As promised on Saturday night, we brought you to Youth Park after breakfast. Luckily the weather is very cooling and nice for outdoor activity. Daddy and mummy introduce something new to you rather than letting you play with the slide, see saw, swing...all these u can get it from the playground nearby our house or in your school.

As expected, you seems a bit worry when we ask you to climb up, you keep telling us you afraid will fall down. Daddy keep assuring you that he will stand behind to support you and mummy even threaten you by telling you that we are leaving if you do not try on this new game. ** mummy so bad huh** At the end, you did climb up and you call this jungle gym. BRAVO!
And mummy spotted another jungle gym and again, we ask you to try.

After 2 challenging game for you, we let you run around and we walked to the public swimming pool before heading to the playground at the skating/cycling area. You were so excited seeing the pool but we told you the pool has too many people and it's not hygiene, so you are happy with our explanatio. So no more request from you for want to jump into the water. But, you do request mummy to let you play with the water from the fountain. And we let you touch the water for a while then proceed to the playground again.

You get to play with slides and we saw another jungle gym attached to the slide, so again, we asked you to climb and i guess could be this one attached to the slide, so happily, you climb on it.

Oh...both daddy and son get trapped in the big cage, LOL!

It's almost 12 noon and we need to drag you as you refuse to leave, We told you that we will bring you back to Youth Park again with Kaitlyn and happily, you follow us to the car. Phew!