Being invited by an old friend of mine to Hard Rock Hotel foam party, when i told the kids about the plan, both of them looking forward to the event.
It's my fault, i gave the kids wrong info, i told them "the party will be in the pool and the whole pool will be filled up with foam". However, when we reached the pool, realized that the event is not in the pool, but it's beside the pool.
The hotel actually set up the foam party by the beach and keep pumping lots of foam into the pool for the kids to play. In fact, the session being separated into kids and adult. Kids session from 5 til 7pm; whereas adult session is from 7pm onwards. At the entrance of the foam pool, there's an arch shape water spray for the kids to clean themselves after they being covered by foams. Kelvin enjoy playing with Vanessa and Joel, however, Kaitlyn doesn't seems enjoying herself. We managed to make her play with the foam for awhile before letting her to play in the real pool with water.
It seems like after awhile, all kids get tired with the foam and they decided to deep into the pool. So, for us, we just need to keep our eyes on the kids as they are jumping in and out from the water. Finally, the lucky draw session start. Both Vanessa and Joel names being called out and they won small souvenir. Poor Kelvin and Kaitlyn, they get nothing..but glad that both of them enjoy playing with Vanessa and Joel.
It's tiring, hungry......after get the kids showered, we went to Penang Swimming Club for dinner. Ooops, wrong decision, there are club function and the kitchen busy serving food to them. So, we waited for almost 45 minutes before we can fill up our tummy. By the time we finish our dinner, it's already supper time, 9:20pm. We ended up the day by saying goodbye, see you to each others with 4 grumpy look kids.

Saturday, December 7, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
After one year of learning 弟子规, it's time for you to enjoy the fun of attending the 弟子规 certification ceremony.
On 1st Dec, we went to Han Chiang Secondary School for the 小状元 certification. As you only taking one small part which is 弟子规, thus, it's consider the easiest as compare to the others who are taking 弟子规, 三字经,百孝经 and many more.
We reached the hall close to 9am and it is already crowded with people. Each of the participants will need to go through a one to one test with the invigilator. The Invigilator will have choice of asking the student to do the recitation sequentially or randomly. This is to ensure the kid know the end to end of the whole concept of what they have learned.
While waiting for the rest to complete the exam and also for result, the thoughtful organizer do arrange activities to keep the kids occupied. After around 2 hours, finally the result is out. Congratulations , my boy!!! He passed the 小状元 certification. Well, it's not the end yet. Each of them need to go though the 状元门,a sign of them being certified 小状元.
The whole session finally ended by 12 noon. It's tiring but yet a fun day for the kid!
On 1st Dec, we went to Han Chiang Secondary School for the 小状元 certification. As you only taking one small part which is 弟子规, thus, it's consider the easiest as compare to the others who are taking 弟子规, 三字经,百孝经 and many more.
We reached the hall close to 9am and it is already crowded with people. Each of the participants will need to go through a one to one test with the invigilator. The Invigilator will have choice of asking the student to do the recitation sequentially or randomly. This is to ensure the kid know the end to end of the whole concept of what they have learned.
While waiting for the rest to complete the exam and also for result, the thoughtful organizer do arrange activities to keep the kids occupied. After around 2 hours, finally the result is out. Congratulations , my boy!!! He passed the 小状元 certification. Well, it's not the end yet. Each of them need to go though the 状元门,a sign of them being certified 小状元.
The whole session finally ended by 12 noon. It's tiring but yet a fun day for the kid!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Well done, Kaitlyn !
Few days before the prize giving ceremony, teacher told us she won prizes in all the 3 languages writing competition. I still remembered, on the prize giving ceremony morning, when my girl wakes up, she told me she gets number 2 placing in her class, and i jokingly tell her that it must be there's only 2 student in her class.
Frankly, all the while, i under-estimate my little sweetie pie and i put more attention on her brother. I feel so bad for not focusing much on her and i am so proud of her achievement.
Well done, my sweet little girl. Keep it up!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
每天我都会与孩子们通电话,一开始,我回很想他们,他们也会想我。。。但是,就像我一个朋友所说的,时间可以冲淡一切思念。慢慢的,孩子们就没心跟我聊。时间过得好快,三个星期 (10/4 ~ 10/27) 就这样的结束了,是倦鸟归巢的时候了。再见爱尔兰。
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Leaving home with heavy heart
Dear babies,
All the while i am looking forward for a business trip. When i get the opportunity, without second thought i accept it. However, after awhile after i settle down, my inner heart kept asking me whether should i go or not. After checking with daddy, he very supportive, so i continue with it.
In less than 2 weeks time, to be exact, in 10 days time, i will be flying to Limerick and will only be back home after 24 days. I never be apart with both of you for that long, and i never let both of you of my sight for more than 24 hours. This gonna be a big challenge for me.
For this round, daddy will need to do all the exam revision with both of you as keke's exam fall on the week right after i left. As for meimei, the exam is on end of Oct, so it depends, either during mummy's final week in Limerick or the week right after mummy reached home.
I was thinking how to tell both of you about my long duration business trip, however, daddy informally inform both of you and as expected, both of you do not show any supportive reaction.
Babies, of course, i also wish that the business trip can be shorten. Mummy hope that both of you will listen and corporate with daddy while i am away.
Also, for this year, i will missed the birthday celebration for three of you, keke, meimei and daddy.
All the while i am looking forward for a business trip. When i get the opportunity, without second thought i accept it. However, after awhile after i settle down, my inner heart kept asking me whether should i go or not. After checking with daddy, he very supportive, so i continue with it.
In less than 2 weeks time, to be exact, in 10 days time, i will be flying to Limerick and will only be back home after 24 days. I never be apart with both of you for that long, and i never let both of you of my sight for more than 24 hours. This gonna be a big challenge for me.
For this round, daddy will need to do all the exam revision with both of you as keke's exam fall on the week right after i left. As for meimei, the exam is on end of Oct, so it depends, either during mummy's final week in Limerick or the week right after mummy reached home.
I was thinking how to tell both of you about my long duration business trip, however, daddy informally inform both of you and as expected, both of you do not show any supportive reaction.
Keke , you told me that you will definitely sad as you wont be able to see me for so long;
Meimei , you asked me why can't i only go away for 1 or 2 days.
Babies, of course, i also wish that the business trip can be shorten. Mummy hope that both of you will listen and corporate with daddy while i am away.
Also, for this year, i will missed the birthday celebration for three of you, keke, meimei and daddy.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Kaitlyn first time to dentist for filling
Poor you! While all of us enjoying our dinner in the restaurant, i noticed that you suddenly stop eating and your eyes become so watery. As soon as i asked you what happened, i can clearly seeing tears dropping down on your both cheek. You tried to hold your tears very hard though. You kept sobbing and told me "toothache"
Actually, we brought you to dentist last month, however, due to gum swollen, dentist advised not to do anything til the gum back to normal. Few days later, you told us no more pain, and we just forget about it. Til last night, the pain decided to visit you again.
After dinner, koko asked for McD McFlurry, and initially you told us you don't want any. However, as we approaching the McD ice cream kiosk, you said you are ok and requested a cone type ice cream. Happily, you finished up the whole ice cream all by yourself . Thought everything is over.
NO NO NO!! It's not the end yet. You were up all night crying from toothache, til finally daddy decided to give u paracetamol to ease the pain. Luckily it helps to make you sleep well til tne next morning.
The next morning you wake up freshly and say no more toothache, however, we do not want to take any risk. We told you that we will bring you to dentist at night, and to our surprise, you agree with our plan. ** That really make things easier, at least we no need to create story to make you go to dentist**
I guess one of the reasons you are not afraid of going to dentist is due to i used to bring you along whenever koko went for this dental checkup.Due to it's emergency case, thus, we don't have prior appointment.Daddy dropped us at dental office around 7pm and we just waited for less than 10 minutes for our turn. No fuss from you when we get into the treatment room. Happily you corporate with the dentist. And in about 10 mins time, we are DONE!!!! Bravo my girl!!! Thumbs up !!!!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
First time giving speech on stage
When i being told that my girl and another boy will represent their class giving introduction speech during mini concert, i was so worried. True enough, feedback from teacher is she can't remember the speech even though it's only few sentences. I tried to make her recall what are those sentences but she will stop after she introducing herself. **slapped forehead** However, her partner, the other boy can remember the script very well.Since this is their first time standing on the stage delivering few sentences to so many eyes and ears, their thoughtful teacher decided to pair them up instead of only letting one of them delivering the introduction speech.
On the day before the mini concert, finally my girl can clearly delivering the entire speech for me. However, i still worry as she never has the experience of giving speech in front of so many people. I kept telling her that tomorrow she will stand on the stage and many people will be sitting and standing in front of her. I am not trying to scare her, but i want to give her some hint so that she will not get shocked when she's up on the stage.
Finally..the day has come!!! We reached Penang Times Square around 7:05pm, 5 mins late per the supposed assembly time. However, knowing that Kaitlyn wont be performing til after lantern parade, so we slowly walk towards the assembly area. The area was crowded by parents and performing kids. I helped to tie up Kaitlyn's hair before teacher start to put veil and make up for her.
On the day before the mini concert, finally my girl can clearly delivering the entire speech for me. However, i still worry as she never has the experience of giving speech in front of so many people. I kept telling her that tomorrow she will stand on the stage and many people will be sitting and standing in front of her. I am not trying to scare her, but i want to give her some hint so that she will not get shocked when she's up on the stage.
Finally..the day has come!!! We reached Penang Times Square around 7:05pm, 5 mins late per the supposed assembly time. However, knowing that Kaitlyn wont be performing til after lantern parade, so we slowly walk towards the assembly area. The area was crowded by parents and performing kids. I helped to tie up Kaitlyn's hair before teacher start to put veil and make up for her.
For this year, Kaitlyn and her classmates will be presenting an Indian dance with title "Naandiya". Kaitlyn and one of her classmate gave a short introduction on the title of their dance before they start performing. My heart was pounding when i saw my girl walking towards the mic. I worry that she may have stage fright and forgot all her speech, but seems like i over-worried, she in fact deliver the speech well. BRAVO!!!
And it's not the end of my worry, next will be the dancing time. Again, i worried that she will forget the steps but again...i under estimate my girl. She did very well in the dance !! I feel so relief as soon as the dance finished.
It's really a great achievement for my girl, and i feel very thankful to all the teachers for giving her an opportunity to deliver short speech in front of so many people. This indeed can help my little girl to build up her confidence.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Go or No Go???
All the while when i heard of daddy has business travel opportunity, i will feel that he is so lucky. He used to travel almost once every year. After looking forward for so long, finally, i am being given an opportunity going to Limerick, Ireland for job assignment. And the duration is 3 weeks!!!
When i heard of this, i was so excited and at the same time has a mixed feeling. Shall i go or no go? I had missed out few business travel opportunities in the past, and this time i need to break the curse! When i told daddy about this, he is very supportive. And i told him my major concern is whether will he be able to handle the 2 of us for 3 weeks, and he kept assure me that "no worry, everything will be fine!" Hearing this, i still have mixed feeling as i never leave both of you out of my sight for so long.
Per the current plan, i shall be away from home from 2nd week of Oct til week 4 of Oct, also means that i will miss the 3 of yours birthday celebration. But well, like what daddy said, opportunity will not knock on my door everyday, so if being given the chance, i should take it and go all the way!!
Thanks daddy to be so supportive !!!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The contradictory me
My boy very sticky to me, and sometimes, i really wish that i am tough enough to turn him down and leave him alone to train him to be more independent.
For unknown reason, he cried when we drop him to daycare, and this lasted for almost 1 month until i almost wanna seek for child psychiatrist's help. And thank goodness, he decided to end the crying all by himself. And now, he is back to his happy go lucky behavior.
Yesterday was his school's sport day and this is his first time attending sport day. He being selected by his teacher to represent the class to participate in the game. When he told me about this, i am as excited as him, and in fact, i am more excited than him, LOL! I applied leave few days before the event.
On Monday, Kelvin come back and tell me the schedule for the next day, and he said in fact, i an just drop him at USM Stadium and pick him up around 11:30am. In fact, he doesn't expect me to be there to see him participating the game, When i heard of his plan, suddenly i had a mixed feeling, happy and sad. Happy that my boy is now feeling comfortable to be with his friends and school teachers; happy that my boy is slowly getting more independent; sad that my boy is growing up; sad that my boy soon will no longer need me to protect him.
At the end, i told him that i would like to be there to see his participating in the game, and also i already promised aunty Doreen that i will be there, so i need to keep my promise to be there on his sport day. Delightedly he said he is happy that i can be there. Actually, not only me, daddy and also mei mei also went to USM stadium to give him our morale support.
So, should i feel happy or sad when i see my boy getting more independent???
For unknown reason, he cried when we drop him to daycare, and this lasted for almost 1 month until i almost wanna seek for child psychiatrist's help. And thank goodness, he decided to end the crying all by himself. And now, he is back to his happy go lucky behavior.
Yesterday was his school's sport day and this is his first time attending sport day. He being selected by his teacher to represent the class to participate in the game. When he told me about this, i am as excited as him, and in fact, i am more excited than him, LOL! I applied leave few days before the event.
On Monday, Kelvin come back and tell me the schedule for the next day, and he said in fact, i an just drop him at USM Stadium and pick him up around 11:30am. In fact, he doesn't expect me to be there to see him participating the game, When i heard of his plan, suddenly i had a mixed feeling, happy and sad. Happy that my boy is now feeling comfortable to be with his friends and school teachers; happy that my boy is slowly getting more independent; sad that my boy is growing up; sad that my boy soon will no longer need me to protect him.
At the end, i told him that i would like to be there to see his participating in the game, and also i already promised aunty Doreen that i will be there, so i need to keep my promise to be there on his sport day. Delightedly he said he is happy that i can be there. Actually, not only me, daddy and also mei mei also went to USM stadium to give him our morale support.
So, should i feel happy or sad when i see my boy getting more independent???
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
oops...teeth in the rice
You kept complaining that one of your teeth is kinda shaky and you wonder when it will drop off by itself, and we kept assuring you that eventually the milk teeth will fall of by itself, it's just matter of time.
While you are having your dinner, i went to do the laundry as usual, and suddenly you came to me with some blood in your mouth, telling me that you teeth dropped while you are biting the meat. Luckily you are not scared by the blood, i guess could be we brought you to dentist for few times, and you are not afraid of seeing blood in the mouth. Quickly i asked you to seek for daddy's help to gargle salt water to clean your mouth. Happily you told us that finally your shaking teeth is out. LOL!
Bravo, my boy!!!
While you are having your dinner, i went to do the laundry as usual, and suddenly you came to me with some blood in your mouth, telling me that you teeth dropped while you are biting the meat. Luckily you are not scared by the blood, i guess could be we brought you to dentist for few times, and you are not afraid of seeing blood in the mouth. Quickly i asked you to seek for daddy's help to gargle salt water to clean your mouth. Happily you told us that finally your shaking teeth is out. LOL!
Bravo, my boy!!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Happy birthday mummy
Again, this year mummy's birthday fall on weekday and somemore it's Wednesday whereby it's a busy day for daddy and me. Daddy will need to attend this usual weekly conference call and for us, we need to stay home waiting for weekly cleaner to clean our house. So, quickly, we had a simple dinner in Queensbay mall.
When we reached home, both of you busy searching high and low in the entire house, looking for whatever things that you guys can put in the box and present to me as present. LOL! After a while you guys finally presented me with a box of toys and also some book as my birthday present.
Both of you are so sweet, love u love u :)
Who said birthday present must be expensive and tangible? The love from the kids are priceless!!!
When we reached home, both of you busy searching high and low in the entire house, looking for whatever things that you guys can put in the box and present to me as present. LOL! After a while you guys finally presented me with a box of toys and also some book as my birthday present.
Both of you are so sweet, love u love u :)
Who said birthday present must be expensive and tangible? The love from the kids are priceless!!!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
盼望了许久的家长教师会面日总算来临了. 6月8日,懒懒的起床,然后带着大宝和小宝浩浩荡荡的到光华小学去. 到达学校,大约 10am, 还好, 不是很多人. 等了大约十五分钟, 终于到我们了.
一坐下来, 看到大宝的全级排名,我差点从椅子上跌下来.天啊, 就只因为数学的粗心,大宝竟然排名在千里之外. 现在, 老工终于认同我的想法, 一分也不能轻易失去.
之前, 我因大宝的粗心,白白浪费了几分而碎碎念,老工还教训了我,讲我为什么那么看不开,区区的三分罢了嘛,何必把孩子给教训一顿,现在,他可了解我的用心良苦了.哈哈!
那么,至于大宝呢,可爱天真活泼又天真无邪的他竟然以为排名越大是越好,我可被他气得不知如何是好,但,回头想,既然是个无法改变的事实,那么就用小孩子的看法来解释给大宝听. 他是懂非懂的告诉我, 他下学期要和会考得更好, 听了,我当然开心. 但, 内心深处在流泪, 我心疼孩子那么小,就得面对分数的纠纷. 为什么,我国的教育制度那么古板,外国的教育根本不在乎小孩子考试成绩, 它们在乎的是孩子们的教育水准,哎,没办法,谁叫我没本事让孩子上国际学校,认命吧,
老师也很奇怪为什么大宝数学考得那么差, 我也只好无言相对的看着老师. 老师啊,我内心在滴血,你按到了我最伤的伤口,哈哈! 基本上,老师对大宝蛮好,没什么投诉,不懂是老师讲得太累了,还是我的大宝很乖?? 我想,该是后者啦, 让自己开心一点,不行吗? 老师有在叮咛大宝要好好写字, 不要在画符. 还有,老师问我大宝最近还有没闹情趣, 老师竟然还记得大宝在学校闹情绪,好羞哦. 幸好,大宝一渡过考试恐惧感,没闹情绪了....
一坐下来, 看到大宝的全级排名,我差点从椅子上跌下来.天啊, 就只因为数学的粗心,大宝竟然排名在千里之外. 现在, 老工终于认同我的想法, 一分也不能轻易失去.
之前, 我因大宝的粗心,白白浪费了几分而碎碎念,老工还教训了我,讲我为什么那么看不开,区区的三分罢了嘛,何必把孩子给教训一顿,现在,他可了解我的用心良苦了.哈哈!
那么,至于大宝呢,可爱天真活泼又天真无邪的他竟然以为排名越大是越好,我可被他气得不知如何是好,但,回头想,既然是个无法改变的事实,那么就用小孩子的看法来解释给大宝听. 他是懂非懂的告诉我, 他下学期要和会考得更好, 听了,我当然开心. 但, 内心深处在流泪, 我心疼孩子那么小,就得面对分数的纠纷. 为什么,我国的教育制度那么古板,外国的教育根本不在乎小孩子考试成绩, 它们在乎的是孩子们的教育水准,哎,没办法,谁叫我没本事让孩子上国际学校,认命吧,
老师也很奇怪为什么大宝数学考得那么差, 我也只好无言相对的看着老师. 老师啊,我内心在滴血,你按到了我最伤的伤口,哈哈! 基本上,老师对大宝蛮好,没什么投诉,不懂是老师讲得太累了,还是我的大宝很乖?? 我想,该是后者啦, 让自己开心一点,不行吗? 老师有在叮咛大宝要好好写字, 不要在画符. 还有,老师问我大宝最近还有没闹情趣, 老师竟然还记得大宝在学校闹情绪,好羞哦. 幸好,大宝一渡过考试恐惧感,没闹情绪了....
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Gossip is a fearful thing
Gossip not only happen in adult world, it also happen in children world! And it's just like the "Passing message" game, the whole thing will get truncated and lots of spices will get added into the story.
On 5/21 Tuesday, when i picked up my boy, immediately, he told me there were two incidents happened in the school on that day.
First incident : Kid get kidnapped by stranger at the back entrance of the school. Wow, this really scary though! Hope this is not true. Flipped through the newspapers on next day, didn't see any news on this. However, a week before, i received message indicating there's a suspicious car wondering around outside another nearby school. Really hope this is just speculation.
Second incident: Snake found in school field where the kid used to have their regular exercise class.
My boy told me 1 snake found on the field; one student said there were 3 snakes being seen in the school compound; one student said saw the snake were on the tree then later crawl to the field. So ....what is happening? No clue
On 5/23 Thursday, when i picked him up, he told me one standard one student bitten by snake !
On 5/25 Saturday, heard that the kid who bitten by the snake passed away. Checked with my boy, he said actually some students saw that kid get bitten by the snake and the others went to inform the teacher, however, the kid denied and insisted that he was bitten by the snake. And since there is no adult around there to witness the incident, so no one know the truth.
I hope that all these incidents are just rumors!
On 5/21 Tuesday, when i picked up my boy, immediately, he told me there were two incidents happened in the school on that day.
First incident : Kid get kidnapped by stranger at the back entrance of the school. Wow, this really scary though! Hope this is not true. Flipped through the newspapers on next day, didn't see any news on this. However, a week before, i received message indicating there's a suspicious car wondering around outside another nearby school. Really hope this is just speculation.
Second incident: Snake found in school field where the kid used to have their regular exercise class.
My boy told me 1 snake found on the field; one student said there were 3 snakes being seen in the school compound; one student said saw the snake were on the tree then later crawl to the field. So ....what is happening? No clue
On 5/23 Thursday, when i picked him up, he told me one standard one student bitten by snake !
On 5/25 Saturday, heard that the kid who bitten by the snake passed away. Checked with my boy, he said actually some students saw that kid get bitten by the snake and the others went to inform the teacher, however, the kid denied and insisted that he was bitten by the snake. And since there is no adult around there to witness the incident, so no one know the truth.
I hope that all these incidents are just rumors!
Friday, May 24, 2013
原本以为孩子们考完试,我可以很轻松,但,人算不如天算, 公司来了个大洗牌,将一个非常有上进心的执行董事调到我所顾的地区, 天啊, 原本清清松松的我, 被逼做那些我一向来觉得毫无意义的市场分析.
结果, 我就像千手千眼观世音,这里忙点,那里忙点.换来的是, 忙,盲,和茫,非常郁闷! 挨了大越两个星期,终于雨过天晴. 但是, 这只是短暂的休息, 接下来的日子肯定会很忙.
结果, 我就像千手千眼观世音,这里忙点,那里忙点.换来的是, 忙,盲,和茫,非常郁闷! 挨了大越两个星期,终于雨过天晴. 但是, 这只是短暂的休息, 接下来的日子肯定会很忙.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
考试完了, 接下来就是另一个跟刺激的时刻...成绩放棒了!!!!
儿子只把考卷带回, 还没有家长老师会面日,所以,我还不晓得儿子在学校有多乖,多顽皮.儿子考试成绩还不错,但是,数学就倒,太太粗心. 问他有什么感想,他竟然说 NO FEEL.气死我了. 如果,他不会, 我还没那么气, 但是, 他是粗心....希望,在 接下来的考试里,他会较细心.
至于,女儿,家长老师会面日在5/21,但,出呼预料,她竟然考出预料不到超好的成绩!好棒!!!!! 但是, 有被老师投诉,说她在班上有时会发白日梦,有时不回答老师,有时就太多话.....希望女儿会慢慢的变乖,不要那么调皮,
儿子只把考卷带回, 还没有家长老师会面日,所以,我还不晓得儿子在学校有多乖,多顽皮.儿子考试成绩还不错,但是,数学就倒,太太粗心. 问他有什么感想,他竟然说 NO FEEL.气死我了. 如果,他不会, 我还没那么气, 但是, 他是粗心....希望,在 接下来的考试里,他会较细心.
至于,女儿,家长老师会面日在5/21,但,出呼预料,她竟然考出预料不到超好的成绩!好棒!!!!! 但是, 有被老师投诉,说她在班上有时会发白日梦,有时不回答老师,有时就太多话.....希望女儿会慢慢的变乖,不要那么调皮,
Friday, May 17, 2013
Exam week after one another
May is exam week for most school and luckily both kids' exam fall in one week apart, else we will have big hard time. However, even though the exam is one after another, it doesn't make our life perfect too.
Kaitlyn's exam is one week before Kelvin, so when Kaitlyn burning her midnight oil, instead of accompanying the sister burning midnight oil, Kelvin busy wondering around in the house and this also impacting Kaitlyn's study mood. However, we didn't push the kids too much, just let them move at their own pace.
Finally....Kaitlyn finished her exam. So with this means, Kelvin will have his exam then. So while Kelvin burning his midnight oil, Kaitlyn's turn to wondering around in the house, LOL! After Tue, Wed and Thus, finally....exam finish!!!
So, that's the end of exam fun for both kids and both me and hubb!!! Another will be by Sep/Oct. So we still have few months to breath before the next exam wave hitting us.
Kaitlyn's exam is one week before Kelvin, so when Kaitlyn burning her midnight oil, instead of accompanying the sister burning midnight oil, Kelvin busy wondering around in the house and this also impacting Kaitlyn's study mood. However, we didn't push the kids too much, just let them move at their own pace.
Finally....Kaitlyn finished her exam. So with this means, Kelvin will have his exam then. So while Kelvin burning his midnight oil, Kaitlyn's turn to wondering around in the house, LOL! After Tue, Wed and Thus, finally....exam finish!!!
So, that's the end of exam fun for both kids and both me and hubb!!! Another will be by Sep/Oct. So we still have few months to breath before the next exam wave hitting us.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Oops....where is my Incisor teeth
Mummy received phone call from Ms Goh while i am just about to start my shopping spree at the children clothing shop that i didn't step in for almost 6 months. Gosh, i can't imagine that i didn't step into the shop for almost 6 months, meaning for the part 6 months, there isn't any new clothes being added into you and meimei's closet. Ok, back to the story......
I being told that you had a fell at daycare and apparently you knocked on one of your incisor teeth that has been a bit shaky since CNY. At the same time, i heard your loud crying sound coming from behind. When Ms Goh passed the phone to you, you are unable to talk clearly and what i can heard is your crying plus sobbing sound. After a few round of phone call between me, daddy and Ms Goh, finally we make a call, Ms Goh will bring you to your usual dental clinic and get the dentist to remove the dangling teeth away. Daddy then will meet with you guys at the dental clinic. I thought everything will be over. However, later another phone call coming in and you refused to let the dentist remove the teeth for you. So in order not to create any phobia on you, we decided to let it be.
It's not the end of the story yet. After you got back from school, mummy and Ms Goh spend around 20 minutes to persuade you to have your teeth removed. And finally you agree with us. Before you change your mind, quick as a wink, we are in the dental clinic.
Even though u agreed to g to dentist, however, we also spend almost 30 mins in the clinic and finally, we are out with one of your teeth in the plastic bag. At first, you agreed to let the dentist to put gel on your gum so that your gum will be numbed and this will enable the dentist to remove the shaking teeth. But, after a round of checking, Dr Chin said that it is best if we can let you take the injection as she said if only with gel, high chance bleeding will happen. And both of us having hard time to convince you and you kept lay down, get up, lay down and get up. Luckily Dr Chin very nice and patient, she kept talking to you, assuring you that everything will be fine.
One of the fun thing happen, when you finally lay down on the dentist chair, quickly Dr Chin turned to the drawer and take out a real long and big needle. Frankly, i was shocked when i see it. My first reaction was "is this being used on human or elephant" LOL! And out of expectation, you suddenly sit up and quickly, Dr Chin put her hand down, trying to hide the needle from you, but you spotted it. You asked her to show you the LONG and BIG needle.
After another round of persuasion, and finally you let her make the injection on your gum, and after few minutes, Dr Chin just push your teeth few times, and ta daaaa, you teeth is out from your mouth. What a relief to all of us as both me and Dr Chin worry that we may scared you if she has to use the tweezer to pull the teeth from your mouth.
No crying from you at all in the dental clinic. Great job, my boy!!! On our way home, i tested you with the word "F","S", "Fish"...and you still can pronounce it well,
I being told that you had a fell at daycare and apparently you knocked on one of your incisor teeth that has been a bit shaky since CNY. At the same time, i heard your loud crying sound coming from behind. When Ms Goh passed the phone to you, you are unable to talk clearly and what i can heard is your crying plus sobbing sound. After a few round of phone call between me, daddy and Ms Goh, finally we make a call, Ms Goh will bring you to your usual dental clinic and get the dentist to remove the dangling teeth away. Daddy then will meet with you guys at the dental clinic. I thought everything will be over. However, later another phone call coming in and you refused to let the dentist remove the teeth for you. So in order not to create any phobia on you, we decided to let it be.
It's not the end of the story yet. After you got back from school, mummy and Ms Goh spend around 20 minutes to persuade you to have your teeth removed. And finally you agree with us. Before you change your mind, quick as a wink, we are in the dental clinic.

One of the fun thing happen, when you finally lay down on the dentist chair, quickly Dr Chin turned to the drawer and take out a real long and big needle. Frankly, i was shocked when i see it. My first reaction was "is this being used on human or elephant" LOL! And out of expectation, you suddenly sit up and quickly, Dr Chin put her hand down, trying to hide the needle from you, but you spotted it. You asked her to show you the LONG and BIG needle.
After another round of persuasion, and finally you let her make the injection on your gum, and after few minutes, Dr Chin just push your teeth few times, and ta daaaa, you teeth is out from your mouth. What a relief to all of us as both me and Dr Chin worry that we may scared you if she has to use the tweezer to pull the teeth from your mouth.
No crying from you at all in the dental clinic. Great job, my boy!!! On our way home, i tested you with the word "F","S", "Fish"...and you still can pronounce it well,
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Computer Family
my boy told me his teacher asked who has computer at home, so, he told
teacher that he has a computer at home whereby he can close the cover. Guess what, teacher
told him that what he has is LAPTOP AND NOT A COMPUTER!!!!! What???
Laptop is not a computer then laptop belongs to ???? Dont tell me
teacher classified laptop into tablet category 。 Lost lost and i am
total lost.
So, i try my very best to explain to my little boy what is DESKTOP, LAPTOP and COMPUTER. I even need to use some simple example term to explain to him. I even draw out desktop, laptop and tell him all these belong to computer family. Just like orange, grape, all belongs to fruit family. LOL! I am not sure he understand me or not, hopefully he does.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Battle with Stomach Flu ~ It's almost coming to the end
After fighting with stomach flu for close to 1 week, to be exact, 6 days, it's finally almost coming to the end. Yesterday the whole day, there isn't any vomit or diarrhea reported by the school teacher, and also no vomit or diarrhea at home. But yet, i still dare not say it's completely ok, as i still prefer to put you under observation. In fact, you stated to have back your regular intake of milk powder at school. You has been asking for milk in the past few days, and we always give you the standard answer, "No, you can only drink soya bean milk"
As soon as you back from school, you asked for vitagen. We has been saying big NO NO to you for the past few days when you are fighting with stomach flu. And finally, on last night, we let you enjoy it.
After a while, you requested for fruit. You must be missing all your favorite fruits so much.
K: mummy, can i have fruit?
M: **hesitate for a while** Yes, sure.
K: Then, can i eat strawberry?
M: ** oops** oh, sweetie, nope, u can't take strawberry yet
K: mummy, what about orange, i see there is so many orange in the fridge.
M: oh, sweetie, u can't eat orange either. What about apple, u can take apple.
K: ok, anything also can. ** since your two requests being rejected, so you just agree with what i suggested**
So happily you agree to go with apple.
And it's not the end of the story yet, by 10pm, you said that you are hungry. So, what to do?? Since daddy and keke also feeling hungry, so we went out for light supper at the koay teow thng shop outside of our house. After food, i asked you to sleep and your respond is "sleep without milk?" My gosh, you just had your bee hoon soup, and you still need milk. LOL! Obviously, your are on the way of recovering and claiming back all your appetite. In order not to disappoint you, i make a small cup of milk for you and happily you went to bed after the milk.
As soon as you back from school, you asked for vitagen. We has been saying big NO NO to you for the past few days when you are fighting with stomach flu. And finally, on last night, we let you enjoy it.
After a while, you requested for fruit. You must be missing all your favorite fruits so much.
K: mummy, can i have fruit?
M: **hesitate for a while** Yes, sure.
K: Then, can i eat strawberry?
M: ** oops** oh, sweetie, nope, u can't take strawberry yet
K: mummy, what about orange, i see there is so many orange in the fridge.
M: oh, sweetie, u can't eat orange either. What about apple, u can take apple.
K: ok, anything also can. ** since your two requests being rejected, so you just agree with what i suggested**
So happily you agree to go with apple.
And it's not the end of the story yet, by 10pm, you said that you are hungry. So, what to do?? Since daddy and keke also feeling hungry, so we went out for light supper at the koay teow thng shop outside of our house. After food, i asked you to sleep and your respond is "sleep without milk?" My gosh, you just had your bee hoon soup, and you still need milk. LOL! Obviously, your are on the way of recovering and claiming back all your appetite. In order not to disappoint you, i make a small cup of milk for you and happily you went to bed after the milk.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Stomach flu, Day #3
Last night was a good night for all of us, no fuss from you when we wake you up 2 times for medicine. And this morning you wake up around 7:30am while all of us still in our sweet dream. Thought everything is ok, however, you throw out again while we are out for breakfast. Sigh...poor girl. Again, you told us that you are hungry and want to eat wan tan mee. Oh, a big NO NO, and mummy tried to persuade you to go for porridge. Luckily you are such a good girl, you agree to have porridge but, you told me that i MUST buy you wan tan mee when you fully recover.
Breakfast settled. Then we went to QBM after breakfast as keke is having his weekly Taekwondo class there. Another headache, where to go for lunch after keke's class?? Think think think...where can we have porridge...think think think..tadaaaaa, the nearby 上海鼎 restaurant. You enjoy the porridge very much and keke ordered honey lemon and you insisted that you want to have few sip. At first, we dont allow you to have, but you kept insist. So at last, i let you try some and deep in my heart keep pray that you wont have stomach pain. True enough, while daddy paying the bill, you told me that you have stomach upset. Luckily our house is nearby and as soon as we reached home, you rushed to toilet to release yourself.
And tonight, where to go for dinner? Both you and keke said want to go back to De Happy seafood restaurant for teochew porridge. Hope there will be no more vomit from you after tonight.
Breakfast settled. Then we went to QBM after breakfast as keke is having his weekly Taekwondo class there. Another headache, where to go for lunch after keke's class?? Think think think...where can we have porridge...think think think..tadaaaaa, the nearby 上海鼎 restaurant. You enjoy the porridge very much and keke ordered honey lemon and you insisted that you want to have few sip. At first, we dont allow you to have, but you kept insist. So at last, i let you try some and deep in my heart keep pray that you wont have stomach pain. True enough, while daddy paying the bill, you told me that you have stomach upset. Luckily our house is nearby and as soon as we reached home, you rushed to toilet to release yourself.
And tonight, where to go for dinner? Both you and keke said want to go back to De Happy seafood restaurant for teochew porridge. Hope there will be no more vomit from you after tonight.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Unwelcome guest - Stomach flu. Day #1 and #2
While picking up keke at the school on Friday, i received a call from your kindy teacher saying that you had sudden fever. I was shocked hearing that as in the morning when i dropped you to school, you seems ok.Thus, when she asked whether can she give you a dose of fever medicine or not, i told teacher, "nope, it's ok, i will pick her up shortly" Deep in my heart, i hope that you are not having stomach flu, but my instinct told me that it's high chance that you are attacked by stomach flu.
According to school teacher, you throw out twice in the school, first time is after afternoon nap and second time is before dinner. Since you are not havving good appetitie after that, so your dinner is just 2 pieces of biscuit. You seems a bit not so active when i picked you up, i guess probably you feel tired after vomit.
You didn't take anything while we went out for dinner, you only drink one glass of barley and awhile later you complained that stomach not feeling well. Quickly, we went home, but instead of poo, you vomited out the barley that you had during dinner. After a while, you asked for biscuit, and with heavy heart, we have to give you since you are not having any food since 3pm and you in fact vomited 3 times, your stomach must be very empty. Luckily no vomit after that.
Thought that everything is over as you asked for pan mee as lunch on Saturday. however, on our way to QBM for movie, you vomited in the car. Sigh. Means, it's not over though, there is still some toxic in your stomach that need to clear out. Again, after vomit, you said you are ok. So, we still proceed for our movie plan.
Everything seems ok until 5:20pm. On our way out to drop keke for his swimming class , you vomited in the car. We turned back home and clean you up as well as cleaning the car. Thought everything is over, but again, i am wrong. After a while, you throut out again in the car, but this time i am well prepared, i quickly gave you a plastic bag and guess what...i saw some yellowish fluid coming out from your mouth, and without second doubt, we bring you to see doctor. As Saturday is off day for Adventist hospital, so we need to go to Emergency Room and luckily Dr Khaw already there treating other patients thus we just need to wait for a while for our turn.
When Dr Khaw checked at you, and as soon as he heard mummy saying there is yellowish fluid out from your mouth, he said that fluid coming from gallbladder. Oh no....meaning the infection is very very bad. As both doctor and us do not wish to go for admission, so we decided to have the treatment at home. However, doctor recommended that you need to have one injection to stop the vomit. As a result, we have many types of medicine for you:-
Wow, you have a real good appetite, you ate 1.5 bowls of PLAIN porridge. Daddy and mummy a bit hesitate to let you eat so much, but seeing you eating the plain porridge happily, so we keep pray that no vomit after that. Phew....everything ok, no vomit after the porridge.
Before we call off the night, mummy told you that we will be waking you up middle of the night for fever medicine. Need to pre-alert you so that you wont be cranky at middle of the night while we wake you up.
According to school teacher, you throw out twice in the school, first time is after afternoon nap and second time is before dinner. Since you are not havving good appetitie after that, so your dinner is just 2 pieces of biscuit. You seems a bit not so active when i picked you up, i guess probably you feel tired after vomit.
You didn't take anything while we went out for dinner, you only drink one glass of barley and awhile later you complained that stomach not feeling well. Quickly, we went home, but instead of poo, you vomited out the barley that you had during dinner. After a while, you asked for biscuit, and with heavy heart, we have to give you since you are not having any food since 3pm and you in fact vomited 3 times, your stomach must be very empty. Luckily no vomit after that.
Thought that everything is over as you asked for pan mee as lunch on Saturday. however, on our way to QBM for movie, you vomited in the car. Sigh. Means, it's not over though, there is still some toxic in your stomach that need to clear out. Again, after vomit, you said you are ok. So, we still proceed for our movie plan.
Everything seems ok until 5:20pm. On our way out to drop keke for his swimming class , you vomited in the car. We turned back home and clean you up as well as cleaning the car. Thought everything is over, but again, i am wrong. After a while, you throut out again in the car, but this time i am well prepared, i quickly gave you a plastic bag and guess what...i saw some yellowish fluid coming out from your mouth, and without second doubt, we bring you to see doctor. As Saturday is off day for Adventist hospital, so we need to go to Emergency Room and luckily Dr Khaw already there treating other patients thus we just need to wait for a while for our turn.
When Dr Khaw checked at you, and as soon as he heard mummy saying there is yellowish fluid out from your mouth, he said that fluid coming from gallbladder. Oh no....meaning the infection is very very bad. As both doctor and us do not wish to go for admission, so we decided to have the treatment at home. However, doctor recommended that you need to have one injection to stop the vomit. As a result, we have many types of medicine for you:-
- Injection to stop the vomit
- Motilium
- Probiotic
- Unasyn antibiotic
- Paracetamol
Wow, you have a real good appetite, you ate 1.5 bowls of PLAIN porridge. Daddy and mummy a bit hesitate to let you eat so much, but seeing you eating the plain porridge happily, so we keep pray that no vomit after that. Phew....everything ok, no vomit after the porridge.
Before we call off the night, mummy told you that we will be waking you up middle of the night for fever medicine. Need to pre-alert you so that you wont be cranky at middle of the night while we wake you up.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
孩子们竟然偷偷的繼承了我一些不好的基因:-没有坚持心 & 粗心
虽然,我常常讲,别 给孩子压力,让他们自由发挥,但是, 活在这现实的社会里, 有是我们会搞得自己很不理智. 常常告诉自己, 教育好自己的孩子,不要想着他/她以后会是什么家, 毕竟行行出状元嘛. 太过逼孩子们去帮自己完成自己无法达到的梦想, 对孩子们是很不公 平. 但是,自己就是放不下, 一直深怕孩子功课追不上..
一向来, 我也知道他字体不端, 但不至于很难看到无法读. 但是, 现在国民型华小老师很在意同学们的字体. 第一次与他级任老师见面,第一个评论就是字体不端, 我还很礼貌的回答老师, 叫老师多多帮忙纠正 我猜, 老师内心深处一定痛骂我. 晚上回来,我骂了他一顿,他低着头.
昨晚, 我又因为儿子字体不端而痛骂他一场. 他没哭,眼泪一直在眼里打滚,只是俩只眼睛一直看着我. 已不是第一次了, 每次都警告他,若从犯, 我会狠狠的处罚他. 但, 每次都没.
每次,骂完后,深夜,,孩子睡了,我感觉我的孩子真可怜,不懂刚刚我那么骂他, 他心里会很难受吗?我心里很难受,很难受. 有时, 我会伤心的落泪, 很懊悔, 为什么我要那么骂他. 毕竟, 他还小, 当我还是他那年龄时, 我还在迷迷糊糊的学着ABC. 有时, 我会在孩子们熟睡时在他们那可爱的小脸,亲一亲,何必在事情发生了才懊悔, 为什么不学会控制自己.? 为什么还总是抱怨孩子记不住家长和老 师的话呢? 为什么? 为什么? 为什么?
辛好,孩子们还蛮健忘, 睡醒就忘了刚被我痛骂. 几天后, 老毛病又来了. 哪我呢, 也是老毛病重犯,骂骂骂. 但,我坚持,只骂, 不打. 要打, 我也是用手打. 若,忍无可忍, 我就用手打桌子,练个铁沙掌…. 哈哈!
有时, 我在想,孩子们去上学,会不会像我们去上班那样有压力? 我们是否应该放下身段,站在他们的立场上想?其实孩子们想法很单纯,要的也不多,不像我们大人那么复杂. 为什么我不简简单单的教育他们? 无论我们怎样对待他们,他们总可以以一颗最纯净的心来对待我们, 孩子们,你们是上帝送给我的最佳礼物!!!!孩子们,希望你们可以体会到妈咪的用心良苦. 别怪我哦!
Monday, March 18, 2013
我在厨房里忙东忙西, 洗完这这, 就洗那,,,,像只脱了线的风争飞来飞去.
当我在拿着烧水时,发现女儿竟然在没声之下,站在我身后. 第一反应就是骂她, 因为, 我常告诉她别站在我身后, 尤其在厨房. 猜猜看她怎样回答我....
她说, "妈咪, 妳marah 我, 我会很 sad 的," 然后呢, 她竟然拼出, s..a...d, sad. 哇, 我真的没想到这女儿会用三个语言構建句子.
所以嘛...你说, 我是不是该表扬她, 懂得善用所学的语言, 哈哈!
当我在拿着烧水时,发现女儿竟然在没声之下,站在我身后. 第一反应就是骂她, 因为, 我常告诉她别站在我身后, 尤其在厨房. 猜猜看她怎样回答我....
她说, "妈咪, 妳marah 我, 我会很 sad 的," 然后呢, 她竟然拼出, s..a...d, sad. 哇, 我真的没想到这女儿会用三个语言構建句子.
所以嘛...你说, 我是不是该表扬她, 懂得善用所学的语言, 哈哈!
Friday, March 15, 2013
最近, 不懂从哪里学来, 一直叫我教她如何一眼开, 一眼眨, 起初,她无法做到, 但这几天, 她竟然可以掌握到这技巧.
还有, 当她看到我穿比较有色彩的裙子, 她就会要求我, 不穿了,别丢,留给她以后穿. 好几次, 我说, 女儿, 若妳以后穿上妈咪现在穿的裙子, 肯定会被朋友笑. 她竟然理直气壮的说, "不会,朋友不会笑我的". 哈哈!咱们就看妳以后敢不敢穿妈咪留给妳的裙子.
有时, 她还会穿我的高跟鞋在家里走来走去,好怕她拌倒.
带她去买鞋,更头疼,她总要找高跟鞋,不然的话就是颜色奇奇怪怪, 很难配搭衣服那种. 我得费很长时间说服她, 但蛮好玩的.
买衣呢...就不要那种保守的, 衣领高高的- 不要; 袖子长长的- 不要; 颜色暗淡的- 不要.
吃东西呢, 不能一下子避她吃太多,不然的话, 待会儿, 我就有得受, 她会连本带利的呼虏哗啦的吐出来. 哎,我又没空了.
读书, 哇...好挑战, 她不喜欢. 教了一小时,骂了半小时, 待会儿,她可以将所学的忘了一干二净. 超棒! 我得安慰自己,无所谓, 给她时间, 行行出状元嘛,
但, 还是很感谢上帝给了我这宝贝女儿. 妈咪爱妳.
最近, 不懂从哪里学来, 一直叫我教她如何一眼开, 一眼眨, 起初,她无法做到, 但这几天, 她竟然可以掌握到这技巧.
还有, 当她看到我穿比较有色彩的裙子, 她就会要求我, 不穿了,别丢,留给她以后穿. 好几次, 我说, 女儿, 若妳以后穿上妈咪现在穿的裙子, 肯定会被朋友笑. 她竟然理直气壮的说, "不会,朋友不会笑我的". 哈哈!咱们就看妳以后敢不敢穿妈咪留给妳的裙子.
有时, 她还会穿我的高跟鞋在家里走来走去,好怕她拌倒.
带她去买鞋,更头疼,她总要找高跟鞋,不然的话就是颜色奇奇怪怪, 很难配搭衣服那种. 我得费很长时间说服她, 但蛮好玩的.
买衣呢...就不要那种保守的, 衣领高高的- 不要; 袖子长长的- 不要; 颜色暗淡的- 不要.
吃东西呢, 不能一下子避她吃太多,不然的话, 待会儿, 我就有得受, 她会连本带利的呼虏哗啦的吐出来. 哎,我又没空了.
读书, 哇...好挑战, 她不喜欢. 教了一小时,骂了半小时, 待会儿,她可以将所学的忘了一干二净. 超棒! 我得安慰自己,无所谓, 给她时间, 行行出状元嘛,
但, 还是很感谢上帝给了我这宝贝女儿. 妈咪爱妳.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Mummy, it's time to let go!
I have been accompanying my boy packing his school bag every night after homework and revision. Our usual activity is, he will gathered all the books for next day according to the time table, then i will do a cross check by calling out each subjects, and he will put all those books into his school bag. Both of us enjoy this "YOU and ME" time though.
After CNY break, on Tuesday night, when i wanted to repeat the same routine with him, he told me that he had pack his school bag and assured me that i don't have to check for him. Suddenly, i feel so lost as i am no longer needed in part of his schooling life. However, to make him feel confident on himself, i praised him and reminded him to make sure he didn't miss out anything that needed for the next day.
But.......i still don't feel comfortable to let him do it all by himself, not that i don't have confident on him, but to me, he is still too young to handle himself well. LOL! So, either at night after he went upstairs or early in the morning when he is still in his dreamland, i will check his school bag again, to make sure he doesn't miss out anything.
After CNY break, on Tuesday night, when i wanted to repeat the same routine with him, he told me that he had pack his school bag and assured me that i don't have to check for him. Suddenly, i feel so lost as i am no longer needed in part of his schooling life. However, to make him feel confident on himself, i praised him and reminded him to make sure he didn't miss out anything that needed for the next day.
But.......i still don't feel comfortable to let him do it all by himself, not that i don't have confident on him, but to me, he is still too young to handle himself well. LOL! So, either at night after he went upstairs or early in the morning when he is still in his dreamland, i will check his school bag again, to make sure he doesn't miss out anything.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
写了又檫, 檫了又写,忙了这么久和茫了这么久,终于有点头绪,总算守得云开见月明,看见成就. 不然的话就是陪了夫人又折兵.
大宝贝的字体总算大有进步. 竟然还获得老师的欣赏,得了A.
宝贝, 好棒喔!! 继续努力!
大宝贝的字体总算大有进步. 竟然还获得老师的欣赏,得了A.
宝贝, 好棒喔!! 继续努力!
Friday, February 1, 2013
First visit to dentist
On our way to dinner, you suddenly cried out loud in pain, saying toothache.However, we able to calm you down for a short while before another round of crying. As soon as we settle down for dinner, tears started rolling down from your eyes again, and we have no other choice besides pack our food back and at the same time rushed to the dentist outside our house.
We waited for about 30 mins and guess what....the dentist asked you few questions such as where pain, what happen etc before she started to check your teeth. And the conclusion is, the pain that you had doesn't come from your teeth, you actually accidentally bit your skin inside your mouth. However, at the same time, dentist found out that there are four tooth with holes and surprise us, you never complain any pain though.Since the holes are at the molars and according to the dentist, these milk tooth will not get changed until you are about 11~ 12 years old. So, what's next...we decided to perform dental filling for you to avoid food stuck in the holes. And now, mummy recalled that there is few occasions you complain to me that food stuck in between your teeth.
You are so brave, no tears at all. You lye down and corporate well with dentist throughout the whole process. We didn't filled up all teeth at once as dentist worry that she may caused phobia on you since it's your first visit to dentist.
Great job boy!!
We waited for about 30 mins and guess what....the dentist asked you few questions such as where pain, what happen etc before she started to check your teeth. And the conclusion is, the pain that you had doesn't come from your teeth, you actually accidentally bit your skin inside your mouth. However, at the same time, dentist found out that there are four tooth with holes and surprise us, you never complain any pain though.Since the holes are at the molars and according to the dentist, these milk tooth will not get changed until you are about 11~ 12 years old. So, what's next...we decided to perform dental filling for you to avoid food stuck in the holes. And now, mummy recalled that there is few occasions you complain to me that food stuck in between your teeth.
You are so brave, no tears at all. You lye down and corporate well with dentist throughout the whole process. We didn't filled up all teeth at once as dentist worry that she may caused phobia on you since it's your first visit to dentist.
Great job boy!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
一直以为, 当大宝贝上一年级, 我就会较轻松. 天啊, 原来我错了. 大宝贝上了一年级, 我比以往更忙,有时, 我还得帮他做功课 不明白呒为什么会有那么多的涂颜色活动. 感觉上大宝贝好像在上幼儿园而不是国小. 不懂大宝贝有什么感想.
不想给他太多的压力, 但是又不放心, 总爱检查他的功课. 其实, 我这大宝贝, 他蛮乖的, 功课时常在学校做完, 但是, 但是, 但是, 因为社会要求完美无缺, 老师说, 大宝贝的字体不美, 所以我每晚得叫他从写. 可怜的大宝贝, 每次我骂他因为字体不美, 他就会用那是懂非懂的眼神看着我, 搞得我心疼到半命!!!!
希望接下来, 我和大宝贝会慢慢的适应这种生活.
不想给他太多的压力, 但是又不放心, 总爱检查他的功课. 其实, 我这大宝贝, 他蛮乖的, 功课时常在学校做完, 但是, 但是, 但是, 因为社会要求完美无缺, 老师说, 大宝贝的字体不美, 所以我每晚得叫他从写. 可怜的大宝贝, 每次我骂他因为字体不美, 他就会用那是懂非懂的眼神看着我, 搞得我心疼到半命!!!!
希望接下来, 我和大宝贝会慢慢的适应这种生活.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
My happy boy!
I am off on second half of today...why?? Because today i need to drop by my boy's school to collect RM100 that given my government. Last night i informed my boy that i will be going to his school today and this
morning before he leave for his daycare class, my boy so happy and reminded me that he said he can see me in school today. And of
course i am happy too, coz i can see him in the school.
I purposely take second half of the day off because i want to have a peaceful mind so that i can give my sweetest smile to my boy when i go to his school.
When i was queuing up, noticed that my boy so well behaved. Instead of day dreaming and look around, he took out his Chinese text book and pretend he is reading the book, LOL! Hope that he will keep this well behave behavior not only today but everyday in the school.
I purposely take second half of the day off because i want to have a peaceful mind so that i can give my sweetest smile to my boy when i go to his school.
Whose fault?? Me? You? Society??
Today when i went to collect the RM100 from school, received a small complain from the form teacher on my boy's writing. Well, i know, this day will come as my boy doesn't write neatly and nicely as compare to other kids at the same age. Even though i know this problem, but when i heard this from his form teacher, my heart sank. But of course, i still need to act cool in front of the teacher, so i told the teacher please help me and it's ok if she were to request him to rewrite as long as it's meeting her expectation. Well, the form teacher did briefly explain to me the expectation of the school. Well, in fact, most of the Chinese school expect the kids to write properly like the example below.
When i reached home, quickly goggle for solution, well, not that i am a kiasu mom, but i do not want this minor thing hinder my boy from loving school life. At last i found this article, Special Education/My 5 year old can't write properly.In this article, it did mention that kid who was highly visual will have this problem.I will need to fully digest this article and find way to help my son to improve his writing.
I know, since we are in government school, we need to follow the expectations, rules and regulations. But what does writing matter so much?? His writing is not that bad til un-readable, it's just that the writing is not on the line per the example. So my poor boy need to spend most of his night rewrite whatever has been written in the school. I rather he spend his time doing some other more value added thing rather then rewrite all the writing.
Well, do u want a kid who can write like typewrite or printing machine and no creativity at all, or u want a kid whose writing is so so and creative?? I rather my son to be creative though. But not much we can do since we are in government school. So, what's next?? Me and my boy need to work together to have this problem resolve else me and him will keep getting complain from teacher on this minor issue. Wish both of us good luck!
When i reached home, quickly goggle for solution, well, not that i am a kiasu mom, but i do not want this minor thing hinder my boy from loving school life. At last i found this article, Special Education/My 5 year old can't write properly.In this article, it did mention that kid who was highly visual will have this problem.I will need to fully digest this article and find way to help my son to improve his writing.
I know, since we are in government school, we need to follow the expectations, rules and regulations. But what does writing matter so much?? His writing is not that bad til un-readable, it's just that the writing is not on the line per the example. So my poor boy need to spend most of his night rewrite whatever has been written in the school. I rather he spend his time doing some other more value added thing rather then rewrite all the writing.
Well, do u want a kid who can write like typewrite or printing machine and no creativity at all, or u want a kid whose writing is so so and creative?? I rather my son to be creative though. But not much we can do since we are in government school. So, what's next?? Me and my boy need to work together to have this problem resolve else me and him will keep getting complain from teacher on this minor issue. Wish both of us good luck!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Boy, u can do it!!! Good luck and all the best!!
Last night, while checking through my son’s
homework book, saw him write down one of the item which is for this coming
Saturday’s drawing contest. The title is 海边~ seaside.
As I know my son well, he doesn’t has the interest
in drawing nor coloring. But he is quite creative, he can draw robot, cartoon
well, but not a proper drawing type.
So I goggle-ed a simple seaside picture for him
and at the same time I simplify it further for him. I can sense that he is
trying his best to mimic what I drew and until one point of time,snd here’s the
sad part of the day, he asked me whether can he being excused from
participating in the contest. I wish I can opt him out too, but this is part of
school activity for this coming Saturday. Cruelly, I turn him down and tell
him, NOPE, YOU HAVE TO TAKE PART. But of course I did explain to him why he
needs to participate.
I really don’t understand, why the school EXPECT a
first grader DRAW the picture themselves!!!! Not every kid can draw well at
this age. I don’t mind if it’s a coloring contest, but what I hear from here
and there is, the kid need to DRAW and color it themselves.
It's very heart wrenching seeing my boy so discouraging. And this is his FIRST time showing this type of respond to me. In the past, no matter how bad the situation is, he will never tell me he want to pull out from anything. But this time, he made his first request to me. And i REJECTED him. Boy, no worry so much, you just need to do your best. Be it success or fail, at least you have given your best effort, daddy and mummy will always be here to support you! Cheers, my boy!! Remember, YOU CAN DO IT !!!
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