Time flies, my little girl is 6 months old now. I still remember the day she's born, i hold her tight in my arm with the feel, "yes, this is my litthe girl, the little girl that stay in my stomach for 9 mths and 2 weeks, and i am holding her in my arm now!" At the same time, i start to think, geez, how am i going to cope with 2 kids, when Kaitlyn will turn 6 mths and go for solid? And today, Kaitlyn is 6 months now, and to me, she is like just born yesterday.
At 6 months old,
Vital stats:
Height : 65cm
Teeth : nope
1)Able to turn freely since 4 months old
2)Shows interest on food by 5 months old
3)Able to make some sound when she wants attention
4)Able to "play" with her brother, Kelvin
5)Very demanding, want to be carry and WALKING at the same time. If you carry her at sitting position, sorry, in less than 2 mins time, she will make some noise to make you carry her and walk around
6)Like to stay at sitting position rather than sleeping position
7)Able to hold her milk bottle by herself. Sometimes she will refuse to let you hold the milk bottle for her
8)Recognise her own name (Kaitlyn) and nickname (mei mei, little princess, girl)
9)Able to recognise stranger and will stare at stranger for few mins (hard disk spinning checking whether this person's face is store in her memory or not) then cry if she doesn't recognise the new face
10)Learning how to crawl now
11) Super manja, refuse to sleep on her own bed since 5 mths old. Now she is sleeping with me and sometimes will put her leg on my leg or touching me with her hand to make sure i am sleeping beside her at night