Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another chanting (puja) session ...

After our previous chanting session at Uncle Buck Kooi's house, every night before you sleep and every morning after you wake up, daddy or mummy will ask you to pray to the buddha pic. We made a mistake by asking you to "pai pai" (in mandarin) and you thought it was "bye bye", so you will wave with the buddha pic, and mummy realised the confusion and quickly correct you, but yet, naughty you, sometimes you will wave when mummy said "pray", then you will give me a naughty look.

Yesterday we brought you along to Uncle Choo's house to attend chanting session. This round, those monks are from Bhutan and the session is Fire Buddha which meant for prosperity. After we pick you up from nursery, quickly we drop by Ah Kong's house for quick dinner and off, we headed to uncle Choo's house.

On the way, guess decided to poo. I guess you must be bored with your toys in the car, so you decided to do something else. Mummy saw you stand on your car seat and very very quiet, so i know you must be pushing hard, so i just sat aside, and since mummy can't tell whether you are done with your business or not, so i asked you to tell me "no more" when you are done. Yes yes, my lil sweetie pie will show me "no more" sign when he's done with wee wee or poo poo. After a while, you showed me the "no more" sign and mummy a bit hesitate whether to change for you or not. At the end, daddy said change in the car. So mummy keep reminding you are we are in the car, not much space for me and you to move around, and to my surprise, you lie on the backseat nicely and you even lift your legs up for me. Such a good boy. Quickly, mummy wipe your bum bum and change a new diaper. While mummy try to put on your pants for you, you decided to remove your socks. You remove one side of your sock and throw it until mummy can't find it in the car. Mummy thought i may put the socks in your diaper or your pant, but when we reached uncle Choo's house, mummy and daddy take off your pants, remove your diaper, yet still can't find it....

When everyone see you with one sock, their reaction were "where is the other sock? You lost it on the way up?" Mummy has to tell them, "nope, he remove the sock in the car and i can't find it!". It took you a few minutes to warm up, then later you become yourself! While seeing daddy and the rest having their dinner, you keep saying "mum mum". Luckily i did bring along some bread for you and aunt Eliza gave you a slice of choc moist cake, and to our surprise, you love it so much. Oh yeah, you kept asking us to bring you to the fish pond, but too bad, it's too dark outside, so you don't get to see any fish, but you were attracted by the sound of the water flowing down into the pond.

Around 8:30pm, the chanting session start. When all of us sit on the floor, you start to cruise around, give everyone a touch, sit on few uncles' laps for few second, move here and there. But, thank god, you didn't make any noise. The session last for about 1.5 hr and you started to show sleepy sign as you become a bit cranky, but mummy and daddy still can handle you. The session ended with getting blessing from Rinpoche. Daddy carry you to get blessing and at the same time you were given a buddha pendant. After that, we headed back home. You were tired but you refuse to sleep in the car, so mummy need to keep you well entertain on our way home.

Overall, you behave well through out the entire session....hmmm, so means, can bring you along to more and more gathering huh!
Can you see the buddha pendant? It's given by the monk after the blessing ceremony.

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