Friday night, when Daddy and Mummy having our seafood buffet dinner at Traders Hotel, i received
sms from
Aunty Angeline, she's inviting us to her condo on Saturday.
Aunty Angeline did invite us to their condo
few months back and this time, it's Uncle Ben's turn to have mini party with his friend in their condo. Without any doubt, i replied her with "YES, we are going!" At the same time,
Aunty Angeline also cook french bean porridge for you. She's a good host, right? Not forgetting to prepare food for the baby too :)
We try to let you have as much sleep as possible,
however, you wake up around 4:30pm and refuse to sleep no matter what we do. You must be knowing that we are going out. Yes, mummy did inform you that we are going to
Aunty Angeline's house. After Ah Ma bathed and put on the clothes that mummy
choosed, you refuse to let anyone else carried you, besides mummy. Ah Ma gotta trick you so that you let them carry you so that mummy can get ready your "
kai kai" bag.
We reached
Aunty Angeline's condo around 6:40pm. Wow, this round, there is more kids than the previous party. Last round, most are babies and this time , most are toddlers. Then, mummy feed you with the porridge cook by chef Angeline. But, you can't sit properly and concentrate eating your dinner. You only ate a few of the porridge, so daddy decided to give you some milk instead. You drink the milk in your fastest speed then want to get down and play with the toys. Thank goodness, you seems
ok hanging around with other kids. But of course, there is some small incident (kids fighting for toys) but no big issue, all of you behave well, when us - the parents, try to distract you guys with other toys, all of you easily get distracted. Bravo to all babies!
And for me and daddy, we both enjoy the food. Especially, mummy! I love the pizza, the salad,walnut tart, and
...pork rendang!
hmm...maybe i can ask
Aunty Angeline to get her MIL to cook this for your upcoming birthday party.
Oh ya, we also take group photo. The group photo split into 2 session, one for mummy and babies, the other is for daddy and babies. You know what, you super excited during the photo taking session. While everyone try to squeeze into the camera screen, you kept yelling screaming at the top of your voice excitedly.
**will post those pics once i receive it from Uncle Ben** You really enjoy yourself very very much! Mummy also let you try to sit in Evan
koh koh's bumbo seat. Thank god, luckily mummy didn't get one for you, because the seat is
justttt nice for you, no additional space.
We stayed in
Aunty Angeline's condo for about 2 hrs plus, then we saw you kept rubbing your eyes, but the moment mummy put you on the floor with other kids, you super excited again. But, daddy said we gotta make a move before you become too cranky.
As soon as we get in the car, you ask for feed. And mummy nurse you in the car, and....within 3
mins, you in your dreamland...
To all, don't think that my baby Kelvin will continue to sleep when we reached home. As soon as the car stop at our apt lobby, somehow rather, little Kelvin can sense it, he opened his eyes BIG and he seems like fully recharged his battery.