Monday, June 18, 2007

My little mischievous is back in action!!

Thanks to everyone for the wishes, my little Kelvin is slowing recovering now.

For the whole day of yesterday, he is shouting,screaming,yelling happily at home. Kelvin woke up around 8am and since i'm still sleepy, (yes, this mummy loves sleeping very much) so i tried to make him continue to sleep, and around 30 mins later, he wake up again, and start saying "wah....". This is what little Vin will say if he has enough sleep. So i put him beside hubby and he starts to roll here and there, uses his legs to kick all sorts of thing to wake both of us up. So, guess who win at the end, of course our little boy win.

I am so happy seeing him so active. And since he's super active for the whole day, i know i'm going to have hard time making him sleep at night and i am right. When everyone saw him rubbing his eyes with hands, everyone told me " soon he will fall asleep when he reached home!". Confidently, i told them "nope, he will definately ask us to play with him for at least 30 mins before he sleeps". And of course mummy win! When we brought him back to our Pooh Wonderland, hubb put him on our bed and i nursed him, and he refuses to sleep..roll here roll there and suddenly "thudd...." he knocked himself on his baby cot's rail. Quickly, i carry him, and here come the manja boy. As soon as i carried him, he start crying softly. I gentle rub his head and hold him in my arm, nurse him. Within a minute, he sleeps soundly in my arm. What a lovely boy!

Again, this morning, Vin wake up around 7:05am. Gosh, it's the time that i'm ready for shower. So i have to entertain him for a while. He tried to look at me from the baby cot rail, so i squat down and stand up for couple of time to play with him. When i squatted down and he accidentally hit his forehead to the cot's rail. This time, i shouted again. I am not suppose to, but it's natural reaction what :p . So no need to tell, of course he cried. So quickly, i carried him, and gosh, there is some redness on the forehead. Luckily, he can get distracted quite easy, so i carry him and show him other toys, then he kept quiet but he want me to carry him. So i gotta wait for hubb to finish his shower then only i can have mine.

And......this morning, he made special "breakfast" for us......he poo-ed! And somehow rather, hubb's pant get decorated with one small dot from the poo, so quickly we gotta change for Vin then only hubb gets to change his pant, else he will have the poo perfume for the rest of the day.

I hope he will be stronger and stronger, healthier and healthier, cuter and cuter,naughtier and naughtier....bla bla and bla bla ........i love u baby :)

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