Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bye bye crying

Today Kelvin make a big progress as he no longer cry when hubb drop him to school. For the past 2 weeks, both me and hubb has hard time trying to figure out what's wrong with our boy, all the these he goes to school happily, until 4/13, when he had mild fever, from that day onwards, he cried when hubb dropped him to school. We tried all the ways to make him not crying, but no matter what we do, he still cry...

Last weekend, i get an idea from a friend, whereby she used to do countdown with her son on how many more days he needs to be in school. At the same time, i told Kelvin to imagine , if one day, he walked into classroom happily meanwhile i am crying outside his classroom, what will he feel? Will he feel uncomfortable seeing mummy crying while he enjoy playing with friends in the class? And i told him, daddy and mummy will feel so upset when we see him crying when we dropped him to school. He somehow rather paused for a while, i am not sure whether he gets the message or not. But anyhow, today he doesn't cry!

So now, it's time for me to think on how t reward my little boy as he keep his promise, NO CRYING!


  1. Same thing happened to my little May. She is crying almost everyday now when going to school. I told her policeman will catch her, if she stays at home without going to school. Finally she goes to school unwillingly. Sigh! Really have no clue what happened on them.

  2. Good boy Kelvin! Mummy's heart to heart worked.

  3. Yan: yeah, no clue what happen to them. Tried to work out something with the school, also can't help. But at the end, he himself decided stop crying and go to school happily. LOL!

    Angie:Very challenging task. I think tougher than handling issue at work, LOL!


My 2 sweethearts

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