Saturday, January 19, 2008

You make my day!

Today you woke up around 8am, then as usual, you will call "pa pa" clear and loud. Mummy pretend sleeping since u call daddy and not me. Awhile later, you roll over to me and call out "ma ma" clear and loud. Yippie, finally!!! This is the moment that i've been waiting for ever since u started to call "pa pa". So quickly, i wake up and give u a hug, then i fell into your trap! You then pick up your used diaper, walked to the , asked me to open the door for you as you want to throw away the dirty diaper.

I have no choice besides follow your instruction, because you are such a good helper, always volunteer to throw the dirty diaper for mummy every morning. After that, we repeat our usual weekend morning activities which is give u a bath! Mummy prepare water for you while daddy keep you entertain with your favourite VCD. After your bath, it's daddy and mummy's turn to take our shower as we will basically get wet as you will keep splashing the water in your mini bath tub. Daddy mummy enjoy bathing you :)


  1. haa.. finally he call mama!! he probably will call it more often from now on.. aidan sometime get confuse between papa and mama and he will call ivan mama haa

  2. wowow! Congrats! kevin is such a sweetie pie la.!

  3. the 'ma ma' is a powerful word and their 'secret weapon'..we will surely jump out of our bed to attend to them!

  4. Cocoa : he is calling me very often now. Will Ivan respond to Aidan when he call him mama? haha!

    Sasha : Thank you thank you :)

    WS: Yes, they will fully make use of the word "ma ma". Whenever we hear that magic word, even they ask us to pluck a star from the sky, we will try to do it too! LOL!


My 2 sweethearts

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