Last Saturday, ah kong was vacuuming the Honeywell air filter for mummy and out of sudden, you walked to him and point at the vacuum cleaner and asked him, "ah kong, what is this?"
From there onwards, we noticed that you start to walk around ask us lots of "what is this?" question. When you see any of us doing/using something which look new and fresh to you, you will ask us "what is this?" and sometimes you sort like want to test on our patience as you will keep asking us "what is this?" even though we already reply to your question. But i do enjoy answering you be it one time or many many time, it's very fun though.
Looks like you have move to another stage of your childhood, and very soon you will ask us "why?" and all of us will have headache answering your "why?".

Friday, December 26, 2008
Mr "What is this?"
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mummy's little girl
This romper i bought it from factory outlet for Kelvin but before i remember to take it out for Kelvin, he out grown the romper, so this time, i keep the romper with the newborn baby clothing and keep remind myself MUST remember to let Kaitlyn wear on it.
Injection again and follow up for nose blocked
After checking the nose, what is next? Injection again! This time you need to take 2 injections and the rotavirus medicine at the same time, pity you. Don’t understand why nowadays the kids need to take so many injections and oral medicine compare to daddy mummy’s childhood time. Maybe due to environment change, lifestyle change, and all the bacterias get smarter and smarter, so more and more vaccination being introduced.
Still remember, last time we don’t have vaccination for chicken pox, and nowadays, this vaccination become an optional vaccination. Kids who take the chicken pox vaccination will “run way” from getting chicken pox, good deal right?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Party
Shortly, more and more people coming. Your favourite Jojo jie jie arrived around 7:30pm. She looks blur, must be just wake up from nap.
Then party started around 7:45pm and we get to enjoy the food first before all the activities. We had some noodle, and to my surprise you love the fried bee hoon. You keep ask for more , cool !
Alright, time for activities. It started with activity for kids from age of 2 and 3, which is your group. Parents need to accompany the kid for the activity, so, mummy accompany you while daddy be our cameraman. It's just a simple game whereby the kid need to follow the teacher to do all the actions. You enjoy it so much til when the next session is for age of 3 to 4, you also join the crowd.
Ah kong brought mei mei to meet with us at the school and she seems enjoy the loud christmas music, not feeling annoying at all. Thank goodness to all the helpful teachers, they take turn to help mummy carry mei mei so that mummy gets to participate in the acitivities with you.
After all games, here come the Santa. Uncle Beh wears the santa suit and bring all of you walk along the road. Tonighte is quite windy, nice weather for outdoor activities. After the short walk, it's gift exchange time. Teacher call out the number and the kid will claim the gift accordingly. After getting your gift, we decided to make a move as the wind is too strong for mei mei to stay outdoor. Of course you refuse to go, so we have to drag you out from the party, and luckily very fast, you are back to yourself, the happy boy! That's the end for today's party! Time to sleep....
Good night and Merry Xmas to 2 of you.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
First day at school
We dropped you and kor kor to school around 8:20am. Since you still so small, thus, thus there isn’t any problem for you to get yourself adjust to the new environment. Mummy spend time with you in the school for half a day, everything seems ok. However, due to you used to sleep in cradle while you are in the house, so you have problem falling sleep in the baby cot. But, thanks for the experienced teacher and babysitter, they managed to find way to let you sleep, at least for a short while.
Mummy picked you up at 6pm and from the daily report card, you seem doing well in the school. I am so proud of you. Hope you will able to adjust yourself well as fast as possible.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Running nose
After Dr Khaw examined you, he prescribed nose drop ~ Iliadin for you, max of 3 times a day, and one drop each time. Mummy hate using nose drop as everytime when i need to put the nose drop for kor kor, both mummy and kor kor will struggle with one another. But this is the only way to make your nose better, so no choice. You quite coorperate with mummy when i use the nose drop on you, phew! Good girl! Hope your blocked nose get clear as fast as possible.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Your first smile
Mummy was talking to you after you wake up from your long night sleep, and you greeted me with a sweet smile, it really brighten up my day! Mummy gets excited and keep talking to you and you responded me with your smile, however, after a while, probably you get bored or tired, you stop smiling and start to whine mummy, want me to carry you and walk around instead.
I Love you, baby!