Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Conned by my little sweetie

This morning you wake up around 5:30am, and said to me, "Ma Ma, poo poo!" And i thought you want to poo poo and quickly i wake daddy up as only daddy has the stregth to carry you over the toilet bowl for your big business. However, you sit on the toilet bowl for around 1 minute and make some noise, want to get down. NOTHING, NO OUTPUT! duh!! Being cheated! Or maybe you don't have your favourite book with you so you can't do your big business??

Since there isn't any output, so we bring you back to the room, and thank god, you continue to Zzzzzz, **mummy so afraid that you refuse to sleep, but thank god!** so quickly mummy also go into my dreamland to catch up my sleep.


  1. Maybe he juz want to release GAS instead of poo poo. Don't want to pollute the room wat.....

  2. mama2jojo: Talk about their GAS, SUPER smelly!!!! Sometimes when he sleeps, he releases GAS on hubby's face, hubby said almost fainted!


My 2 sweethearts

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