Weight :
8.5kg (lost a bit of weight on last month due to fever )
Height :
Last measured 3 weeks ago, around 70cm
2 solid meals, 3-4 times 4 oz breast milk, occasionally some banana or papaya
Teeth :
Yes, 2 at bottom and 2 at the top. And suspect that the one beside each teeth at the top coming out soon too.
Skills acquired:
1 and 2 months:
Sleep after tummy full, cry when tummy empty, wee wee when bladder is full and poo poo when tummy too full.
3+ months:
roll side way,
start to try holding his own bottle
4 months:
Getting excited with own screaming voice
4+ months:
able to roll over, left to right , right to left
5 months:
Start to show interest in anything that you can reach, the next moment is, put those thing into your mouth
6 months :
starting to enjoy solid food (rice cereal, porridge with veggie) ,
hitting hand- learning how to clap hand in proper way,
able to hold on own bottle but sometime lazy to hold it himself,
on and off,make "arrrggggh" sound,especially if we tease you by calling you Tiger Vin
7+ months:
Start give instruction to us, want us to carry you to wherever you want to go to, you will lean your body towards where you want us to carry you to
Clap hand in proper way,
flying kiss,
said"pa pa" clear and loud
8 months :
Start to dance while we played music, dance even more rigorously if it's his favourite music such as , Ten Little Indian Boy, Wheels on the bus, Twinkle twinkle little star ....**future disco kaki?,hope not**,
Eating porridge with meat block,
can "boooooopb"(blow air from mouth) people and and when he feels like doing so,
able to stand up from sitting position (sometime need support sometime don't need, depend on where Kelvin sit)
Hmm...that's all that i can think of...Daddy, anything to add on?
Regret that mummy didn't jot down all of your progress in my diary. I thought i can remember all of them. Yes, i did remember all of them but i can't remember it happen in which month. :)
do you know how to crawl yet?
ReplyDeletedon't worry...with this blog, it's like a journal to you...
ReplyDeletecoca: Nope, Kelvin is learning how to crawl now,now he's doing the crocodile stlye,whole body stick to the floor and move around. What about Aidan?
ReplyDeleteWS: yes, sometimes when i read back those old post, make me feel that, gosh, time flies!
Crocodile style or swimming style haa..
ReplyDeleteYes, Aidan started to crawl at 8th month and now he knows how to crawl up staircase and pull himself up standing.
Time flies.. little that you realized, next day they will start crawling, walking, running soon. I started to wish if i can keep the time stay a little longer so i can enjoy while they are still baby :)
cocao : you are right. I also wish that i can slow down the time, so that i can have more time with the little one. I mises him more and more nowadays, everyday i will get off from work as soon as possible to pick him up from the nursery.