As for Kelvin, as I told him the party will be at the field, so when we want to bring him into the club house, he refuse to go in. He kept telling me he wants to go to the field.So lesson is, do not simply tell you kid something, else u will get yourself into trouble.
The weather is quite hot. But compare to last yr, this yr is much better. As last yr, it rains cats and dogs when we had the celebration. We started to have some light refreshment, follow by dance performance by the students.
The last even is walking around the field with lantern. I gotta carry Kaitlyn for the walk and we only walk ¼ of the field as Kelvin claimed he is tired and hungry.
We got home and let the kids take bread before tugging them to bed. I think these 2 days, they are exhausted with so many activities. And I hope they will enjoy themselves.
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