You wake mummy and daddy up around 9am, no matter how hard we try, you refused to continue sleep...so end up, we give up! Daddy bring you to the garden behind our apt block for a walk while mummy quickly clean up myself (brush teeth, wash face, shower)
Later, we brought you to Uncle Austin's shop for hair cut. We were there early, so we went to Watson for a while. We waited for Uncle Austin for about 10 mins, and when you met his daughter, you greeted her with sweet smile when she showed you a small ball....Uncle Austin said you look so happy now and later you will scream when he cut your hair. Yes, he is right!! Mummy carry you and uncle Austin "cut" your hair, you scream scream and scream, poor thing. Actually we are suppose to bring you for hair cut few weeks ago, but mummy know for sure you will scream, so we kept postponing the plan until the day before, daddy saw you keep sweating, so no choice, gotta bring you for haircut. The hair cutting session only less than 5 mins, but to mummy, i felt it's 1 hr long. Seeing you scream and cry, i wish i can find a way to calm you down. I guess you don't like people touching you head and hold you tight.
After haircut, we headed back to our apt where you had a short nap before your baby gym class. While you were sleeping, daddy and mummy quickly had our brunch. While mummy came out from bathroom, i heard you crying. Daddy was in the room comforting you, but the moment you see me, you want me to carry you.
We left our apt around 12:45pm, mummy know that for sure we won't be on time for the class, but still try our luck. We managed to get parking spot pretty fast, but it was already 1:15pm. When we got down from the car, you clapped your hand happily and waving with daddy. So, guess what, we decided to shop in Queensbay Mall. We brought you to food department as daddy want to show you some veggies and fruits. Then, we proceed to Toys'R'us. At there, you had great time playing with some of the toys. After that, we stopped by Enfant shop, and mummy get you one set of pajamas. While daddy paying for the pajamas, suddenly you decided to make friend with the promoter. You touched the promoter's hand and you even let her touch you and at the same time, you gave her your sweetest cheeky smile. Then...oh no, mummy smell something, oh no, you poo poo! So we went to Jusco's baby room, and no choice, daddy gotta come in together with us as mummy alone won't able to change diaper for you.
After the change, oops, almost time for you to eat...luckily mummy brought along the Dumex rice cereal, and when you saw it, you asked for it and keep screaming.....daddy has to distract you with other thing while mummy preparing it for you. This is mummy's first time preparing it for you, so a bit clumsy. We were wondering where we should feed you the rice cereal, so we wonder around and ta daaaa, i spotted the chair right in front of the bakery, so we sat there and had your lunch. You finish the whole bowl, then we went to Ah Kong's house. You behave well in the mall and very excited and happy!
When we reached Ah Kong's house, Ah Kong just about to leave the house to the computer fair. He turned back and play with you for a while. You fall asleep pretty fast as you must be very tired as mummy sees you sleep sweetly in your cradle. You are such a sweet baby!
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