Sunday, November 25, 2007

Stomach flu Day #7 and #8 - ALL is over!

Gladly to say that, EVERYTHING is OVER!!!

You poo-ed lesser on Saturday and today, you didn't poo yet. I guess there isn't anything for you to poo for time being as you poo-ed so much in the past few days.

Saturday, you had potato porridge for lunch and ikan bilis mee suah for dinner. You wallop all the food and also, on and off you will ask for milk and bread. But we dare not give you too much, afraid may overload your just recover stomach.

Sunday morning you woke up at 7am, asked for milk and refused to sleep after the milk, so daddy and mummy brought you to the garden nearby our house for morning walk. After that, we went to buy breakfast. Mummy had mee suah so that i can share some with you. Thought that after having mee suah, you will sleep, but we were wrong. So, we bath you, again, hoping that you will sleep after that. Again, a fail. And you asked for bread, so daddy gave you some and mummy quickly take my shower and off, we went to Giant. You were so excited and energetic. We bought you a ball and your diaper, then we headed to Ah Kong's house. Need to let you rest as you woke up since 7am.

When we reached Ah Kong's house, again, you asked for milk, however, this time, you sleep after taking your milk. Phew!! As daddy need to meet up with friend,so he dropped mummy at QBM for retail therapy. When we got home, you just woke up. From around 12noon, you slept til 3pm. 3 hrs!! Wow!! And yes, you only had your so call lunch by 3pm. Today's menu same as yesterday, potato porridge for lunch and ikan bilis mee suah for dinner. You took it happily and in fact keep ask for more.

You move around the house a lot, a sign showing us you are recovering, and in fact, fully recover. EVERYTHING IS OVER!!! Yeah!!! Now, while mummy typing this post, you were in your lala-land.


  1. Just read your blog. Glad to hear that Kelvin is getting better. Phew..

  2. Angie: Yes, can say he is fully recover, as he keeps ask for food and EAT a LOT!! Cannot resist milk and bread. It's really a scary experience for me! Thank goodness, all is over.

  3. WS: Yes, glad that everything is over. And thanks a lot for your support and advise :)

  4. Good that your little boy is getting better already.

    It's really very worrying when small kids fall sick. :(

  5. eh u might wanna give him vitamins, multivit whatever vit la.

  6. Zara's mama: When our kid sick, we will have sleepless night, keep checking on them....when they recover, usually time for us to fall sick...hahahaha!

    Sasha: Thanks for reminding me on the multivit. I bought him Appeton Multivit during lunch time!

  7. Glad to hear that Kelvin is getting better now..Fast fast show mummy your notty act.

  8. SY: He is fully recover from stomach flu and be notty and cheeky boy!

  9. What a relief! Wishing you guys more happy happy days ahead! Hey, you know what Vin boy is starting to look more and more like Mommy!

  10. Joyce: Thanks for the blessing. U know what, from pic, Vin boy looks like me, but in real person, he looks more like Terence. LOL!


My 2 sweethearts

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