvin very excited seeing all the toys, YES YES, my little boy will get excited when he sees lots of toys on shelf. In nursery,he used to roll himself with walker to the shelf and look at all the toys on the shelf. Cute leh.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
What happen to you?
This morning, you wake up at 4am and cry on and off til 7am. What's wrong with you?
Teething caused you to have sleepless night? Running nose cause you to unable sleep well?
Daddy and mummy tried lots of tricks to calm you down, we failed completely. You just keep crying on and off eventhough we tried to switch your attention. You seems like want us to bring you out for a walk. Mummy told you that the sky still dark, we cannot go out for walk. You seems like understand what i said as you stop crying for a while before you decided to cry again...
Mummy feel so helpless as i really don't know what i'm suppose to do. We let you to play with different toys, and you play with each one for a short while then throw them away....sigh...Til there is a point that i can't stand anymore, i lightly beat your leg with my hand, and it caused the situation even worst. You cried out even louder. Hmm...you know mummy is beating you huh...poor boy. And mummy did raise my voice up and this also caused you to cry louder and louder .....feel so guilty after doing that. But i already lost my patience as you are testing my level of tolerance. Luckily, daddy remain cool and calm all the way, so i have to ask him to carry you away for a while. Daddy keep asking mummy to nurse you, but you showed me your sour face. I bet you must be angry at me :(
Around 7am, i tried to carry you again and nurse you. Thank god, this time, you willing to latch on and within few seconds, you sleep beside me. You are actually super tired and hungry. Pooooor baby......
Mummy try to carry you to the car but when i try to carry you, you wake up. Luckily you didn't cry:) When we were in the lift, daddy try to play with you, you respond back well :) Thank god!
When we are at the car park, we met one of the aunty vios. Yes,daddy and mummy used to address her as aunty vios as she drives vios :) Aunty vios played with you for a while and thank god, you throw her your sweet smile :)
When i send you to school and talked to teacher Chuah, you keep yawn non stop...hahaa...tired already huh!
I hope you will do well and get better today. We Love you, baby :)
Monday, May 7, 2007
Tired baby
You actually had light running nose, cough and your body a bit warm. I guess is my fault, i didn't take enough water on Sunday and maybe i pass my body heat to you while i nurse you? Maybe huh...shhh, daddy will scold me for passing heat to you. :(
I asked teacher to monitor your body temperature and at the same time ask teacher to give you the running nose + cough medicine.
When i picked you up in the evening, you seems tired but you still try to give me a smile. When i see you smiling despite of your tired eyes, my heart sank. I feel so happy seeing you smiling at me and guilty at the same time as i didn't take good care of you.
You fall asleep in the car on our way to Minden Height. Later, Ah Kong put you in cradle and rock you. You are so naughty that you actually pretend you fall asleep, when Ah Kong walk away, you open your eyes. So, Ah Kong has to sit in front of the cradle, rock you, sing to you....
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Home alone with Kelvin - Day 4
When i bring you up to our room and let you have your milk milk, you didn't make any noise. After milk, you roll roll roll on the bed...yeah, you usual activity before you decided to sleep. I think because i switch off the light before you make any noise, so you know that it's time to sleep and not to play.
Mummy see you roll here and there and sometime you will close your eyes for few seconds then open up your eyes again....looks like you are searching for some missing thing...yes yes, Daddy is missing mah...hahaha
After a while, i hold you close to me and nurse you. You latch and let go latch and let go...after few times, mummy fall asleep together with you. YES, I DID IT , I DID IT!!! Mummy manage to let you sleep without any cry or tears!!! Good job and well done to both of us :)
Friday, May 4, 2007
Home alone with Kelvin - Day 3
Daddy is at some ulu place and phone connection is bad, so he didn't call back. Instead he sms me, so you have no chance to "talk" to daddy.
This morning, mummy wake up at 7:30am as i have telecon at 8am. Ah Ma sleep with you and when i came out from bathroom, can't find both of you in the room. Ah Ma said you wake up, turn over and found the air cond remote on the bed, and you fully awake, so Ah Ma brought you to downstairs. As mummy have meeting, so ee poh and ah ma played with you for awhile then let you sleep in cradle.Around 9:30am, mummy wake u and send you to nursery.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
I miss my daddy !!
Soooo, mummy let you cry and you know, when i heard you cry, i also wanna cry together. I feel so lost and my heart sink when i heard you crying. I wanna cry together with you too....u know, mummy's tears can drop anytime anywhere any moment :) Mummy sing sing sing and nurse you...and finally you decided to corperate with me, you stop crying. Poor boy. I think you kept searching for daddy. You turn yourself left right left right on the bed, looking for something. Usually, daddy and mummy will each lay beside you and you will only sleep when you see both of us beside you. Poor thing...daddy will be way for business trip for few days. Hopefully you will be able to sleep well tonight.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Daddy call back
Eh..Daddy leh?
After a while, it's boarding time. Daddy passed you to Ah Ma. When Ah Ma asked you to wave with daddy, you gave him a blank look, "eh, daddy where are you going to?"
Daddy wave at you and walk towards the departure gate. As you see daddy walk away, suddenly you shouted "ehhhh" so loud. You actually called daddy but too bad, don't think daddy heard you calling him(Usually you will call daddy "ehhhh" when you sees him walk away from you). By the time daddy turn back, you no longer shouting.
Tonight, mummy gotta handle you alone . Hopefully you behave well and both of us can have a good nite sleep :)
Nightmare for you and daddy mummy
Sooo....we suspect :-
1. The evening walk make you too excited and this is first time we used your stroller on the road, and suspect we may scared you.
2. You get too excited seeting people swimming in the pool
3. You get too excited "swimming" in bath tub
4. You wake up and can't find daddy and mummy in the house. Only Ah Kong and Ah Ma at home
Tuesday, May 1, 2007