Haze is back!!! ARGH!!! Mummy hate this soooo much! Initially mummy thought of resuming your fruit schedule by next week, but ....
Ø Am seeing you rubbing your nose quite frequent
Ø Your cheek a bit reddish
Ø And lastly…mummy is sick
Since mummy no longer breastfeeding you at night and you were on Similac Lactose Free for time being, so you are not getting any antibody from mummy, soooo you are on your own now, which means I need to resume back the fruit intake schedule as soon as possible so that you will get some vit C.
Another thing mummy noticed is, your intake of water seems to be less ever seen yoy had stomach flu. Prior to this, you love taking water, whenever we offer your water, you will take few sip, however, currently, you will push away the water bottle, or grab the water bottle and turn it upside down, let the water drip, then you will laugh happily. **pengsan**

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Nice poo!
We still let you take Similac Lactose Free milk powder even though you are considered fully recover from stomach flu. You seems ok taking the milk powder despite of the taste not as nice as enfagrow A+. On Monday when mummy pick you up from nursery, aunty Diana happily told me “ Kelvin’s poo look nice today!” Yes yes, most mummy tend to admire their kid’s poo poo. Hahaha!
Mummy stop giving you fruit ever since you had stomach flu, and no plan to give it back to you so soon yet. And phew, luckily you still able to poo without any problem, and some more 2 times a day!
Mummy stop giving you fruit ever since you had stomach flu, and no plan to give it back to you so soon yet. And phew, luckily you still able to poo without any problem, and some more 2 times a day!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Stomach flu Day #7 and #8 - ALL is over!
Gladly to say that, EVERYTHING is OVER!!!
You poo-ed lesser on Saturday and today, you didn't poo yet. I guess there isn't anything for you to poo for time being as you poo-ed so much in the past few days.
Saturday, you had potato porridge for lunch and ikan bilis mee suah for dinner. You wallop all the food and also, on and off you will ask for milk and bread. But we dare not give you too much, afraid may overload your just recover stomach.
Sunday morning you woke up at 7am, asked for milk and refused to sleep after the milk, so daddy and mummy brought you to the garden nearby our house for morning walk. After that, we went to buy breakfast. Mummy had mee suah so that i can share some with you. Thought that after having mee suah, you will sleep, but we were wrong. So, we bath you, again, hoping that you will sleep after that. Again, a fail. And you asked for bread, so daddy gave you some and mummy quickly take my shower and off, we went to Giant. You were so excited and energetic. We bought you a ball and your diaper, then we headed to Ah Kong's house. Need to let you rest as you woke up since 7am.
When we reached Ah Kong's house, again, you asked for milk, however, this time, you sleep after taking your milk. Phew!! As daddy need to meet up with friend,so he dropped mummy at QBM for retail therapy. When we got home, you just woke up. From around 12noon, you slept til 3pm. 3 hrs!! Wow!! And yes, you only had your so call lunch by 3pm. Today's menu same as yesterday, potato porridge for lunch and ikan bilis mee suah for dinner. You took it happily and in fact keep ask for more.
You move around the house a lot, a sign showing us you are recovering, and in fact, fully recover. EVERYTHING IS OVER!!! Yeah!!! Now, while mummy typing this post, you were in your lala-land.
You poo-ed lesser on Saturday and today, you didn't poo yet. I guess there isn't anything for you to poo for time being as you poo-ed so much in the past few days.
Saturday, you had potato porridge for lunch and ikan bilis mee suah for dinner. You wallop all the food and also, on and off you will ask for milk and bread. But we dare not give you too much, afraid may overload your just recover stomach.
Sunday morning you woke up at 7am, asked for milk and refused to sleep after the milk, so daddy and mummy brought you to the garden nearby our house for morning walk. After that, we went to buy breakfast. Mummy had mee suah so that i can share some with you. Thought that after having mee suah, you will sleep, but we were wrong. So, we bath you, again, hoping that you will sleep after that. Again, a fail. And you asked for bread, so daddy gave you some and mummy quickly take my shower and off, we went to Giant. You were so excited and energetic. We bought you a ball and your diaper, then we headed to Ah Kong's house. Need to let you rest as you woke up since 7am.
When we reached Ah Kong's house, again, you asked for milk, however, this time, you sleep after taking your milk. Phew!! As daddy need to meet up with friend,so he dropped mummy at QBM for retail therapy. When we got home, you just woke up. From around 12noon, you slept til 3pm. 3 hrs!! Wow!! And yes, you only had your so call lunch by 3pm. Today's menu same as yesterday, potato porridge for lunch and ikan bilis mee suah for dinner. You took it happily and in fact keep ask for more.
You move around the house a lot, a sign showing us you are recovering, and in fact, fully recover. EVERYTHING IS OVER!!! Yeah!!! Now, while mummy typing this post, you were in your lala-land.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Stomach flu Day #6 - Back to day care
Seing you so boring at home, daddy and mummy decided to give a try, to send you to day care on Friday. Mummy informed Uncle James and Teacher Chuah that you will be back to day care, and both of them happy to know it. Teacher Chuah even checked with mummy what to give you for lunch and dinner.
Thursday night, as mummy wonder how come you still poo so frequent after taking the anti-diarrhea medicine. So again, i called up Dr Tan. As soon as the line is connected, Dr Tan said " yes, Mrs Chiang!" Hahahaha...i bet he can remember mummy's phone number for few days. According to Dr Tan, it will take 2 ~ 3 days to recover from the diarrhea, as the muscle of the stomach need time to recover. Throughout the night, you didn't poo so much, good sign!
Friday morning, as soona s daddy's car reached the front door of the day care center, you can't wait to get down from the car. Hmm, missing all your lil friends? After talking with Teacher Chuah for a while, mummy leave the day care with hard feeling as i'm worry whether will you poo-ed and they doesn't aware of it; will you able to eat the porridge; what if you refuse to eat porridge, will they find some other food for you...
And seems like all my worries are well taken care by the teacher and baby sitters in day care. Mummy called around 11:30am, teacher Chuah told me you finished the porridge, but of course you whined as it's plain porridge, tasteless. But somehow, they managed to make you finish the porridge.
We picked you up around 5:45pm, mummy can't wait any longer to pick you up. Aunty Fong told mummy you actually finished up whole bowl of porridge, your usual intake. What a relief to know that, means you are getting better. However, you poo-ed 3 times while you were in the school.
Am seeing more improvement, hope you will recover fast as tomorrow is Saturday, outing day ya!
Thursday night, as mummy wonder how come you still poo so frequent after taking the anti-diarrhea medicine. So again, i called up Dr Tan. As soon as the line is connected, Dr Tan said " yes, Mrs Chiang!" Hahahaha...i bet he can remember mummy's phone number for few days. According to Dr Tan, it will take 2 ~ 3 days to recover from the diarrhea, as the muscle of the stomach need time to recover. Throughout the night, you didn't poo so much, good sign!
Friday morning, as soona s daddy's car reached the front door of the day care center, you can't wait to get down from the car. Hmm, missing all your lil friends? After talking with Teacher Chuah for a while, mummy leave the day care with hard feeling as i'm worry whether will you poo-ed and they doesn't aware of it; will you able to eat the porridge; what if you refuse to eat porridge, will they find some other food for you...
And seems like all my worries are well taken care by the teacher and baby sitters in day care. Mummy called around 11:30am, teacher Chuah told me you finished the porridge, but of course you whined as it's plain porridge, tasteless. But somehow, they managed to make you finish the porridge.
We picked you up around 5:45pm, mummy can't wait any longer to pick you up. Aunty Fong told mummy you actually finished up whole bowl of porridge, your usual intake. What a relief to know that, means you are getting better. However, you poo-ed 3 times while you were in the school.
Am seeing more improvement, hope you will recover fast as tomorrow is Saturday, outing day ya!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Stomach flu Day #5 - Everything should be over soon
Yesterday, when mummy got home from work, Ah Kong asked me to call Dr Tan as you poo-ed around 30 mins after every milk intake. And from afternoon this 6pm, you poo-ed 3 times. Gosh, quickly, mummy called up Dr Tan again and he asked us to drop by his night clinic tonight with the stool sample for him to check. Aiyak, Ee Poh just clean up the mess and we can't find any stool sample. Ah Kong managed to find a small tiny sample that was on your nappy liner. Anyhow, better than nothing, so he wrap it nicely and put in a plastic , secure it with rubber band for mummy. ** It's a precious stool for you as we need to "study" your stool!**
Quickly, daddy and mummy took bath and had our dinner, off, we headed to Adventist. You were basically quite active. While we waited for our turn, you were busy playing in the paed ward. You even push the chair around the ward, and greet people with you "ahhhhh" sound.
When it's your turn, mummy walked you into Dr Tan's room. However, as soon as you see him, you stopped and refuse to walk any further. So mummy need to carry you in. And of course, this resulted the scream scream and scream! Dr Tan examined your tummy, your ear and even the precious small tiny stool sample. Thank god, everything OK! YEAH!!! So relief to hear that. He prescribe anti-diarrhea medicine. In the mid of checking, you told mummy that you want "nen nen", so we let you sleep on the bed in Dr Tan's room to have your nen nen while mummy chatting with him. Dr Tan said it's normal for a kid to scream scream and scream when the doc examine on them, and the kid will usually be more ok when turn older. When Dr Tan said bye bye to you, you pointed at the door and asked daddy to bring you out. LOL!
While we were at the payment counter, you insisted to walk around. When you saw daddy, you wanted to walk to him and you were too hurry and fell down. You cried and quickly mummy distract you, and very soon, you forgot about it and start to walk around. You greeted people again with your "ahhhh" greeting.
When we got home, mummy gave you the medicine, the anti-diarrhea medicine smell horrible to me, and luckily i don't have problem feeding it to you. Good boy! Yesterday night, you poo-ed on our bed, so we gotta sleep in another room. Initially you refused to sleep, and after long hour of persuasion and repeating the few same lullabies, finally, you went to lala-land. You woke up at 7:30am this morning. This first thing when you wake up, mummy asked whether did you poo, and you show me the "no" sign, and at the same time said "no moh". We send you to Ah Kong's house and gave you another round of anti-dirrhea medicine. Then, daddy send mummy to work.
This morning Uncle James called again to check on your progress. Gladly, mummy told him that you are better, and probably may send you to day care to tomorrow. As mummy seeing you feel bored at home, probably you misses all your lil friends in day care? Also, mummy informed teacher Chuah that you may return to day care tomorrow and happily she said she will get thing prepare for you as you need special meal, which is......PLAIN porridge! LOL!
Today mummy cut down your milk intake from 4oz to 3oz. Mummy want to make sure your tummy won't get overload and cause you frequent dirrhea. Ah Ma called around 11:00am, saying you ask for food and check with mummy whether can you take porridge or not, of course the answer is YES. But, it's plaid porridge only.
So relief seeing there is progress on you, and you are recovering!
Quickly, daddy and mummy took bath and had our dinner, off, we headed to Adventist. You were basically quite active. While we waited for our turn, you were busy playing in the paed ward. You even push the chair around the ward, and greet people with you "ahhhhh" sound.
When it's your turn, mummy walked you into Dr Tan's room. However, as soon as you see him, you stopped and refuse to walk any further. So mummy need to carry you in. And of course, this resulted the scream scream and scream! Dr Tan examined your tummy, your ear and even the precious small tiny stool sample. Thank god, everything OK! YEAH!!! So relief to hear that. He prescribe anti-diarrhea medicine. In the mid of checking, you told mummy that you want "nen nen", so we let you sleep on the bed in Dr Tan's room to have your nen nen while mummy chatting with him. Dr Tan said it's normal for a kid to scream scream and scream when the doc examine on them, and the kid will usually be more ok when turn older. When Dr Tan said bye bye to you, you pointed at the door and asked daddy to bring you out. LOL!
While we were at the payment counter, you insisted to walk around. When you saw daddy, you wanted to walk to him and you were too hurry and fell down. You cried and quickly mummy distract you, and very soon, you forgot about it and start to walk around. You greeted people again with your "ahhhh" greeting.
When we got home, mummy gave you the medicine, the anti-diarrhea medicine smell horrible to me, and luckily i don't have problem feeding it to you. Good boy! Yesterday night, you poo-ed on our bed, so we gotta sleep in another room. Initially you refused to sleep, and after long hour of persuasion and repeating the few same lullabies, finally, you went to lala-land. You woke up at 7:30am this morning. This first thing when you wake up, mummy asked whether did you poo, and you show me the "no" sign, and at the same time said "no moh". We send you to Ah Kong's house and gave you another round of anti-dirrhea medicine. Then, daddy send mummy to work.
This morning Uncle James called again to check on your progress. Gladly, mummy told him that you are better, and probably may send you to day care to tomorrow. As mummy seeing you feel bored at home, probably you misses all your lil friends in day care? Also, mummy informed teacher Chuah that you may return to day care tomorrow and happily she said she will get thing prepare for you as you need special meal, which is......PLAIN porridge! LOL!
Today mummy cut down your milk intake from 4oz to 3oz. Mummy want to make sure your tummy won't get overload and cause you frequent dirrhea. Ah Ma called around 11:00am, saying you ask for food and check with mummy whether can you take porridge or not, of course the answer is YES. But, it's plaid porridge only.
So relief seeing there is progress on you, and you are recovering!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Stomach flu Day #4 - What happen to you, sweetie?
What happen to you? Yesterday night you whine from 10pm until 1:30am. No matter what mummy and daddy do, we were unable to comfort you. We brought you in and out from the room, still can’t help much. I thought your ear infection caused you uneasy so I carried you and let you sleep in my arm, as past experience showed that carrying you in my arm can ease the pain caused by ear infection. But this time…you still whined, cried, then stop and crawl beside me and put your head to my lap, I carried you into my arm, and you start whining and crying, and even I let you sleep on my chest, also same result…So at the end, mummy give up, I put your beside me, let you continue to whine, and mummy told you to come to me when you decide to calm down. I know I know, you are not feeling well and I’m not suppose to do this to you, but mummy doesn’t know what else to do, I’ve been having 3 sleepless night and I’m exhausted.
Finally you slept at 1:30am and wake up crying at 2am. Daddy and mummy thought you had nightmare, we switched on the light, yet you still cry. End up I leave it to daddy to calm you down and after 15 mins, you slept again until this morning 7:20am. Mummy has to wake you up as we need to send you to Ah Kong’s house. You unwillingly wake up but the moment daddy show you the house key, you show your happy face and pointed at the door, asking mummy to carry you out.
While we were in the car, mummy let you sleep at the back. Mummy attended my teleconferences at Ah Kong’s house and uncle Andy came to pick me up at 11:15am.
Mummy called back around 2pm to check on you, Ah Ma said you are doing ok. Glad to hear that.
Finally you slept at 1:30am and wake up crying at 2am. Daddy and mummy thought you had nightmare, we switched on the light, yet you still cry. End up I leave it to daddy to calm you down and after 15 mins, you slept again until this morning 7:20am. Mummy has to wake you up as we need to send you to Ah Kong’s house. You unwillingly wake up but the moment daddy show you the house key, you show your happy face and pointed at the door, asking mummy to carry you out.
While we were in the car, mummy let you sleep at the back. Mummy attended my teleconferences at Ah Kong’s house and uncle Andy came to pick me up at 11:15am.
Mummy called back around 2pm to check on you, Ah Ma said you are doing ok. Glad to hear that.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Stomach flu Day #3
Today you woke up at 8:10am because you poo-ed! So quickly, with the help from Ah Ma, we washed and changed you.
Seems like there is some improvement, no more vomiting after yesterday night's suppository at 8pm. It has been more than 8 hrs and no vomiting. Good sign. However, mummy still doesn't give you any solid, pure breastmilk. Btw, uncle James and Dr Tan did call up to check on your condition.
Another episode kick in...no more vomiting, but diarrhea. Your poo's color is yellow, just like those poo that you had when you were fully on breastmilk. Mummy took a day off today and daddy work from home, so in the afternoon, we went to Tesco to look for Similac Lactose Free milk powder that recommended by aunt Wooi Sin. I can't find it in Tesco and went to Guardian and still no luck...and luckily the sales person in Guardian told me to check with the pharmacy next door..and thank god, they do sell Similac Lactose Free!!! So quickly we buy it and headed home.
I gave you some milk and after you take it, you will wee and poo. Again, mummy called up Dr Tan to get his advise. He said it's normal, once vomit stop, diarrhea will kick in. And mummy just need to make sure you are not dehydrated. So i fed you a bit of "gas-less" 100 plus. And since you dirtied your cradle cloth, so Ah Ma gotta use sarung to replace it so that you can have good sleep in cradle.
Little Sweetie, hope you will recover fast!

Stomach flu Day #2
Yesterday evening, mummy and daddy thought of admitting you to Adventist as you doesn't have good appetite since your last intake of porridge at 2pm. Mummy called up Dr Tan around 6pm to inform him in advance and his advise is to monitor you and decide around 8pm to see whether is there any need to admit you. After that mummy gave you suppository to stop the vomiting.
Around 8pm, Dr Tan called up to check on you, and since you are sleeping so Dr Tan asked me to monitor you again and he will be in Adventist ER at 9pm. Mummy thought you will be fine, and who knows when you wake up from sleep, you seems a bit warm. The other symptoms comes out, fever! So again, quickly mummy call up Dr Tan and informing him that we will be going to Adventist as you are getting cranky.
You sleep all the way to Adventist and when we were in ER, you pointed the patient bed to mummy and mummy let you rest on there. Guess what, you saw the big pillow and you rest both of your legs high and you actually attracted the attention of lots of nurses. 4 of them came by and shake hands with you. Happily you shake your hand with them without any fear.
Later, when Dr Tan check on you, the scream scream scene take place. You were shouting your lung out, but no choice, Dr Tan need to proceed on the checking. He found that your ear has minor infection and this could cause vomiting too. And what now? Of course put you on antibiotic. Mummy doesn't like this, but we have no choice. After that, Dr Tan gave us 3 options,
When we get home, you keep asking for milk and mummy dare not give you too much, and of course with the 1oz of milk, how can you go into your lala-land? So we have to keep distract you. Mummy even try to breastfeed you and you push me away! I guess this is a sign showing that i did successfully wean you off from my breast huh! So daddy get the task to distract you and sing lullaby to you....and after few round of in and out from the room, finally you go to your lala-land!
You sleep well throughout the night and mummy wake you up at 5am for PCM. Then you continue to ZZZzzz again until 8:10am. You wake mummy up as you poo-ed!
Around 8pm, Dr Tan called up to check on you, and since you are sleeping so Dr Tan asked me to monitor you again and he will be in Adventist ER at 9pm. Mummy thought you will be fine, and who knows when you wake up from sleep, you seems a bit warm. The other symptoms comes out, fever! So again, quickly mummy call up Dr Tan and informing him that we will be going to Adventist as you are getting cranky.
You sleep all the way to Adventist and when we were in ER, you pointed the patient bed to mummy and mummy let you rest on there. Guess what, you saw the big pillow and you rest both of your legs high and you actually attracted the attention of lots of nurses. 4 of them came by and shake hands with you. Happily you shake your hand with them without any fear.
Later, when Dr Tan check on you, the scream scream scene take place. You were shouting your lung out, but no choice, Dr Tan need to proceed on the checking. He found that your ear has minor infection and this could cause vomiting too. And what now? Of course put you on antibiotic. Mummy doesn't like this, but we have no choice. After that, Dr Tan gave us 3 options,
1. Take you home together with antibiotic, monitor you
2. Take you home without antibiotic and monitor you
3. Admit you
Initially daddy and mummy thought of option 3, but Dr Tan sort like choose opt 1 for us as he said admitting you won't make the cranky situation become good as you will still be cranky due to you will feel very uncomfortable with the needle on your hand. He keep assuring mummy that mummy can call him up even middle of the night if i need any advice. Also, Dr Tan doesn't charge us for consultation fee. Such a good doctor huh! He wrote us the medicine prescription then we proceed with the payment and get medicine from pharmacy. On the way back, you also fall asleep in the car.When we get home, you keep asking for milk and mummy dare not give you too much, and of course with the 1oz of milk, how can you go into your lala-land? So we have to keep distract you. Mummy even try to breastfeed you and you push me away! I guess this is a sign showing that i did successfully wean you off from my breast huh! So daddy get the task to distract you and sing lullaby to you....and after few round of in and out from the room, finally you go to your lala-land!
You sleep well throughout the night and mummy wake you up at 5am for PCM. Then you continue to ZZZzzz again until 8:10am. You wake mummy up as you poo-ed!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanks, uncle James and Dr Tan
Mummy called up nursery this morning informing them that you are not going to school today and uncle James picked up the call.
Uncle James called at 11:41am to check on your condition. He is so caring huh! I bet he misses you a lot. He didn't see you throughout the weekend and look forward to see you today, but you are sick and not going to school.
Uncle James asked mummy to give you some glucose in case you don't have good appetite.
Dr Tan called at 2:14pm to check on your progress. Mummy told him about your watery poo, he said it's ok as you are clearing all the toxic in your tummy.And he said as long as you have appetite to eat, then not so alarming. Dr Tan asked mummy to continue feeding you with porridge, small portion but more frequent.
All of us wish you will recover fast!
Uncle James called at 11:41am to check on your condition. He is so caring huh! I bet he misses you a lot. He didn't see you throughout the weekend and look forward to see you today, but you are sick and not going to school.
Uncle James asked mummy to give you some glucose in case you don't have good appetite.
Dr Tan called at 2:14pm to check on your progress. Mummy told him about your watery poo, he said it's ok as you are clearing all the toxic in your tummy.And he said as long as you have appetite to eat, then not so alarming. Dr Tan asked mummy to continue feeding you with porridge, small portion but more frequent.
All of us wish you will recover fast!
Stomach flu Day #1 -What's wrong??
Sunday evening, when we were on our way out for dinner, you vomited in the car. We thought it could be you too excited after dinner, and at the same time you move around in the car while we are on our way to the restaurant. However, we are wrong.
When dinner is served, mummy gave you one small slice of carrot, and after few seconds, you throw out your dinner. The flow is like a waterfall, all out. Luckily you didn't cry, and quickly we remove you from the high chair and clean you up. Mummy thought everything is over.......After dinner, we headed back to our apt.
When we reached home, you asked for milk. Mummy gave you milk and awhile later, daddy call for help. You vomited again. Seems like this time, you throw out the cheese that you took during your afternoon tea break. Mummy called up Dr Tan, and he was attending patient and he briefly told me that lots of kids vomiting recently....and he asked me to call back n 10 mins time. Once i put down my phone, daddy call again, you vomit again. And daddy and mummy decided to bring you to hospital. Mummy called up Dr Tan and he told me he will wait for us in hospital. So nice of him!!!
While we were at the traffic light behind our house, you throw out again, all the cheese. And you throw out on my pants. Even though mummy is cheese lover, but the smell of twice processed cheese (thrown out cheese) is not as nice as the normal processed cheese. Daddy also call up Ah Kong to bring some of your clothing to meet us at Adventist. When we almost reached Adventist, i gave your ped, Dr Tan, a call and he told me he's waiting for us at ER. Mummy feel so relief after hearing that he's waiting for us at ER. So quickly we parked our car outside the ER entrance and bring you into ER. Basically you just look tired but still quite energetic as you show mummy that you want to come down and walk by yourself. As you are not wearing your shoes, so mummy dare not let you walk.
When Dr Tan checked on you, you make lots of noise, maybe you still remember he is the one who send you for nebuliser and he's the one always poke on your bum bum, so everytime when Dr Tan touches you, you will scream.....Dr Tan checked and make sure you are not dehydrated. And he wrote down some notes for mummy, what to eat, what to do........and also taught mummy how to check whether you are dehydrated or not. Dr Tan said previously people will associate vomit and diarrhea as food poisoning but the recent study showed that it's not food poisoning. It is caused by airborne virus. Gosh!!!
While mummy continue to get more info from Dr Tan, daddy carry you out from the ER to meet with Ah Kong and Ah Ma. When you saw them, you stopped crying and show your excitement. Mummy has to call you into ER again as i need to put suppository for you to stop the vomit. The nurse on duty helped mummy to do it then we proceed to the cashier counter for payment. Since the normal cashier counter is closed, thus, mummy being asked to make payment at the admission counter. And again, you behave very active, while mummy doing payment, you asked ah Ma to bring you to sit beside me and start playing with my purse and even "talk" to the on duty lady. Then, we headed back home.
On our way home, you decided that you want the entire back seat, you lie on the seat and poor mummy has only a small little space to sit. You keep showing mummy "sleeping" position and you even make the snoring sounds , telling us you are sleeping. Cheeky boy!
When we got home, you drank 2 oz of water and daddy afraid you may vomit again, and luckily you didn't. So we waited for a while before we fed you the anti-vomit medicine. After the medicine, mummy gave you 1 oz of milk and of course, it's not enough for you, you make lots of noise, so we gave a bit more. While you are taking your milk, mummy quickly take shower as you vomited on me on our way to hospital, i smell like parmesan cheese. You drank a bit then turn left right on the bed. Your eye lips barely can open, but you just refuse to sleep. You refuse to sleep and keep wanted to come out from the room. Daddy and mummy need to sleep beside you, keep telling you that WE will sleep together..and after a while, finally, you close your eyes and go to your lala-land. You sleep thru the whole nite and only wake up around 6:30am.
Mummy know you are hungry as you keep turn around and keep kicking mummy, then daddy decided to give you some milk, and of course we do expect something will happen after you took the milk. True enough, you throw out all the milk, but then, this doesn't stop you from asking for food. Then later, you pointed on the table and said "mum mum". So mummy fed you some bread. About 15 mins, all of the bread comes out in small pieces. Daddy dropped mummy and you to Ah Kong's house.
You look tired but still quite cheeky. You gave everyone the best smile, we know that you try very hard to give all of us a big smile. Mummy fed you the anti-vomit medicine and let you take a short nap. Ee Poh cooked plain porridge for you. And i would like to thank aunty Wooi Sin and Sheoh Yan for their advise and support. Thanks dear, for the advise and support, appreciate it so much! After you wake up from the nap, you start asking for food, and mummy fed you some 100 plus, follow by the wind medicine. A while later, i gave you some porridge and rice water...and of course, a few spoon feed of porridge won't satisfy you, you make more and more noise, but i dare not give you too much food, afraid your stomach cannot take it. After 15 mins, you show hungry sign and ah Ma gave you few spoon feed of porridge again. And guess what, you saw Ah Ma's drink on table and you thought it was your milk, and keep pointing at it. So mummy make 1 oz of breastmilk for you, and again, 1 oz of breastmilk is nothing to you, you shout and shout after that. But thank god, you can get distracted easily, so Ah Ma carry you away and play with you for a while.
While mummy typing this, you are in lala-land again. Daddy is at work and he kept call back to check on you. So far...so good...the last fed of small tiny amount of porridge at 10:20am and you didn't throw out any and now is 11:20am. Hope you are getting better...we miss the active and cheeky you!
When dinner is served, mummy gave you one small slice of carrot, and after few seconds, you throw out your dinner. The flow is like a waterfall, all out. Luckily you didn't cry, and quickly we remove you from the high chair and clean you up. Mummy thought everything is over.......After dinner, we headed back to our apt.
When we reached home, you asked for milk. Mummy gave you milk and awhile later, daddy call for help. You vomited again. Seems like this time, you throw out the cheese that you took during your afternoon tea break. Mummy called up Dr Tan, and he was attending patient and he briefly told me that lots of kids vomiting recently....and he asked me to call back n 10 mins time. Once i put down my phone, daddy call again, you vomit again. And daddy and mummy decided to bring you to hospital. Mummy called up Dr Tan and he told me he will wait for us in hospital. So nice of him!!!
While we were at the traffic light behind our house, you throw out again, all the cheese. And you throw out on my pants. Even though mummy is cheese lover, but the smell of twice processed cheese (thrown out cheese) is not as nice as the normal processed cheese. Daddy also call up Ah Kong to bring some of your clothing to meet us at Adventist. When we almost reached Adventist, i gave your ped, Dr Tan, a call and he told me he's waiting for us at ER. Mummy feel so relief after hearing that he's waiting for us at ER. So quickly we parked our car outside the ER entrance and bring you into ER. Basically you just look tired but still quite energetic as you show mummy that you want to come down and walk by yourself. As you are not wearing your shoes, so mummy dare not let you walk.
When Dr Tan checked on you, you make lots of noise, maybe you still remember he is the one who send you for nebuliser and he's the one always poke on your bum bum, so everytime when Dr Tan touches you, you will scream.....Dr Tan checked and make sure you are not dehydrated. And he wrote down some notes for mummy, what to eat, what to do........and also taught mummy how to check whether you are dehydrated or not. Dr Tan said previously people will associate vomit and diarrhea as food poisoning but the recent study showed that it's not food poisoning. It is caused by airborne virus. Gosh!!!
While mummy continue to get more info from Dr Tan, daddy carry you out from the ER to meet with Ah Kong and Ah Ma. When you saw them, you stopped crying and show your excitement. Mummy has to call you into ER again as i need to put suppository for you to stop the vomit. The nurse on duty helped mummy to do it then we proceed to the cashier counter for payment. Since the normal cashier counter is closed, thus, mummy being asked to make payment at the admission counter. And again, you behave very active, while mummy doing payment, you asked ah Ma to bring you to sit beside me and start playing with my purse and even "talk" to the on duty lady. Then, we headed back home.
On our way home, you decided that you want the entire back seat, you lie on the seat and poor mummy has only a small little space to sit. You keep showing mummy "sleeping" position and you even make the snoring sounds , telling us you are sleeping. Cheeky boy!
When we got home, you drank 2 oz of water and daddy afraid you may vomit again, and luckily you didn't. So we waited for a while before we fed you the anti-vomit medicine. After the medicine, mummy gave you 1 oz of milk and of course, it's not enough for you, you make lots of noise, so we gave a bit more. While you are taking your milk, mummy quickly take shower as you vomited on me on our way to hospital, i smell like parmesan cheese. You drank a bit then turn left right on the bed. Your eye lips barely can open, but you just refuse to sleep. You refuse to sleep and keep wanted to come out from the room. Daddy and mummy need to sleep beside you, keep telling you that WE will sleep together..and after a while, finally, you close your eyes and go to your lala-land. You sleep thru the whole nite and only wake up around 6:30am.
Mummy know you are hungry as you keep turn around and keep kicking mummy, then daddy decided to give you some milk, and of course we do expect something will happen after you took the milk. True enough, you throw out all the milk, but then, this doesn't stop you from asking for food. Then later, you pointed on the table and said "mum mum". So mummy fed you some bread. About 15 mins, all of the bread comes out in small pieces. Daddy dropped mummy and you to Ah Kong's house.
You look tired but still quite cheeky. You gave everyone the best smile, we know that you try very hard to give all of us a big smile. Mummy fed you the anti-vomit medicine and let you take a short nap. Ee Poh cooked plain porridge for you. And i would like to thank aunty Wooi Sin and Sheoh Yan for their advise and support. Thanks dear, for the advise and support, appreciate it so much! After you wake up from the nap, you start asking for food, and mummy fed you some 100 plus, follow by the wind medicine. A while later, i gave you some porridge and rice water...and of course, a few spoon feed of porridge won't satisfy you, you make more and more noise, but i dare not give you too much food, afraid your stomach cannot take it. After 15 mins, you show hungry sign and ah Ma gave you few spoon feed of porridge again. And guess what, you saw Ah Ma's drink on table and you thought it was your milk, and keep pointing at it. So mummy make 1 oz of breastmilk for you, and again, 1 oz of breastmilk is nothing to you, you shout and shout after that. But thank god, you can get distracted easily, so Ah Ma carry you away and play with you for a while.
While mummy typing this, you are in lala-land again. Daddy is at work and he kept call back to check on you. So far...so good...the last fed of small tiny amount of porridge at 10:20am and you didn't throw out any and now is 11:20am. Hope you are getting better...we miss the active and cheeky you!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
This is the way..and Wheel on the car
Here is our version of "This is the way" and "Wheel on the bus"
This is the way i drive daddy's car, drive daddy's car. drive daddy's car...
The steering wheel of the car go round and round, round and round, round and round...
You are not alone...for unknown reason, lots of kids like to play with steering wheel.

Yum yum, i love food
Daddy wonder why you love bread so much....the reason is, bread is one of mummy's favourite food!! Hahaha!
Besides bread, you love pau too. Sometimes, we will buy you a pau for supper. Of course, you still don't get to eat the entire pau, you only get to eat the pau without the filling as we afraid the filling used for the pau is not fresh. However, you still enjoying eating it, i guess could be the gravy of the pau make you love it.
This is you, eating pau at night, and taking your bread on the next morning. **Don't misunderstood, my lil boy take the pau and bread at different time although both pics show the same pyjamas.**
Besides bread, you love pau too. Sometimes, we will buy you a pau for supper. Of course, you still don't get to eat the entire pau, you only get to eat the pau without the filling as we afraid the filling used for the pau is not fresh. However, you still enjoying eating it, i guess could be the gravy of the pau make you love it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My new shoes
Daddy has appointment with friend at Sunshine Square McD today. So, after dinner, 3 of us headed to Sunshine Square. Initially daddy has doubt whether i can handle you alone or not, and guess what, mummy took up the challenge to handle you alone in Sunshine Square.
First, we dropped by the children dept as teacher Chuah asked mummy to get you a pair of walking shoes. While mummy choosing on which one to get for you, you keep pulling the shoes out from the shelf. Luckily the saleslady is a nice lady, she picked up all the shoes and replace it back to the original place. After getting you a pair of new shoes, mission one done! Then we proceed to ground floor for groceries.
Mummy let you sit in the shopping cart and of course, to keep you well entertained, we must let you hold on something. So i just simply grab a pack of sweet for you to play with. While we were at the cashier counter made our payment, a lady seeing mummy has to carry you and the shopping bags, she offered us her shopping cart. Mummy politely thank her for her kindness, my lil fella will not sit still in the shopping cart without anything on his hand. Around 40 mins later, i received phone call from daddy. Time to go back...i bet daddy must be surprise seeing us with big bag small bag...
First, we dropped by the children dept as teacher Chuah asked mummy to get you a pair of walking shoes. While mummy choosing on which one to get for you, you keep pulling the shoes out from the shelf. Luckily the saleslady is a nice lady, she picked up all the shoes and replace it back to the original place. After getting you a pair of new shoes, mission one done! Then we proceed to ground floor for groceries.
Mummy let you sit in the shopping cart and of course, to keep you well entertained, we must let you hold on something. So i just simply grab a pack of sweet for you to play with. While we were at the cashier counter made our payment, a lady seeing mummy has to carry you and the shopping bags, she offered us her shopping cart. Mummy politely thank her for her kindness, my lil fella will not sit still in the shopping cart without anything on his hand. Around 40 mins later, i received phone call from daddy. Time to go back...i bet daddy must be surprise seeing us with big bag small bag...

Monday, November 12, 2007
From this moment
The moment mummy sees you are able to walk by yourself, suddenly I feel like wanna cry out. Very soon, you will be able to walk and run all by yourself, so you will not count on mummy to carry you from place place to another. Time flies, my lil boy able to walk unsupported all by himself. In fact, before this, mummy keep hoping that you start to walk, however, when you able to do so, mummy hope that I can make the clock tick slower.
From the moment you are born, I look forward:-
From the moment you are born, I look forward:-
You able to sit by yourself
You able to take your first solid
You have your teeth
You able to crawl
You able to cruise
You able to walk
You able to talk
And finally…..you able to do all those thing that mummy look forward.
On Sunday, mummy realized that you are able to stand up from sitting position, then walk. Whenever you feel that you going to fall, you will quickly grab on something, then rest for a while, then continue to walk. All of us feel so happy seeing you able to walk unsupported. And then……the nightmare start, as we need to keep our eyes close on you as you no longer need our help to walk around, as and when you feel like walking, you will stand up and walk. You even try to chase after our little dog, Mimi! I bet very soon you will run around the house chasing after Mimi.
On and off, you will communicate with mummy in your baby language, and of couse, mummy will respond to you. Mummy will always response to you with my standard answer, "oh, yes!, you are such a sweet lil boy!", "good job, baby!" LOL!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mimi...here i come!
Nowadays, as you can walk more steps unsupported, our poor lil Mimi become your new toy. On and off you will try to scare Mimi away. This is you, trying to disturb Mimi while she's sun bathing on her chair.
Your FIRST Wedding Dinner
Yesterday, we brought you along to my cousin sister's, Wen's wedding dinner. We reached the dinner place slightly after 7:30pm, as all of us (AhKong, Ah Ma,daddy and mummy) afraid you may get bored if we were there too early. As we know, most of the time, gathering back in Malaysia hardly will start on time. If the wedding dinner is 7:30pm, at 7:35pm, you will still see people walking in into the hall, the poor newlywed will still standing at the entrance welcoming the guests. Ah Kong and Ah Ma went off earlier to reserve places for us. We don't get to sit together as ah Kong and Ah Ma being invited to sit at the "red table" together with the newlywed.

The dinner only start around 8:30pm. Luckily, mummy packed along your porridge and on our way to the wedding dinner, mummy gave you one slice of wholemeal bread, to make sure there is something in your tummy,else you will be cranky. While mummy feeding you porridge, you busy to look around and finally, you spotted a uncle who sit alone at the table right behind us. You started to play with the uncle by laughing loud at him. Yes, this is the way you call someone. You will laugh out loud at the person. Your way of communicating with others. LOL! And another cousin of my dropped our table and this is the first time you met aunty Yee, surprise us, you even lean forward and ask her to carry you. Geez, our conclusion is, as long as you see someone dress nicely, you will tend to let them carry you. **slap forehead**
Finally, dinner started. Daddy and mummy finally get to eat something. Of course, you get to eat some too even though you eaten 80% of the porridge that mummy brought along. Mummy let you ate celery, carrot and chicken. Not bad huh!
We didn't stay for the entire dinner, we left after 4th dish as you started to show sleepy sign. Oh yeah, we only left after the "yam seng" session. While people say out "yam seng", mummy let you hold on to your water bottle and join the crowd for the toast. After that, we headed off to our home sweet home. You behave superb throughout the dinner.
Friday, November 9, 2007
More steps
Yesterday evening, while we were playing in the living room, suddenly, you decided to walk. Mummy count the steps, and gosh, it's 20+ steps. Good job baby. You even can turn your body and keep walking unaided. Too bad, mummy too excited and forget to take the video. I will make sure i capture this next time, ok!
You even chase our poor Mimi dog. You were walking in the living room and suddenly you see Mimi and quickly you turn and walk towards her. As Mimi get scared, and run away, and you get excited and instead you decided to crawl. However, your crawling speed can't compete with Mimi's running speed. Hahaha! A while later, Mimi appear in living room again, and this time, you crawl and roar in front of her for 2 times. Each time, Mimi will run away from you. Naughty boy. All of us say, once you able to walk unaided, Mimi will have hard time hiding himself from you, you will for sure chase him around the house. Hahaha!
This morning when i drop you to nursery, teacher Chuah told me that you actually walk a lot in school, but on and off you will hold on thing when you feel you will fall. We hope that you will be able to walk unaided soon. But then...i know, once you can walk unaided, then mummy will keep to keep my eyes close on you!!
You even chase our poor Mimi dog. You were walking in the living room and suddenly you see Mimi and quickly you turn and walk towards her. As Mimi get scared, and run away, and you get excited and instead you decided to crawl. However, your crawling speed can't compete with Mimi's running speed. Hahaha! A while later, Mimi appear in living room again, and this time, you crawl and roar in front of her for 2 times. Each time, Mimi will run away from you. Naughty boy. All of us say, once you able to walk unaided, Mimi will have hard time hiding himself from you, you will for sure chase him around the house. Hahaha!
This morning when i drop you to nursery, teacher Chuah told me that you actually walk a lot in school, but on and off you will hold on thing when you feel you will fall. We hope that you will be able to walk unaided soon. But then...i know, once you can walk unaided, then mummy will keep to keep my eyes close on you!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
My baby!
Mummy just learn this skill on Wed, make the pic into 2 color...this is my first masterpiece, approved by daddy! Nice or not? :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mummy, milk milk pls
For the past few nights, when you wake up middle of the night, mummy will give you water instead of milk, surprise me, you do not make any fuss when you know it's water and not milk, but after drinking water, you will tend to turn here and there, unable to continue to sleep. Mummy think of making you get use to NO MILK at middle of the night, but seeing you unable to sleep well, at the end, mummy surrender. Mummy will either make you some milk or kick daddy up to make milk for you. While you enjoying your midnite feed, daddy and mummy will quickly change your diaper for you. And right after milk, you will continue to Zzzzzzzz.
Sweet dream, baby!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Haircut Session
Today, after we pick you up from day care, daddy decided to send you to uncle Austin for haircut as he has been nagging mummy saying your hair is a bit long and you sweat a lot even when the air cond is on!
Initially i thought there will be few customers in the saloon and mummy made an upfront agreement with, if there is too many customers, then we will come on some other day. To my surprise, there isn't any customer there.
I let you sit on the normal saloon chair and you look a bit confuse but then you then stand up on the chair excitedly. When you see uncle Austin come over with the scissors and small brush, you show an uneasy face. Mummy kept talking to you while uncle Austin shave your hair. You didn't make any noise at all....until....uncle Austin need to trim the back portion of your hair and he needs to hold your hand, and you started to make some noise as you don't like people to touch your head. Daddy need to help uncle Austin to hold your head as mummy need to carry you. After some screaming, struggling....finally we are done with the hair cut.
This is you before and after the hair cut!

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