This is the first time both kids being exposed to animals up close and personal. All the while, they only get to see the animals either from the book or TV, so finally, me and hubb decided to bring them to zoo. I told Kelvin about
the plan few days ago, and on the night before, i guess he gets to excited and can't sleep well throughout the night. He wakes up middle of the night telling me he can't continue to sleep, duh...! Lesson learn, do not share the plan with the kids, let them have the last minutes surprise, else we ourselves will get back many many unexpected surprise from them.
On the day, Kelvin wakes me up real early and keep telling me that we are going to zoo and ask me to get myself ready. The lazy me still laze around and only get myself prepared around 9:30am. We let Kaitlyn to take a morning short nap so that she wont's get cranky while we are on our way to the zoo. By the way, we do invite my parents to go along and my dad actually is our driver of the day :) Kaitlyn wake up from her short morning nap around 10:00am, and we left the house around 10:30am. This is how we keep the both kids occupy in the car.

Few days before the trip, the grandpa purposely fix the "in-car" TV for the grandson. Thumbs-up for ah kong. So Kelvin being occupied by the "in-car" entertainment through out the journey. **daddy is so lucky as he gets to enjoy the entertainment with Kelvin** As for Kaitlyn..what did we do?? We prepared books, toys and food for her. LOL! She will ask me to read book for her, and play a while with the toy, then the rest of the time, she will eat. I brought along guava and she just loves it so much. Like mother like daughter, coz i love guava very very much!

After around 1hr's journey, Kelvin get a bit bored and keep asking when we will reach the zoo. And luckily by the time he asked, we are already at Kamunting area. We dropped by one of the coffee shop nearby the zoo for quick lunch. However, when we were on our way to get into the car, GOD started to wash his dirty laundries....,,few drops of rain fall onto me and as soon as we get nearer to the Zoo entrance, the rain gets heavier and heavier. However, this doesn't kill the kids excitement, Kelvin still very excited.
We gotta go into the Zoo with umbrellas, and our first pit stop is at the tram station. Even it's raining, but the weather still very hot. Before we start to walk around in the zoo, we already sweat like no body's business. As it's raining so it's not so convenient to walk around in the zoo with 2 kids. We waited for about 10 minutes for the tram. While waiting for the tram, the filial grandpa keep entertaining the little princess of mine to keep her happy.

As for Kelvin, he is anxiously waiting for the tram.

The zoo is so much bigger than what i expect. I've been to Taiping Zoo when i was kid, and my impression about the zoo is nothing much to see. But i am wrong. And thank goodness we made the decision to go round the zoo in tram.
Look at Kelvin, he's so happy and excited.

Look at Kaitlyn, she looks tired and confuse, LOL!

On the night before, Kelvin asked me whether will he see leopard, lion in the zoo, i'm a bit skeptical, so i told him, i don't so. But i am wrong! We do see leopard and lion the Taiping Zoo besides seeing tiger, orang utan, deer, tapir, elephant, crocodile, giraffe, kangaroo, rhinoceros, peacocks, hippopotamus and etc. Kelvin very excited seeing all the animals even though it's almost his nap time as for Kaitlyn she's real tired as it's way pass her usual nap time.
When we finished touring the entire zoo in the tram , rain stopped, thus we decided to walk around with Kelvin to let him revisit the elephant meanwhile Kaitlyn preparing to have her sweet nap in her grandpa's arm. As soon as we reached the elephant area, we heard some loud thunderstorm and we quickly headed to the exit of the zoo to meet up with my parents. Yes, we did the correct decision because as soon as we reached the exit of the Zoo, heavy rain started.
On our way back to Penang, 2 kids take their sweet nap in the car...phew! Looking forward to more outing with the kids.
Didn u go to have lunch or dinner in Taiping?
ReplyDeleteYan : yes, we managed to stop by somewhere nearby the Zoo for chicken rice, yummie!