This morning, daddy and mummy decided to bring you to Adventist as your running nose seems to bother you a lot. As we decided quite late, around 10:30am, so we gotta hurry as the clinic will be open til 1pm only.
When we reach there, omigosh, Dr Mary is On Leave AGAIN!! So i let you see Dr Tan instead of De Agnes. We waited for 1 hr 15 mins. I wonder why they don't allow appointment in Paed clinic. When i wait for our turn, i see lots of parents carry the poor kid in their arm, some sleeps and some awake. Pity the kids.
Me and daddy need to take turn carry you walk around as you wont let us sit down. I brought you to nursing room, try to nurse you and let you sleep, and guess what!! There is another mummy in the nirsing room nursing her baby, and when you sees them, you get excited, keep want to look at the baby.
When you met Dr Tan, you seems to get very excited with his table diary, keep wanna pull it over to yourself...But...when Dr Tan help you to clear you blocked nose, you make lots of noise and cry. Poor baby, mummy dare not clear your blocking nose for you, and that's why we bring you to see doc. Guess what, Dr Tan gave me a box of Nestum rice's 20 packs.Will let you finish your Heinz "tasteless" rice cereal then only we take the Nestum one huh.
Oh yeah, almost forgot to write this down. You know what, when we waiting for our turn at the pharmacy, one of the daddy brought his daughter to us...Both of you "shake hand" with each others and you even kiss the jie jie. Before they leave, the jie jie gave you a friend kiss...hahaha
In the evening, you seems to be more energetic......good good

Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
"Talking" with Uncle Kenny
Sunday, as usual, uncle Kenny will call back. But for this week, we did something special. Uncle Kenny wanna see you as he only get to see you thru photos. He want to see you in real person. So, we install view cam at home and uses Skype to talk with Uncle Kenny.
Here is how you looks like with the speakerphone attach to you :)Cute boh?
Here is how you looks like with the speakerphone attach to you :)Cute boh?
Ah Kong hold on you meanwhile Uncle Kenny talk to you over the internet. You seems a bit puzzle as you keep looking for source of the voice..hahahaha
Friday, April 27, 2007
Running nose
Ehhh...mummy, where is my nose? Running nose? Does it means that my nose run away from me?
Nope nope, baby...running nose means nose block.
When i picked u up this evening, aunty Margerat told me that you sneeze quite frequent and told me to bring you to see doc if the condition gets worst tomorrow. When we reached Ah Kong's house, we let you sleep for a while before we gave you the medicine.
Mummy called Adventist to double confirm with the Pharmacisit but since Friday is half day for entire Adventist, so mummy asked the Emergency Room people whether Polaramine is for running nose or not. And YES, it is. Actually i did write down "Running nose" on the bottle, but i just would like to double confirm as i am for sure daddy will keep asking me whether i give the correct medicine or not :)
You wake up after a short nap and when Ah Kong played with you on the play mat, he found out that you kept rubbing your leg on the mat. And the next thing we found out is, there is one medium size mosquito bite on your leg and you found it so comfy rubbing it on the mat. Notty boy.
Time for medicine....Ah Kong hold you while mummy pump Polaramine into your mouth. You quite coperative as you didn't make any noise. After the medicine, i gave you some water and then, the exciting part come actually keep some of the medicine in your mouth and make it comes out together with the water that i fed you. But i am sure you did swallow some of it. We wanted to let you sleep after the medicine, but you refuse to.
Am not sure the running nose caused by the 3rd DPT dose or because you are teething...sigh, everything just come at the same time. My dear baby, it is too heart wrenching to see you not feeling ok. But,one thing i really salute you is, YES, i salute my own baby, you still smile with us whenever we play with you despite you don't seems to be as energetic as before.
Nope nope, baby...running nose means nose block.
When i picked u up this evening, aunty Margerat told me that you sneeze quite frequent and told me to bring you to see doc if the condition gets worst tomorrow. When we reached Ah Kong's house, we let you sleep for a while before we gave you the medicine.
Mummy called Adventist to double confirm with the Pharmacisit but since Friday is half day for entire Adventist, so mummy asked the Emergency Room people whether Polaramine is for running nose or not. And YES, it is. Actually i did write down "Running nose" on the bottle, but i just would like to double confirm as i am for sure daddy will keep asking me whether i give the correct medicine or not :)
You wake up after a short nap and when Ah Kong played with you on the play mat, he found out that you kept rubbing your leg on the mat. And the next thing we found out is, there is one medium size mosquito bite on your leg and you found it so comfy rubbing it on the mat. Notty boy.
Time for medicine....Ah Kong hold you while mummy pump Polaramine into your mouth. You quite coperative as you didn't make any noise. After the medicine, i gave you some water and then, the exciting part come actually keep some of the medicine in your mouth and make it comes out together with the water that i fed you. But i am sure you did swallow some of it. We wanted to let you sleep after the medicine, but you refuse to.
Am not sure the running nose caused by the 3rd DPT dose or because you are teething...sigh, everything just come at the same time. My dear baby, it is too heart wrenching to see you not feeling ok. But,one thing i really salute you is, YES, i salute my own baby, you still smile with us whenever we play with you despite you don't seems to be as energetic as before.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Light fever after injection
Yday night, daddy and mummy discussing whether should i follow his car to work on today or not since you will be staying in Ah Kong's house and furthermore, you seems a bit less energetic after te 3rd DPT injection...and the conclusion is, daddy wants me to stay at home to "monitor" your temperature and go to work a bit later....
This morning, when mummy touches your leg, both legs feel a bit warm.
Mummy take your temperature , it's 35.2 degree. Maybe it's the lauyeah themometer, so the temperature is not so accurate.
Buuuutt, one thing is, despite you ae not feeling well, but you still throw me a BIG SMILE when you wake up.Good boy! *kiss kiss*
Mummy will go to office later.
This morning, when mummy touches your leg, both legs feel a bit warm.
Mummy take your temperature , it's 35.2 degree. Maybe it's the lauyeah themometer, so the temperature is not so accurate.
Buuuutt, one thing is, despite you ae not feeling well, but you still throw me a BIG SMILE when you wake up.Good boy! *kiss kiss*
Mummy will go to office later.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Suspect you are teething as when you bites me, can feel the gum surface is no longer smooth feel,i can feel some sharp edge. Will see how , and will tell you ya!
Yday nite brought you to Adventist for 3rd DPT injection.
When mummy saw the doc signboard outside the clinic, Dr Mary OUT, Dr Agnes IN, i was hoping that they forget to update the doc status, and when i went in, Amarjit told me that Dr Mary on emergency leave, and the doc on duty is Dr Agnes. Sigh, since we were there,no choice.
While waiting for your turn, you get so excited with kids running around and also the big toys in the clinic. Baby, you are too young for those game.:)
After about 15 mins, it's your turn. Dr Agnes didn't examine you as detail as Dr Mary. When she gave you injection, mummy let you play with you favourite toy, Mr Frog. And mummy managed to calm you down without letting you cry out loud. **Clap clap for the great job**
Dr Agnes not so friendly compared to Dr Mary as you "talk" to her in your baby language, but she choose to ignore you. **waste your effort only** So mummy also didn't talk much to the doc since she doesn't seems to wanna "entertain" us.
When mummy saw the doc signboard outside the clinic, Dr Mary OUT, Dr Agnes IN, i was hoping that they forget to update the doc status, and when i went in, Amarjit told me that Dr Mary on emergency leave, and the doc on duty is Dr Agnes. Sigh, since we were there,no choice.
While waiting for your turn, you get so excited with kids running around and also the big toys in the clinic. Baby, you are too young for those game.:)
After about 15 mins, it's your turn. Dr Agnes didn't examine you as detail as Dr Mary. When she gave you injection, mummy let you play with you favourite toy, Mr Frog. And mummy managed to calm you down without letting you cry out loud. **Clap clap for the great job**

Saturday, April 21, 2007
New layout for the site
yeah, finally, after 2 days...i managed to change the layout for my baby's website.
Well, actually, there is still some monir things that i want to change...but well, phase 1 consider DONE!
Well, actually, there is still some monir things that i want to change...but well, phase 1 consider DONE!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Baby and Dog
Dear baby,
Before you joining our family, the little dog that stayed in the house is the center of attention. But now, you are the center of attention and occasiaonally, you try to scare the dog by making "aaaarrrgggghhh" sound, so cute.
All of us wonder how you will "play" with the dog when you start to crawl, start to walk.
Nowadays, as and when you sleep in cradle,Mimi will either sleep at the first step of the stairs or nearby to you, as mummy always tell Mimi, "Mimi, help mummy to take care di di" hahahahaI feel so guilty for neglecting the dog nowadays.
Last time, i used to play with Mimi everyday, shower the 3 dogs ~ Mimi, Maggie and BoyBoy every weekend, and now, no more time for them :( Luckily, Mimi still a very well behave dog. I still remembered, the first day when you reached home, mummy carried you in my arm and Mimi try to have a look at you. When we put you on the bed, Mimi try her very very best to have a peep at you, too bad, Mimi is too short, she can't see you :)
Now, every time when you sees Mimi, you will move your hands and legs, wanted to touch her. Ah Kong did let you touch Mimi with your leg couple of time. Mimi used to afraid of baby and toddler. I don't know why. But, she seems to be ok with you. Hope both of you can be good friend.
Before you joining our family, the little dog that stayed in the house is the center of attention. But now, you are the center of attention and occasiaonally, you try to scare the dog by making "aaaarrrgggghhh" sound, so cute.

Nowadays, as and when you sleep in cradle,Mimi will either sleep at the first step of the stairs or nearby to you, as mummy always tell Mimi, "Mimi, help mummy to take care di di" hahahahaI feel so guilty for neglecting the dog nowadays.
Last time, i used to play with Mimi everyday, shower the 3 dogs ~ Mimi, Maggie and BoyBoy every weekend, and now, no more time for them :( Luckily, Mimi still a very well behave dog. I still remembered, the first day when you reached home, mummy carried you in my arm and Mimi try to have a look at you. When we put you on the bed, Mimi try her very very best to have a peep at you, too bad, Mimi is too short, she can't see you :)
Now, every time when you sees Mimi, you will move your hands and legs, wanted to touch her. Ah Kong did let you touch Mimi with your leg couple of time. Mimi used to afraid of baby and toddler. I don't know why. But, she seems to be ok with you. Hope both of you can be good friend.
Toy and food
Went to Queensbay with auntiesssssssss and unker, not your auntiesss at home, but mummy's fren. Well, correct mah, u will call them aunty n unker when you meet them ^_^ Unker? what's that??? New term? nope nope, unker = uncle, coz u will pronouce it as unker mah!!!
The aunty hior, she told mum that there is one toy shop newly opened in Queensbay mall, and she even send me the link of the toy that she bought for her son. The toy looks cool and make me wanna make a trip to the shop ASAP!
Initially wanna bring daddy to QB on this weekend, but today, that aunty told mummy that she will go QB today and ask me whether wanna go boh...of course wan lah!! need to ask one mah...hahaha...So, the unti's hubby, who you will call him as unker drove mummy and the unti to QB mall and we had double joy today...why? Hmm...we went to Pastasia and the toy shop during lunch time!!!
The lunch, yummie loh!!! i had fettucini carbonara, one of your daddy's favourite pasta. Yes, daddy ocasionally take pasta too!!!
After that, we went to the toy shop. Too bad, no more stock for the teddy bear that mummy plan to get for you. Sooooo, i left my phone number and ask the store people to call me when the stock arrive QB.
By the way, tell you what, that unker hior, he not yet tell the unti how much mummy need to pay for the lunch....hmm....
The aunty hior, she told mum that there is one toy shop newly opened in Queensbay mall, and she even send me the link of the toy that she bought for her son. The toy looks cool and make me wanna make a trip to the shop ASAP!

The lunch, yummie loh!!! i had fettucini carbonara, one of your daddy's favourite pasta. Yes, daddy ocasionally take pasta too!!!
After that, we went to the toy shop. Too bad, no more stock for the teddy bear that mummy plan to get for you. Sooooo, i left my phone number and ask the store people to call me when the stock arrive QB.
By the way, tell you what, that unker hior, he not yet tell the unti how much mummy need to pay for the lunch....hmm....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Nothing special, but something fun
This morning, you wake up and sleep on our chest and look around for daddy or mummy. I was in the second living room and i quickly call out your name before you cry:) When daddy and mummy dropped you at nursery, it was raining. There is one car parked outside the nursery, so mummy gets worry as i don't know how to "transfer" you from the car to the nursery. The next thing i saw is, teacher Chuah and Aunty Margerat both came out with 2 umbrellas. Cool ! good customer service. Both of them combined their big umbrella to make it become ONE BIG one to make sure you didn't get wet.
In the evening, when mummy went to pick you up, kakak even called you "King Kelvin", new name, what have you done? I bet you must be busy "scaring" the other kids with your "arrrggggh" sound...hahahahaha. Naughty boy.
As mummy need to touch up something for my tomorrow's meeting, so i make sure you sleep early. But as usual, you refuse to sleep and keep turn right left right left on the bed. And finally you slept at around 10:30pm. I accompany you for a while as i am sure you will wake up to check whether mummy or daddy is around you or not. See, i am right! You wake up around 11pm to check whether i'm around you or not. Naughty huh! Don't worry, you are too young to be "room alone"
In the evening, when mummy went to pick you up, kakak even called you "King Kelvin", new name, what have you done? I bet you must be busy "scaring" the other kids with your "arrrggggh" sound...hahahahaha. Naughty boy.
As mummy need to touch up something for my tomorrow's meeting, so i make sure you sleep early. But as usual, you refuse to sleep and keep turn right left right left on the bed. And finally you slept at around 10:30pm. I accompany you for a while as i am sure you will wake up to check whether mummy or daddy is around you or not. See, i am right! You wake up around 11pm to check whether i'm around you or not. Naughty huh! Don't worry, you are too young to be "room alone"
Saturday, April 14, 2007
All about me ~ Kelvin
Got tagged by Evan's mummy. Hmm, guess what, mummy need to put myself in your shoe, write something on behalf of you. This is fun though, not sure what i think same as what you think. Anyhow, too bad, when you able to read this article, i doubt you can remember what happened when mummy wrote this. According to research, kids hardly or can't remember what happened in the first 4 yrs of their childhood, too bad huh.
Ok, here is the pic that daddy want mummy to put in this "All about me~ Kelvin"

On the outside
Name: Kelvin Chiang
Ok, here is the pic that daddy want mummy to put in this "All about me~ Kelvin"
On the outside
Name: Kelvin Chiang
Date of birth : 7th Oct 2006
Current Status : Single
Eye Color : Dark Brown
Hair color : Errmm.....should be black when i have more hair. Currently my hair look brownish, anyhow, mummy cut my hair short, so hard to tell what is the exact color, black or brownish??
Righty of lefty: Should be righty as i can hold thing firmly and properly with my right hand
On the inside
Heritage: Chinese, although i do look a bit like Japanese
Fear : When i wake up, daddy or mummy not beside me
Weakness: Get bored with my toys easily
Your perfect pizza: Mummy like pepperoni and hawaiian pizza. So, i only tasted these 2 types of pizza, no idea on how other pizza taste like
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Your thoughts upon first waking up: huh? so fast morning, and time to get out from the bed? Geez, i seems like don't have enough sleep yet
Your bedtime: Between 10 ~ 11pm. Sometime i do sleep earlier, but seldom
Your most missed memory: Memory? What's that? No idea what is memory
Your pick
Pepsi or coke: Nope thanks, i prefer mummy's yummy milk milk. Sometime i do take sky juice aka water
McDees or burger King: Nope nope, mummy don't like any of these. Mummy's favourite fast food is KFC
Single or Group Dates: Shhh...for me to know, for you to figure out. Aiyah, of course is with my lovely daddy and mummy
Adidas or Nike : Neither. I only have couple of OshKosh socks, Kenny Ah Ku bought for me
Lipton Tea or Nestea: No thanks, i don't take caffeine drink coz mummy don't allow
Chocolate or Vanilla : Mummy is chocolate lover, so i inherit her preference, chocolate pls!
Cappucino or Coffee :What's that? I never taste any of these. Taste good?Mummy always say no to caffeine drink ever since she preggie
Do you....
Smoke: What's that? Smoke salmon? According to mummy, Ah Kong does, but he never smoke in front of me, so i don't know what is that
Curse: I don't, but could be someone misunderstood me when i speak in baby language. I grumble when mummy don't feed me when i am hungry
In the past month
Drank alcohol: Of course NOPE! Me good good boy
Gone to the mall: Yup yup, only been to Queensbay Mall, coz the air cond there is cold, i like it . Mummy don't like BJC, Daddy don't like Gurney, always complain hard to find parking
Been on stage: Nope, but i would like to
Eaten sushi : Yes, mummy ate. Does it consider i took it too? Mummy loves sushi
Dyed your hair : Huh? Dye thanks, high maintenance. May consider doing it later, but not now
Have you ever…
Played a stripping game: Of course yes, everyone play stripping game during shower time, am i right?
Changed who you were to fit in: Nope nope, daddy said i look smart
Age you’re hoping to be married : Watch out for wedding invitation card from me .....
In a guy/girl
Best eye color: Blue, it looks cool according to mummy
Hair color: Black !!
Short of long hair: Girl, long hair like mummy; guy, short hair like me or daddy
What are you doing?
1 minute ago: Drinking the yummy yummy milk from mummy
1 hour ago: At the kopitiam with daddy, mummy, ah kong and ah ma. They went for brunch
4 1/2 hour ago: Playing with my favourite toy ~ Mr Frog,on daddy and mummy's bed
1 month ago: Eat, sleep and play. Hey, that's my job, ok!
1 year ago: What??? 1 yr ago, i am still in mummy's stomach, enjoying myself
Finish the setence
I love: mummy and daddy, especially when they hug me close to them
I feel: Happy happy and happy all the time
I hate: Being alone
I hide: My fingers in my mouth as mummy always asked me to let her try how delicious my fingers are
I miss: Mummy and daddy when they are not around me
I need: Ermm....can't think of any right now as i have tonnes of loveeesssss from everyone, especially daddy and mummy
Mummy, daddy... I LOVE u ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOo much!!
Current Status : Single
Eye Color : Dark Brown
Hair color : Errmm.....should be black when i have more hair. Currently my hair look brownish, anyhow, mummy cut my hair short, so hard to tell what is the exact color, black or brownish??
Righty of lefty: Should be righty as i can hold thing firmly and properly with my right hand
On the inside
Heritage: Chinese, although i do look a bit like Japanese
Fear : When i wake up, daddy or mummy not beside me
Weakness: Get bored with my toys easily
Your perfect pizza: Mummy like pepperoni and hawaiian pizza. So, i only tasted these 2 types of pizza, no idea on how other pizza taste like
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Your thoughts upon first waking up: huh? so fast morning, and time to get out from the bed? Geez, i seems like don't have enough sleep yet
Your bedtime: Between 10 ~ 11pm. Sometime i do sleep earlier, but seldom
Your most missed memory: Memory? What's that? No idea what is memory
Your pick
Pepsi or coke: Nope thanks, i prefer mummy's yummy milk milk. Sometime i do take sky juice aka water
McDees or burger King: Nope nope, mummy don't like any of these. Mummy's favourite fast food is KFC
Single or Group Dates: Shhh...for me to know, for you to figure out. Aiyah, of course is with my lovely daddy and mummy
Adidas or Nike : Neither. I only have couple of OshKosh socks, Kenny Ah Ku bought for me
Lipton Tea or Nestea: No thanks, i don't take caffeine drink coz mummy don't allow
Chocolate or Vanilla : Mummy is chocolate lover, so i inherit her preference, chocolate pls!
Cappucino or Coffee :What's that? I never taste any of these. Taste good?Mummy always say no to caffeine drink ever since she preggie
Do you....
Smoke: What's that? Smoke salmon? According to mummy, Ah Kong does, but he never smoke in front of me, so i don't know what is that
Curse: I don't, but could be someone misunderstood me when i speak in baby language. I grumble when mummy don't feed me when i am hungry
In the past month
Drank alcohol: Of course NOPE! Me good good boy
Gone to the mall: Yup yup, only been to Queensbay Mall, coz the air cond there is cold, i like it . Mummy don't like BJC, Daddy don't like Gurney, always complain hard to find parking
Been on stage: Nope, but i would like to
Eaten sushi : Yes, mummy ate. Does it consider i took it too? Mummy loves sushi
Dyed your hair : Huh? Dye thanks, high maintenance. May consider doing it later, but not now
Have you ever…
Played a stripping game: Of course yes, everyone play stripping game during shower time, am i right?
Changed who you were to fit in: Nope nope, daddy said i look smart
Age you’re hoping to be married : Watch out for wedding invitation card from me .....
In a guy/girl
Best eye color: Blue, it looks cool according to mummy
Hair color: Black !!
Short of long hair: Girl, long hair like mummy; guy, short hair like me or daddy
What are you doing?
1 minute ago: Drinking the yummy yummy milk from mummy
1 hour ago: At the kopitiam with daddy, mummy, ah kong and ah ma. They went for brunch
4 1/2 hour ago: Playing with my favourite toy ~ Mr Frog,on daddy and mummy's bed
1 month ago: Eat, sleep and play. Hey, that's my job, ok!
1 year ago: What??? 1 yr ago, i am still in mummy's stomach, enjoying myself
Finish the setence
I love: mummy and daddy, especially when they hug me close to them
I feel: Happy happy and happy all the time
I hate: Being alone
I hide: My fingers in my mouth as mummy always asked me to let her try how delicious my fingers are
I miss: Mummy and daddy when they are not around me
I need: Ermm....can't think of any right now as i have tonnes of loveeesssss from everyone, especially daddy and mummy
Mummy, daddy... I LOVE u ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOo much!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Kelvin's 6 mths milestone
Dear Baby,
6 mths ago, me and daddy waiting for your arrival since 1st Oct. And you decided to join the family on 7th Oct, one day later than the estimate due date. When i flashed back all the sweet moment with you, i really wish that i have a time machine, i can reverse back to those sweet moment. As you are the first baby for me and daddy, both of us a bit "kelam kabut" as we don't have previous experience in handling baby, so, at that point of time, mummy wish that you will grow faster, and faster. But now, i miss those old time. I wish you grow up slower and my miss to you stronger and stronger from day to day. Every morning when i drop you at nursery, i feel so guilty for leaving you there, but glad that you like the place so much.
Mth 1: You eat,sleep, eat, sleep

Mth 2: As usual, eat, sleep, eat, sleep and play.You started to have respond to me while i sing "Do Re Mi"
Mth 3: Started to go to nursery. Learned more thing in nursery.
Mth 4: Started to learn how to roll. But one side only.
Mth 5: Able to roll over and sleep on your chest. Can make some sounds such as "wwaaaaah" (after food or wake up from sleep), "arrrghh" (to scare the dog in the house)
Mth 6: On solid!!!!! And can roll over and over on the bed. Dangerous but exciting!!
6 mths ago, me and daddy waiting for your arrival since 1st Oct. And you decided to join the family on 7th Oct, one day later than the estimate due date. When i flashed back all the sweet moment with you, i really wish that i have a time machine, i can reverse back to those sweet moment. As you are the first baby for me and daddy, both of us a bit "kelam kabut" as we don't have previous experience in handling baby, so, at that point of time, mummy wish that you will grow faster, and faster. But now, i miss those old time. I wish you grow up slower and my miss to you stronger and stronger from day to day. Every morning when i drop you at nursery, i feel so guilty for leaving you there, but glad that you like the place so much.
Mth 1: You eat,sleep, eat, sleep
Mth 2: As usual, eat, sleep, eat, sleep and play.You started to have respond to me while i sing "Do Re Mi"
Thursday, April 12, 2007
What Nonsense is this!!!???
Anyone ever come across any article saying,
"Baby with BIGGER head will be SMARTER???"
Mom : When you want to stop breastfeeding Kelvin?
Me : As long as my supply can last
Mom: You should stop breastfeeding and feed Kelvin with Rice
Me: ?? ** look puzzle** Told you liao mah, we can only introduce ONE new food to baby every week, so i started rice cereal last week, this week will be plain porridge
Mom: You know what, baby with BIGGER head tend to be SMARTER!! So you should start feeding Kelvin with RICE
Me: (a bit angry) WHAT!!! Who say so...i never come across such article
Mom: How come you don't believe what those article said, don't know what is in your mind. People wrote in article and you don't believe, don't know who you will believe!
Me: I only believe what i read MYSELF and what Kelvin's Paed told me!
**Then i walk away before any war start between me and Mom**
Anyone happen to come across such article, PLLLLLEEEAAASSEEE share it with me.
"Baby with BIGGER head will be SMARTER???"
Mom : When you want to stop breastfeeding Kelvin?
Me : As long as my supply can last
Mom: You should stop breastfeeding and feed Kelvin with Rice
Me: ?? ** look puzzle** Told you liao mah, we can only introduce ONE new food to baby every week, so i started rice cereal last week, this week will be plain porridge
Mom: You know what, baby with BIGGER head tend to be SMARTER!! So you should start feeding Kelvin with RICE
Me: (a bit angry) WHAT!!! Who say so...i never come across such article
Mom: How come you don't believe what those article said, don't know what is in your mind. People wrote in article and you don't believe, don't know who you will believe!
Me: I only believe what i read MYSELF and what Kelvin's Paed told me!
**Then i walk away before any war start between me and Mom**
Anyone happen to come across such article, PLLLLLEEEAAASSEEE share it with me.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
My first solid!
Dear baby,
Today is the day that we've been waiting for soooooo long. What day is today? It's 7th Apr !It's 6 months since the day you borned and this will be the day that you first time try on solid food.
*This is your dining set*
*Your "dining table"
Ok, ready go!

When i first put the spoon into you mouth, you don't know how to swallow it properly, so some of the rice cereal came out from your mouth. Slowly, you enjoy eating the rice cereal. We all didn't expect you will enjoy eating it. Initially, mummy thought you will scream and refuse to eat, who knows, you very cooperate with us. And you even make some "chaaap chaaap" noise :)
Yeah , we will eat the rice cereal again tomorrow!
Today is the day that we've been waiting for soooooo long. What day is today? It's 7th Apr !It's 6 months since the day you borned and this will be the day that you first time try on solid food.

Ok, ready go!

When i first put the spoon into you mouth, you don't know how to swallow it properly, so some of the rice cereal came out from your mouth. Slowly, you enjoy eating the rice cereal. We all didn't expect you will enjoy eating it. Initially, mummy thought you will scream and refuse to eat, who knows, you very cooperate with us. And you even make some "chaaap chaaap" noise :)
Yeah , we will eat the rice cereal again tomorrow!
Scratched by magazine
sigh....your cute face had one small scratch :(
Yesterday nite, you insisted to hold on mummy's magazine and when we passed it to you, you start "eating" it instead of "reading"...hahaha.
Kelvin : **puzzle** mummy, you expect me know how to read by 5 mths plus?
Since the magazine looks a bit big compare to your hand, so i gave you other brochure to play around. Tried real hard to exchange it with you. And the next thing i noticed, omigosh, you had a small cut on your face, beside your mouth. Must be when you "eating" the book, the paper somehow scratched your face.
Yesterday nite, you insisted to hold on mummy's magazine and when we passed it to you, you start "eating" it instead of "reading"...hahaha.
Kelvin : **puzzle** mummy, you expect me know how to read by 5 mths plus?
Since the magazine looks a bit big compare to your hand, so i gave you other brochure to play around. Tried real hard to exchange it with you. And the next thing i noticed, omigosh, you had a small cut on your face, beside your mouth. Must be when you "eating" the book, the paper somehow scratched your face.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Countdown to solid day
One more day!! Our little baby Kelvin can try solid food.Hmm, what i plan to give him? Lobster? Scallop? No no no...only Heinz cereal + breast milk..haha
Guess what you did today? You drank 7oz of breast milk. It's a new breakthrough and new thing to write in your growing diary!! You slept for long and overshot your suppose to be milk milk time by one hour. Mummy gave you 4oz and you finished it one shot, then later you keep making noise and Ah Ma and ee poh said you ask for more milk, so mummy measure another 3 oz for you, and you finished it!! wow!!!
Guess what you did today? You drank 7oz of breast milk. It's a new breakthrough and new thing to write in your growing diary!! You slept for long and overshot your suppose to be milk milk time by one hour. Mummy gave you 4oz and you finished it one shot, then later you keep making noise and Ah Ma and ee poh said you ask for more milk, so mummy measure another 3 oz for you, and you finished it!! wow!!!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Baby Booster
Today is replacement holiday, both me and daddy not working, so it's our pak toh day. Feel so sorry to drop you at nursery as both of us nor working, but no choice as daddy and mummy need to go bank and also shop for high chair for you.
We went to Ramen House at Pulau Tikus for lunch, i had fish noodle and daddy had fish porridge. Then we went to Kids Gallery, mummy's favourite place :)
Finally, me and daddy bought you a chair. We wanted to get you fisher Price high chair but the lady in Kids Gallery told us that Fisher Price's high chair has a big bar between 2 legs and if the baby is chubby, he/she may not feel comfortable sitting in it. She recomended us the Booster, we bought the Booster Seat instead of high chair. Furthermore, this chair is portable, so whenever we go out, we can bring this chair along and mummy don't have to wipe and wipe and wipe and wipe the kopitiam/restaurant high chair before let you sit in it :)

**This is you on the new chair.**
Mummy bought this in the afternoon and can't wait to let you try on it :)
We went to Ramen House at Pulau Tikus for lunch, i had fish noodle and daddy had fish porridge. Then we went to Kids Gallery, mummy's favourite place :)
Finally, me and daddy bought you a chair. We wanted to get you fisher Price high chair but the lady in Kids Gallery told us that Fisher Price's high chair has a big bar between 2 legs and if the baby is chubby, he/she may not feel comfortable sitting in it. She recomended us the Booster, we bought the Booster Seat instead of high chair. Furthermore, this chair is portable, so whenever we go out, we can bring this chair along and mummy don't have to wipe and wipe and wipe and wipe the kopitiam/restaurant high chair before let you sit in it :)

**This is you on the new chair.**
Mummy bought this in the afternoon and can't wait to let you try on it :)
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Cheng Beng
Today, daddy and mummy need to follow the big group of ppl, tua ku kong, tua kim poh, second ee poh, ah kong , ah mah, second ku kong and second kim poh to my grandma, your great grandma's cemetery. We went out around 10am and we let you sleep while we went out. Tua ee poh stay at home with you.
We came back by 12 noon and you awake already! Tua kim poh carried you for a while before you decided to cry ^_^.
Mummy and Daddy went out to Gurney in the afternoon. I bought you a Winnie the Pooh bowl, clip on fan, one pooh shirt and one pooh pant.
When i showed you the clip on fan, you were so excited. We tried to take away the fan from you and you screamed! You sort like know that it's your fan and you want it! :)
Ah Ma showered you around 6pm and try to make you sleep as we want to bring you out for dinner.We went to Double Dragon Inn for dinner. You behave quite well, baby. After sitting in stroller for about 20 mins, you decided to join us. You make some noise and as usual, Ah Kong will rescue you. You sat on ah Kong's lap started to explore. The first thing you like the most is the bowl!! You took the bowl and "eat" it..hahaha...After short while, Ah Ma carried you,then second ee poh then ee poh, then daddy. Everyone take turn to carry you, except mummy :)
You slept in the car on our way home. Mummy put my face near you and sing your favourite song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and you fall asleep pretty fast.
We don't want to disturb your sleep dream so Ah Kong move the car seat from his car to daddy's car.
And the most interesting part poo a lot and no one aware. When we reached our apt lobby, daddy passed you to me and i felt something stickly...and yiaks! Your poo poo! Me and daddy quickly carry you up and change for you. Daddy stomachache and left me alone to clean for you. Luckily you very cooperative. I cleaned your pet pet with wet cloth, i decided to bring you to the basin and clean. After that, i still can feel some poo poo smell, so finally i decided to clean you in the tub. You thought i am going to bath you and so happy. Luckily the cleaning process went very smooth. After that you become happy baby again! Anyhow, you seems happy eventhough lots of poo poo in your diaper. By the way, if you wonder how the poo poo smell smells like the poster color that we used for art. You will know how it smell like when you uses poster color.
We came back by 12 noon and you awake already! Tua kim poh carried you for a while before you decided to cry ^_^.
Mummy and Daddy went out to Gurney in the afternoon. I bought you a Winnie the Pooh bowl, clip on fan, one pooh shirt and one pooh pant.
When i showed you the clip on fan, you were so excited. We tried to take away the fan from you and you screamed! You sort like know that it's your fan and you want it! :)
Ah Ma showered you around 6pm and try to make you sleep as we want to bring you out for dinner.We went to Double Dragon Inn for dinner. You behave quite well, baby. After sitting in stroller for about 20 mins, you decided to join us. You make some noise and as usual, Ah Kong will rescue you. You sat on ah Kong's lap started to explore. The first thing you like the most is the bowl!! You took the bowl and "eat" it..hahaha...After short while, Ah Ma carried you,then second ee poh then ee poh, then daddy. Everyone take turn to carry you, except mummy :)
You slept in the car on our way home. Mummy put my face near you and sing your favourite song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and you fall asleep pretty fast.
We don't want to disturb your sleep dream so Ah Kong move the car seat from his car to daddy's car.
And the most interesting part poo a lot and no one aware. When we reached our apt lobby, daddy passed you to me and i felt something stickly...and yiaks! Your poo poo! Me and daddy quickly carry you up and change for you. Daddy stomachache and left me alone to clean for you. Luckily you very cooperative. I cleaned your pet pet with wet cloth, i decided to bring you to the basin and clean. After that, i still can feel some poo poo smell, so finally i decided to clean you in the tub. You thought i am going to bath you and so happy. Luckily the cleaning process went very smooth. After that you become happy baby again! Anyhow, you seems happy eventhough lots of poo poo in your diaper. By the way, if you wonder how the poo poo smell smells like the poster color that we used for art. You will know how it smell like when you uses poster color.
Baby in Swimming Ring
Dear super baby,
Sat morning, you wake up happily and keep on saying "wahhhh" while lying on the bed. Mummy decided not to entertain you as i am so sleepy. But, the next thing that shocked me is, you turn and you were sleeping on your chest beside me and looking at me. No choice, i have to wake up and play with you.
Me and daddy has special mission on today, last mins jobs on 3/31/07!
1. Use the KFC vouchers that we bought for your full moon
2. Redeem Sunshine points
Daddy and mummy went to Tesco's KFC. Initially, both of us were super excited to discuss what we want to have because we need to use up the RM20 voucher. Usually, both of us will share one set ad mummy don't quite like KFC. I will eat the coleslaw while daddy will finish the mashed potato. And, we will get 2 chicken wings. That's what we usually had when we eat KFC. To our surprise, the KFC's serving shrink!! And i saw they offer new combo meal, with rice and raisin. So i tried that, and disappointed. The rice not nice, the chicken very oily...and the zinger burger that daddy had also so so disappointed. So this will be our last time having our KFC at that outlet.
Then, Daddy and mummy went to Sunshine to redeem free gift as very last minutes as after today, our previous gained point will get forfeited. Guess what we get for you? A Swimming Ring!!!!
When we got home, mummy and Ah Kong can't wait to fill up the swimming ring for you to play with. And you know what, we let you sit in the ring and do dry swimming.

You were so excited with the new toy. You sat in the ring, turn the steering. Yes, there is one steering on your swimming ring. After we let you play for a while, we decided to let you sleep as it already passed your usual sleeping time. We put you in the cradle and you sees like still super happy and excited, refuse to sleep.
Daddy, mummy, Ah Kong and Ah Ma went to Oriental Seafood kopitiam at Macalister Road for porridge at night. Ee poh and second Ee Poh stay at home with you. When we reached home after supper, to our surprise, the 2 ee-pohs were playing with you, together with your swimming ring. You laugh so loud when second ee poh press on the horn on the swimming ring's steering.
Daddy and mummy need to force you to go into the room and sleep.We need put extra effort to make you sleep as you too excited :)
Sat morning, you wake up happily and keep on saying "wahhhh" while lying on the bed. Mummy decided not to entertain you as i am so sleepy. But, the next thing that shocked me is, you turn and you were sleeping on your chest beside me and looking at me. No choice, i have to wake up and play with you.
Me and daddy has special mission on today, last mins jobs on 3/31/07!
1. Use the KFC vouchers that we bought for your full moon
2. Redeem Sunshine points
Daddy and mummy went to Tesco's KFC. Initially, both of us were super excited to discuss what we want to have because we need to use up the RM20 voucher. Usually, both of us will share one set ad mummy don't quite like KFC. I will eat the coleslaw while daddy will finish the mashed potato. And, we will get 2 chicken wings. That's what we usually had when we eat KFC. To our surprise, the KFC's serving shrink!! And i saw they offer new combo meal, with rice and raisin. So i tried that, and disappointed. The rice not nice, the chicken very oily...and the zinger burger that daddy had also so so disappointed. So this will be our last time having our KFC at that outlet.
Then, Daddy and mummy went to Sunshine to redeem free gift as very last minutes as after today, our previous gained point will get forfeited. Guess what we get for you? A Swimming Ring!!!!
When we got home, mummy and Ah Kong can't wait to fill up the swimming ring for you to play with. And you know what, we let you sit in the ring and do dry swimming.

You were so excited with the new toy. You sat in the ring, turn the steering. Yes, there is one steering on your swimming ring. After we let you play for a while, we decided to let you sleep as it already passed your usual sleeping time. We put you in the cradle and you sees like still super happy and excited, refuse to sleep.
Daddy, mummy, Ah Kong and Ah Ma went to Oriental Seafood kopitiam at Macalister Road for porridge at night. Ee poh and second Ee Poh stay at home with you. When we reached home after supper, to our surprise, the 2 ee-pohs were playing with you, together with your swimming ring. You laugh so loud when second ee poh press on the horn on the swimming ring's steering.
Daddy and mummy need to force you to go into the room and sleep.We need put extra effort to make you sleep as you too excited :)
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