In my previous post, you are almost potty trained, so you don't seems like to wear diaper. When we try to put on diaper for you at night or when we are going out, you will tend to refuse to let us wear it for you or you will run around or you will tossing around the bed, giving us hard time.
So, mummy had a conversation with you,
mummy: Kelvin, come, let mummy wear diaper for you
Kelvin: don't want
mummy: why don't want?
Kelvin: because *paused for a while* hot
mummy: then what shall we do with all the diapers that we buy?
Kelvin: *pick up the diaper and put on head* like this, outside hot hot
mummy"**slapped forehead, you uses diaper as cap, because outside is hot!**
So, at the end, mummy had a good laugh but yet still insist that you need to wear diaper as we are going out!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Shopping for lighting
Yesterday night, on our way home around 8:45pm, mummy decided to try our luck by dropping at the Eberland Lighting House at Krystal Point. And YES, they still open. So happily we walked into the shop look for some lights for our new house.
As soon as we stepped into the shop, you started to walk around by yourself and refused to let any of us to carry you. As there is one area whereby it looks like stage to you, but it is actually a higher platform, so you keep asking daddy and mummy to join you up there. What did you do? You sing and dance on the "stage." You really give all of us including the shop people a good laugh, and you seems enjoy doing so, keep on singing and dancing.
Mummy ablet o distract you for a while by telling you to choose which wall light you want for your room. And you told me you want the ladybird wall light. Gosh, it looks scary to be, it's the whole shape of lady bird, mummy told you, "no no, choose another one" and guess what, next one even worst, you tell me you want the butterfly wall light. So, another "no no choose another one" from mummy. Mummy counter offer you the helicopter wall light, and you paused for a while then only said "ok!"
As soon as we stepped into the shop, you started to walk around by yourself and refused to let any of us to carry you. As there is one area whereby it looks like stage to you, but it is actually a higher platform, so you keep asking daddy and mummy to join you up there. What did you do? You sing and dance on the "stage." You really give all of us including the shop people a good laugh, and you seems enjoy doing so, keep on singing and dancing.
Mummy ablet o distract you for a while by telling you to choose which wall light you want for your room. And you told me you want the ladybird wall light. Gosh, it looks scary to be, it's the whole shape of lady bird, mummy told you, "no no, choose another one" and guess what, next one even worst, you tell me you want the butterfly wall light. So, another "no no choose another one" from mummy. Mummy counter offer you the helicopter wall light, and you paused for a while then only said "ok!"
Don't you think it looks scary??? The one that we saw at the shop is red color.
After we decided on the helicopter wall light, you started to wonder around the shop again. Mummy needs to keep chase after you, afraid that we have to walk out with some spoilt light. So daddy has to decide what to buy all by himself.
After daddy done with the selection, it's mummy turn to negotiate on the price. The lady discounted a bit before she sum up the total amount, however, mummy still pretend not knowing that she discounted before and still ask for discount, and yeah, managed to get more discount! We will collect all the lighting from the shop tonight.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Terrible Two? Fantastic Two?
Errm.....should i call it terrible two or fantastic two?
At once, i feel happy when seeing you have your own opinion, however, on the other side, i feel headache. Now, you will tell daddy and mummy what you want, what you don't want. You no longer follow what we said. And sometimes, you will even tell either of us that you don't want either of us. Sigh...But mummy know you don't mean it, you just want to make us ARRRGGGHHH then you will walk away happily. DUH!
And, you will also tell daddy and mummy where you want to go during weekend, but your favourite place is either Tesco or Queensbay Mall. Luckily, else we will have hard time to bring you around during weekend.
Most of the internet article suggest time out manner to deal with terrible two, but mummy usually will give in whenever you throw tantrum. But thank god, so far mummy managed to distract you when you throw tantrum. And also, you tantrum is just a small and manageable tantrum. ** too early to comment?**
Sometimes when you make mummy angry, and when mummy raise my voice, you will show me your innocent look, and you will keep talking to mummy and make mummy laugh with all sorts of funny actions. However, when daddy scold you, you will come to mummy and tell me "mummy, daddy scold" then, mummy will ask daddy don't scold you. Hmm....does it means mummy is the one who spoilt you?
Well, maybe daddy and mummy should look at this at positive angle, our little boy is growing up!
So does it means you are trying to show us your growing independence?
At once, i feel happy when seeing you have your own opinion, however, on the other side, i feel headache. Now, you will tell daddy and mummy what you want, what you don't want. You no longer follow what we said. And sometimes, you will even tell either of us that you don't want either of us. Sigh...But mummy know you don't mean it, you just want to make us ARRRGGGHHH then you will walk away happily. DUH!
And, you will also tell daddy and mummy where you want to go during weekend, but your favourite place is either Tesco or Queensbay Mall. Luckily, else we will have hard time to bring you around during weekend.
Most of the internet article suggest time out manner to deal with terrible two, but mummy usually will give in whenever you throw tantrum. But thank god, so far mummy managed to distract you when you throw tantrum. And also, you tantrum is just a small and manageable tantrum. ** too early to comment?**
Sometimes when you make mummy angry, and when mummy raise my voice, you will show me your innocent look, and you will keep talking to mummy and make mummy laugh with all sorts of funny actions. However, when daddy scold you, you will come to mummy and tell me "mummy, daddy scold" then, mummy will ask daddy don't scold you. Hmm....does it means mummy is the one who spoilt you?
Well, maybe daddy and mummy should look at this at positive angle, our little boy is growing up!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Almost there...
After about 1.5 mths of potty train, can say that you are almost 80% potty trained. Last week, teacher Margeret happily told mummy that you are no longer using nappy while you are in school and you are able to tell them when you want to wee wee.
How we start with the potty train? We started it at home by letting you diaperless. However, mummy needs to keep asking you whether you want to go toilet every 15 mins just to make sure you will not wee on your pant. However, sometimes when you are in playing mood, you will ignore mummy and the next thing is, you will tell me you wee on your pant.
So, in school, how the teacher able to make you tell when you want to wee wee? For initial start, teacher will bring you to toilet every 15 mins, and later they find that all of you will get more excited when ALL OF YOU wee wee together! Wee wee party!
And ta, you no longer wear diaper unless you are sleeping. And this morning, when mummy changed you to casual wear, you told mummy you don't want to wear diaper. LOL! I have to keep assuring you that it's ok to wear diaper as we afraid you may want to wee while we are on the way sending you to school. Yet, this still can't convince you and finally, mummy told you that you can ask Teacher Margeret to remove the diaper for you when we reached school. Then only you stop asking me to remove the diaper for you. Hmm...looks like my little boy growing up huh!
Guess what, daddy grumble to mummy saying, we shouldn't stock up so much diapers since you already 80% potty trained as we bought lots of diapers at Tesco during last months sales! But never mind,we can keep the diapers for your sibling!
How we start with the potty train? We started it at home by letting you diaperless. However, mummy needs to keep asking you whether you want to go toilet every 15 mins just to make sure you will not wee on your pant. However, sometimes when you are in playing mood, you will ignore mummy and the next thing is, you will tell me you wee on your pant.
So, in school, how the teacher able to make you tell when you want to wee wee? For initial start, teacher will bring you to toilet every 15 mins, and later they find that all of you will get more excited when ALL OF YOU wee wee together! Wee wee party!
And ta, you no longer wear diaper unless you are sleeping. And this morning, when mummy changed you to casual wear, you told mummy you don't want to wear diaper. LOL! I have to keep assuring you that it's ok to wear diaper as we afraid you may want to wee while we are on the way sending you to school. Yet, this still can't convince you and finally, mummy told you that you can ask Teacher Margeret to remove the diaper for you when we reached school. Then only you stop asking me to remove the diaper for you. Hmm...looks like my little boy growing up huh!
Guess what, daddy grumble to mummy saying, we shouldn't stock up so much diapers since you already 80% potty trained as we bought lots of diapers at Tesco during last months sales! But never mind,we can keep the diapers for your sibling!
Where is mummy?
Today is Saturday and why mummy is not at home with me?
Mummy needs to work on today because today is replacement working day for plant shutdown. Mummy doesn't have much leaves to be wasted, so i have to work :( I wish i can spend time with you at home too.
We wake up around 7:30am this morning,'s raining outside. We took our own sweet time, slowly move ourselves out from the bed to the living room, mummy go for shower while you and daddy enjoy the tv show.
Finally, we are ready, and it's about 8:30am. Oops, mummy suppose to go to work by 8am, but who cares! I want to spend more time with you and daddy. Daddy drove us to the coffee shop at Pantai Jerejak to buy breakfast, then only dropped mummy to work. Today, daddy moved your car seat to the front as later after he dropped mummy to work, it will be ONLY YOU and HIM time in the car.
You waved with mummy when i got down from the car, and you even waved with the cleaner at mummy's office. I bet you must be having fun time with daddy in the car. Mummy called back around 9:30am and both of you already in ah Kong's house. Daddy said you kept looking for me, as per expected.
I hope i can make the time past faster then i can go back and play with you.
Mummy needs to work on today because today is replacement working day for plant shutdown. Mummy doesn't have much leaves to be wasted, so i have to work :( I wish i can spend time with you at home too.
We wake up around 7:30am this morning,'s raining outside. We took our own sweet time, slowly move ourselves out from the bed to the living room, mummy go for shower while you and daddy enjoy the tv show.
Finally, we are ready, and it's about 8:30am. Oops, mummy suppose to go to work by 8am, but who cares! I want to spend more time with you and daddy. Daddy drove us to the coffee shop at Pantai Jerejak to buy breakfast, then only dropped mummy to work. Today, daddy moved your car seat to the front as later after he dropped mummy to work, it will be ONLY YOU and HIM time in the car.
You waved with mummy when i got down from the car, and you even waved with the cleaner at mummy's office. I bet you must be having fun time with daddy in the car. Mummy called back around 9:30am and both of you already in ah Kong's house. Daddy said you kept looking for me, as per expected.
I hope i can make the time past faster then i can go back and play with you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Pregnacy check up with cheeky boy
In my previous post, mummy said you are a shy shy boy, but in this post, i am saying you are a cheeky boy, confusing right?
Yesterday, we brought you along to my regular pregnancy checkup. As soon as you walked into Adventist bakery area, you told daddy you want to see fish. Out of sudden, mummy wonder where to find fish. You lead daddy to the fish pond outside the paediatric clinic, then only mummy recall there is a small fish pond. Hmm..sign of aging for mummy huh! Or should i blame it to pregnancy that make me so forgetful?
Mummy proceed to OB clinic to get myself registered meanwhile you enjoy seeing the fish with daddy. We went to the Taiwan restaurant at Midland Park for dinner after mummy registered and get all the necessary test to be done. You enjoyed the dinner very much, daddy mummy very happy seeing you enjoy the dinner. When daddy ordered his coffee ice, you also told the aunty that "i want coffee ice!" you repeated for few times! LOL! We have to assure you that you will get your coffee ice per your request, else you keep repeating it non stop. Mummy share the apple milk drink with you and you love it so much.
After dinner, we walked back to Adventist, and there is 1 more patient before mummy's turn, so you get to run around the waiting area. Finally, mummy's number being called, so we proceed to the waiting area in the OB clinic. You keep walking here and there and keep telling everyone you want to see uncle Ng. As soon as you sees Dr Ng's clinic door is open, you keep telling us you want to go in. Mummy keep telling you that we need to wait for the nurse to call my name then only you can walk in. And after few mins of waiting, finally, the nurse called mummy's name and when mummy told you we may go in now, you walked into the room before daddy and mummy. As soon as you see Dr Ng, you call him "uncle Ng!" real loud. Then you told us you want to go out. **slapped forehead**
While mummy talking to uncle Ng, daddy hold you on his lap and when you spotted there is one stamp pad on Dg Ng's table, you told daddy you want to "chop chop!" And guess what..Dr Ng gave you a piece of paper and let you play with the chop chop! Dg Ng said he likes seeing you as you are a happy baby and you talk a lot! hahaha!
This is second time you get to see Dr Ng doing ultrasound for mummy. When you see Dr Ng doing scanning for mummy, you keep saying "scan scan!" and later Dr Ng put more ultrasound gel on mummy's tummy, and you saw it and tell us "i want this, put tummy, scan scan!" LOL! You really make our day!
Dr Ng said baby is just about size for mummy to try for normal delivery! YEAH! And also mummy has one long past due question that i dare not ask until yesterday. What is the question? "Since my first delivery mode is c-section, so if this round if i try normal delivery, does it consider as first time labor?" Dr Ng's respond is means mummy probably will go through the so call labor pain! Mummy's next appointment will be 2 weeks from yesterday. oh yeah, before we leave Dr Ng's office, you wave and say bye bye to him loud!
Since it's just 7pm, so where to go? Tesco, one of your favourite place! Why? Because you get to enjoy the ride outside McDonalds!
Yesterday, we brought you along to my regular pregnancy checkup. As soon as you walked into Adventist bakery area, you told daddy you want to see fish. Out of sudden, mummy wonder where to find fish. You lead daddy to the fish pond outside the paediatric clinic, then only mummy recall there is a small fish pond. Hmm..sign of aging for mummy huh! Or should i blame it to pregnancy that make me so forgetful?
Mummy proceed to OB clinic to get myself registered meanwhile you enjoy seeing the fish with daddy. We went to the Taiwan restaurant at Midland Park for dinner after mummy registered and get all the necessary test to be done. You enjoyed the dinner very much, daddy mummy very happy seeing you enjoy the dinner. When daddy ordered his coffee ice, you also told the aunty that "i want coffee ice!" you repeated for few times! LOL! We have to assure you that you will get your coffee ice per your request, else you keep repeating it non stop. Mummy share the apple milk drink with you and you love it so much.
After dinner, we walked back to Adventist, and there is 1 more patient before mummy's turn, so you get to run around the waiting area. Finally, mummy's number being called, so we proceed to the waiting area in the OB clinic. You keep walking here and there and keep telling everyone you want to see uncle Ng. As soon as you sees Dr Ng's clinic door is open, you keep telling us you want to go in. Mummy keep telling you that we need to wait for the nurse to call my name then only you can walk in. And after few mins of waiting, finally, the nurse called mummy's name and when mummy told you we may go in now, you walked into the room before daddy and mummy. As soon as you see Dr Ng, you call him "uncle Ng!" real loud. Then you told us you want to go out. **slapped forehead**
While mummy talking to uncle Ng, daddy hold you on his lap and when you spotted there is one stamp pad on Dg Ng's table, you told daddy you want to "chop chop!" And guess what..Dr Ng gave you a piece of paper and let you play with the chop chop! Dg Ng said he likes seeing you as you are a happy baby and you talk a lot! hahaha!
This is second time you get to see Dr Ng doing ultrasound for mummy. When you see Dr Ng doing scanning for mummy, you keep saying "scan scan!" and later Dr Ng put more ultrasound gel on mummy's tummy, and you saw it and tell us "i want this, put tummy, scan scan!" LOL! You really make our day!
Dr Ng said baby is just about size for mummy to try for normal delivery! YEAH! And also mummy has one long past due question that i dare not ask until yesterday. What is the question? "Since my first delivery mode is c-section, so if this round if i try normal delivery, does it consider as first time labor?" Dr Ng's respond is means mummy probably will go through the so call labor pain! Mummy's next appointment will be 2 weeks from yesterday. oh yeah, before we leave Dr Ng's office, you wave and say bye bye to him loud!
Since it's just 7pm, so where to go? Tesco, one of your favourite place! Why? Because you get to enjoy the ride outside McDonalds!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Shy Shy boy
Today we went to daddy's favourite koay teow soup shop for breakfast. It has been quite some time we didn't go there for breakfast as the waiting time is quite long. However, today, we decided to try our luck again.
When we reached there, guess who we meet? Ah Kong and his friend. There goes away our worry to find a place for 3 of us. Mummy want to eat the wan tan mee, but too bad, it's not open. So i ordered mee hoon soup for myself and koay teow + yellow noddle for you and daddy. Ah Kong and his friend almost done with their breakfast and they ordered a bowl of fish ball soup and you get to enjoy some fish ball before our order being delivered. So we able to keep you occupy with food else you will request daddy to carry you and walk around. You are such a sweet little boy, as you are enjoying your fish ball, you keep asking mummy to have one too. **muah muah, baby** Ah Kong's friend praise that you are such a generous boy, not selfish with your food. **mummy so proud of you**
Ah Kong's friend asked whether you would like to use tissue paper as bib so that you won't dirty your shirt and you told him "no", and when he asked you want is your name, you showed him your shy look. We all had a good laugh. You try to hide your face by covering with your both hands. Since when our little one become so shy? I guess u haven't warm yourself up yet, else you will be very cheeky and talkative. YES, mummy is right. After a while, you started to talk a lot and keep teasing daddy by telling daddy you want to put the whole fish ball into your mouth and also try to negotiate with daddy when daddy told you "small bite" and you keep telling daddy "big bite". Ah Kong and his friend left while we enjoy our breakfast.
Today, you tend to enjoy the fish ball more than koay teow. After breakfast, we dropped by Abu Siti lane to buy coconut! When daddy told you that we are going to buy coconut after breakfast, you reply daddy by telling him "uncle, cut cut cut coconut!". You gets so excited seeing the Indian guy "shaping" the coconut.
When we reached ah kong's house, daddy cut the coconut water for us to drink. Yummy, right! However, you asked for yakult as well. So we gave you yakult and a bit of coconut water, afraid your little stomach cannot mix all these 2 juices.
When we reached there, guess who we meet? Ah Kong and his friend. There goes away our worry to find a place for 3 of us. Mummy want to eat the wan tan mee, but too bad, it's not open. So i ordered mee hoon soup for myself and koay teow + yellow noddle for you and daddy. Ah Kong and his friend almost done with their breakfast and they ordered a bowl of fish ball soup and you get to enjoy some fish ball before our order being delivered. So we able to keep you occupy with food else you will request daddy to carry you and walk around. You are such a sweet little boy, as you are enjoying your fish ball, you keep asking mummy to have one too. **muah muah, baby** Ah Kong's friend praise that you are such a generous boy, not selfish with your food. **mummy so proud of you**
Ah Kong's friend asked whether you would like to use tissue paper as bib so that you won't dirty your shirt and you told him "no", and when he asked you want is your name, you showed him your shy look. We all had a good laugh. You try to hide your face by covering with your both hands. Since when our little one become so shy? I guess u haven't warm yourself up yet, else you will be very cheeky and talkative. YES, mummy is right. After a while, you started to talk a lot and keep teasing daddy by telling daddy you want to put the whole fish ball into your mouth and also try to negotiate with daddy when daddy told you "small bite" and you keep telling daddy "big bite". Ah Kong and his friend left while we enjoy our breakfast.
Today, you tend to enjoy the fish ball more than koay teow. After breakfast, we dropped by Abu Siti lane to buy coconut! When daddy told you that we are going to buy coconut after breakfast, you reply daddy by telling him "uncle, cut cut cut coconut!". You gets so excited seeing the Indian guy "shaping" the coconut.
When we reached ah kong's house, daddy cut the coconut water for us to drink. Yummy, right! However, you asked for yakult as well. So we gave you yakult and a bit of coconut water, afraid your little stomach cannot mix all these 2 juices.
Friday, September 12, 2008
New vocab learned
Today, when mummy went to pick you up from school, you surprised me with 2 new words.
Teacher Margeret: Kelvin, who goes to the moon?
Kelvin: Astronaut
Mummy : **Wow**
Teacher Margeret : Kelvin, how do you call baby butterfly?
Kelvin: caterpillar
Mummy : **another wow**
Happily, teacher Margeret told mummy that today she showed all of you some flash card and apparently there is one rocket and caterpillar being shown to you all. So she took the opportunity to tell you all that astronaut goes to the moon and caterpillar is baby butterfly. Looks like you are picking up lots of new words in school. Hope you enjoy being in the school and will pick up more and more words and give daddy and mummy more and more surprises.
Teacher Margeret: Kelvin, who goes to the moon?
Kelvin: Astronaut
Mummy : **Wow**
Teacher Margeret : Kelvin, how do you call baby butterfly?
Kelvin: caterpillar
Mummy : **another wow**
Happily, teacher Margeret told mummy that today she showed all of you some flash card and apparently there is one rocket and caterpillar being shown to you all. So she took the opportunity to tell you all that astronaut goes to the moon and caterpillar is baby butterfly. Looks like you are picking up lots of new words in school. Hope you enjoy being in the school and will pick up more and more words and give daddy and mummy more and more surprises.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Lesson learned
You are getting cheekier and cheekier day by day. And of course, getting more and more demanding as well. Seems like nowadays you have your own thought, started to tell daddy and mummy what you want and what you don't want.
Recently, you go crazy again with the CNY VCD that ah kong bought for you early of the year. Mummy HATE the song very very much as mummy find that those songs very noisy. It has been quite sometime you forgot about the VCD until recently....
So, what did mummy do? Mummy lie to you by telling you our dog, Mimi, took the CD away. Yesterday, when you were in ah kong's house, you walked to Mimi and said to her "Mimi, give Kelvin CD!". Omigosh, mummy didn't expect this! I thought by telling you Mimi took the VCD away i can make you forget about the CD and who knows you went to Mimi and ask for the CD. **slap forehead**
So, as the conclusion, never and ever lie to your kid even though it's a white lie.
Recently, you go crazy again with the CNY VCD that ah kong bought for you early of the year. Mummy HATE the song very very much as mummy find that those songs very noisy. It has been quite sometime you forgot about the VCD until recently....
So, what did mummy do? Mummy lie to you by telling you our dog, Mimi, took the CD away. Yesterday, when you were in ah kong's house, you walked to Mimi and said to her "Mimi, give Kelvin CD!". Omigosh, mummy didn't expect this! I thought by telling you Mimi took the VCD away i can make you forget about the CD and who knows you went to Mimi and ask for the CD. **slap forehead**
So, as the conclusion, never and ever lie to your kid even though it's a white lie.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
23 months progress

Geez, time flies. In less than one month time, you will be celebrating your 2 years old birthday. Sorry, sweetie, don't think mummy able to organise a birthday party for you like your Big ONE party. Mummy don't have the energy like before as i am getting FATTER and FATTER, CLUMSIER and CLUMSIER, LAZIER and LAZIER! I am so sorry. Hmm..what about we plan for another family trip as compensation for not able to have a birthday party for you?
As a 23 mths big baby,
*You keep giving daddy and mummy surprises everyday. Like for example, mummy used to tell you my own version of story, and mummy like to ask "why?" then follow by "because" bla bla bla. And recently, i asked you "why" and you know to response with "because" then follow by your own version of story responding to mummy's "why" using your own growing vocabulary.
*Humming and singing simple tunes together with mummy. Our favourite songs are Twinkle, Twinkle,little star, Rock-a-Bye Baby, Hush,Little Baby
*You pick up whatever word that we said be it in english, mandarin, hokkien, malay, cantonese.
*Has your own thought and able to tell us what you want and don't want.
*And of course, getting cheekier and cheekier
*Start to have your own imaginary as you can create own short story and tell mummy.
There is so many things that i want to jot down but i don't know how should i do it. And if i don't jot it down, i will forget.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Lantern Party
Your nursery organised a lantern party yesterday. However, the weather seems to be bad. It rain almost the whole day and the rain actually stop around 6pm. All of us keep our fingers crossed.
Rain come again around 7pm, but yet it doesn't stop us from going to the party. The party is at the open space beside to the Tmn Sri Nibong club house. We reached there around 7:30pm as mummy need to wait for the pizza. When we reached there, we being greeted by drizzle and there is already big crowd hiding under the canopy.
You don't seems to enjoy the party because you don't get to come down from daddy's arm and walk around freely. Why? Coz it's drizzling and daddy has to carry you ! The rain gets heavier and heavier as the events going on. So at last, we leave the party before the event end.
Rain come again around 7pm, but yet it doesn't stop us from going to the party. The party is at the open space beside to the Tmn Sri Nibong club house. We reached there around 7:30pm as mummy need to wait for the pizza. When we reached there, we being greeted by drizzle and there is already big crowd hiding under the canopy.
You don't seems to enjoy the party because you don't get to come down from daddy's arm and walk around freely. Why? Coz it's drizzling and daddy has to carry you ! The rain gets heavier and heavier as the events going on. So at last, we leave the party before the event end.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Mummy, who are they?
As our new house is ready, so daddy and mummy engaged with the housing agent to look for potential buyer for our existing apt.
Sometimes when people come to view our apt, you are not around and sometimes you are around. For few times when you are around, you seems to feel worry when seeing people going into the bedroom. You will keep telling mummy, "mummy, aunty uncle go to room." Mummy need to keep assuring you that aunty uncle won't take your toys away, then only you will stop "complaining" to me.
Usually the housing agent will try to arrange few buyers to view the apt at the same time so that we don't have to spend so much time waiting for the buyer to view the apt. As soon as you see many people come to our apt, you will tell mummy "mummy, a lot of people", you are so cute, sweetie!
Daddy and mummy struggle for quite sometime before we decide to sell off this apt. This is our first home sweet home; the place that we stayed after we get married…the place that we have lots of sweet and sour memories during our 4 yrs living in here…Hopefully you will like the new place!
Sometimes when people come to view our apt, you are not around and sometimes you are around. For few times when you are around, you seems to feel worry when seeing people going into the bedroom. You will keep telling mummy, "mummy, aunty uncle go to room." Mummy need to keep assuring you that aunty uncle won't take your toys away, then only you will stop "complaining" to me.
Usually the housing agent will try to arrange few buyers to view the apt at the same time so that we don't have to spend so much time waiting for the buyer to view the apt. As soon as you see many people come to our apt, you will tell mummy "mummy, a lot of people", you are so cute, sweetie!
Daddy and mummy struggle for quite sometime before we decide to sell off this apt. This is our first home sweet home; the place that we stayed after we get married…the place that we have lots of sweet and sour memories during our 4 yrs living in here…Hopefully you will like the new place!
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