Friday, October 30, 2009
What will you say when he says so...
I see Kaitlyn still in her sweet dream but Kelvin is tossing here and there, so i lay beside him, tell him that i am going to work, and here is our conversation.
M: Vin boy, mummy going to work , bye
K: Why you need to go work?
M: If mummy don't go to work, mummy has no money. When mummy no money, then mummy cannot buy u toy.
K: **paused for a while** Mummy, i don't want toy. You don't go to work. You stay at home with me.
M: ** my turn to paused as i never expect such a respond from him, erm...think think think, what to respond back to him** Cannot, mummy need to work, remember, mummy promise want to buy you lots of toys, so you be good boy , let mummy go to work ok?
K: *think think think think for a while, and keep quiet**
M: ** continue to persuade him, else he will cry out loud then me and hubb will go crazy** ok or not, you good boy, mummy go to work, and daddy will send you and mei mei to school later, and mummy will get my work done fast fast and pick you up from school
K: ** with his boh kam muan tone** ok
M: bye boy. *kiss on his forehead**
K: bye mummy ** no kiss from him as he still very boh kam muan**
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A sweet morning smile
Girl, you make my day!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thumbs up to both of you and daddy
We tried to switch both of your sitting arrangement from last Monday, not very successful. Kaitlyn girl refuse to sit at the front and Kelvin boy refuse to sit at the back. Both want to sit at their original place. But daddy and mummy tried our best to coax both of you. Kelvin easier to convince as he's a very good boy, as for Kaitlyn, still too young to understand our explanation. And she will use her secret weapon to melt my hear, she will cry and call out "ma ma!" oh..how can i say no to her! So i give up and carry her to the back seat and hug my little girl tight. **my fault**
Every morning, as soon as i put Kaitlyn at the front seat, she will started to make noise, protest, and even we let her hold on some toys, she will throw the toys away and tried to release herself from the front car seat. Whereas for Kelvin, he's sitting at the backseat with me, reading his book or playing with his toy.
As day pass, i started to get worry as our plan don't seems to get work per what we expect. Well, later on, me and hubb decided to let it be and hubb will get to find way on the day...we believe, everything will be ok. Other than that, nothing else we can do what, LOL!
Today, i leave the house around 73oam, and send message to hubb around 8am, checking with him how's the situation at home. He told me as soon as i leave, the 2 kids wake up from sleep, and i send him another message around 830am, he told me he is ok with the 2 kids and both of them in school now.
Thumbs up to hubb and the 2 kids! I am so proud with 3 of you!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Little princess is sick
Daddy and mummy need to force the medicine into your mouth evry 4 hourly and sometimes you will force yourself to throw out. So every time, after we feed you medicine, we will pray that you will not throw out the medicine and food.
The whole of Saturday seems like a normal Saturday for you. The only additional event is medicine feeding session! LOL! And at night, while you are sleeping, it's easier to feed you medicine as you will not fight as aggressive as in the day time. Probably you want to sleep, so you let us do whtever we want. With just 2 or 3 times, daddy able to feed all the medicine into your mouth, but of course with some fighting from you.
On Sunday, the fever subsided, but your body still a bit warm, so we continue to feed you PCM, but this time, it's not 4 hourly. We started to drag it to 6 hourly. Still a active and cheeky girl, and gosh, everytime when you are heaty, you will develop rashes over your face. And one thing that mummy notice is, when ke ke is sick, he will have double eye lids, whereas for you, when you are sick, your double eye lids will go away and left you with single eye lid. LOL!
Suspect you are teeting, as you drool a lot recently. Also, you keep biting your own teeth. Speedy recovery, sweetie, so that we can go swimming! You swimsuit still hang in the closet without any opening ceremony from you.** Same for ke ke's swimsuit. **
You can stand unsupported!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
My chicken little
I quickly
Managed to comfort him and make him stop crying. After that i "interviewed" him, asked him why he cry.
M: Boy, why u cry? I thought u used to hear the "old newspaper" announcement?
K: Me alone downstairs, i scared.
M: Don't worry, we locked the door, no one can come in to catch u, ok. And remember, you showed mummy your big muscles?
K: **nod his head*
M: ok, good boy, no more crying ok?
K: ok
After that, he's back to himself, playing and laughing happily again.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Naughty Corner
Actually, i do not intend to set up any naughty corner for him, as Kelvin's style is, he needs someone to talk and explain nicely to him instead of punishment. But he's getting more and more misbehave until i need to bite my own tongue when seeing he's so naughty. In fact, i do asked him to hold his both ears and squat up and down for 10 times, but he only manage to do 4 times and i pity him and ask him to stop. As such, it's time to set up the naughty corner again as Kelvin is turning 3 and it's very crucial to tell him what is right and what is wrong. So on Saturday, i introduce him the naughty corner in our 1st floor family hall. And i told him, NO chair and NO toy at naughty corner. Both hand must out straight side by side.
The activity that trigger the opening ceremony of the naughty corner is, he kept putting his index finger into the mouth and bite his own shirt. I keep asking him don't don't don't until i lost count, so at night, i asked him go up to his naughty corner and stand there, and tell me what he had done wrongly. When i got up the the family hall, he's standing there, but he was holding the curtain, playing with the curtain. Don't care....i just want him to tell me what he had done wrongly. To my surprise, he can say out the 2 things that i want him to tell me. Ok , since he able to tell me what he did wrongly , so i just "lightly" lecturing him, tell him why i don't allow him to put fingers into the mouth and also why i don't like him biting the shirt. I really hope he can remember this and will not repeat it again.
I hope he wont be the regular customer to the naughty corner. Else, i need to find another way of punishment.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Birthday party at school
The night before, daddy gave uncle James and Ms Goh a call, telling them to be there for your birthday calebration.
When we drop you at school, you get so excited to tell teacher and your good buddy about the Transformer cake. The birthday party is during the morning tea break. Mummy wish i cam there to celebrate with you. I passed camera to teacher Margaret, (same arrangement as last yr), get her help to take some pics for mummy to see. Uncle James also brought along his camera and he took lots of pics of yours. As we can see from the picture above, you are holding the plastic knife cutting your birthday cake, and all of your friends are staring at the cake. I guess they must be waiting for you to distribute the cute little cup cake to them. Each of them has their own small bowl with them, waiting for your cake, and yet, you still enjoy admiring at your Transformer cake, LOL!
In the evening time, when mummy went to pick you up, teachers asked me where i get the cake and the feedback from them are,
a)the cake quite nice
b)the design is nice
c)size of the cake is just nice for the kids
Too bad, i can't tell how nice it is, as i don't get to eat any of them. Apprently, all the 56 cup cakes being finished up by all of you. I hope you enjoy the birthday celebration with your classmates.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Yummie bun
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mid Autumn Lantern Party

As for Kelvin, as I told him the party will be at the field, so when we want to bring him into the club house, he refuse to go in. He kept telling me he wants to go to the field.So lesson is, do not simply tell you kid something, else u will get yourself into trouble.
The weather is quite hot. But compare to last yr, this yr is much better. As last yr, it rains cats and dogs when we had the celebration. We started to have some light refreshment, follow by dance performance by the students.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
It's PARTY Time

**As I am too busy with the party, I do not take much photos :( **