It's Party Time! Time flies, time for my 2KCs birthday party again!

Same as last yr, we combined the 2 kids birthday party since both KCs born in month of Oct. The only different is, for this yr, We are having the party in restaurant instead of having it at home.
On the day, we dropped Kaitlyn to my parents house and let her take a short nap so that she won't be cranky during the party, then 3 of us (me, hubb and Kelvin) went to the restaurant earlier to do some minor decoration for the party. The birthday boy so excited with the whole thing. He is running here and there helping us with the decoration work. At first, i thought we will take very long time to get the balloons tied to the chairs, but thank GOD, the helpful restaurant waiter volunteer to help me. Phew...!

Here's the party bag that we prepared for all kids. Girl will get the princess folder whereas boy will get the Ben10 folder. Inside, there's some stickers, a small memo pad, pencil and eraser.

Kelvin get bored after the decoration work and he kept ask us what is the time and why all his friends not there yet. My parents brought Kaitlyn to the restaurant around 12 noon and this little girl seems still in sleeping mode, she wasn't aware that it's her party too, LOL! Most of our guests arrived around 1230pm, and now i can see some smile on my little boy's face. We started with the food and seeing lots of busy parents, taking food for the kid, feeding the feed at the same time feeding themselves, and most of the time, kids are more interested in playing and running around, rather than sit and eat. Well, i guess this is normal, when kids see each others, they will start to play among themselves. I am so happy to see all kids able to play so well among themselves as some of the kids not knowing each others before the party.
Finally, it's cake cutting time and we get all the kid gathered together. Oops...i forgot to take the pic of their cakes. Kelvin has ultraman birthday cake meanwhile Kaitlyn has a teddy bear jelly cake. We sang the English and mandarin version's Happy Birthday Song. Thanks to
Ern as she lead the mandarin version's Happy Birthday song.

After cake eating, the kids start to run around again and i gave a task to hubb, ask him to get all the kids together and take their pics. It's not an easy task though....we only manage to get some of the kids to stand "properly" for us to snap pics.

The party end around 2:30pm as most of the kids are exhausted. Hope everyone enjoy the party. Happy birthday to my 2 dearest kids :)