Monday, July 9, 2007

My NaUgHtY bAbY!

Today, when mummy pick you up, you were playing with Ms Goh. With the help from Ms Goh, you walked towards mummy and instruct me to carry you. YES, you can walk, but with the help from others.

Mummy chit-chatted a bit with teacher Chuah and Ms Goh...

Mummy : Did Kelvin "boooooph" at you during feeding time?
Mdm Chuah : Yes, he did. When he is full and don't want anymore porridge, he will "boooooph" out porridge from his mouth
Ms Goh : Yes, when i told Kelvin "Shhh", and he wanna immiate what i'm doing, he "boooooph" instead.

Mdm Chuah : Mrs Chiang, today you forget to bring Kelvin's bed sheet and bolster cover, when Kelvin about going into his dreamland, he will touches his bolster, but today, he can feel that the texture of the bolster is different, he kept push the bolster away and have difficulty going into his dreamland. We gotta use other baby's bolster to trick him.
Mummy : **slap forehead** Alamak, how come this baby boy so fussy....(but deep in my heart, i am so proud of you, because you able to recognise your own thing, own smell...)

Then 3 of us had a good laugh over what you did.


  1. It's juz like how we can't resist their "baby smell."

  2. Yes yes, i like to hold Kelvin close and tight to enjoy his "baby smell" , even the smell after his heavy sweat also smell nice to me..haha


My 2 sweethearts

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