Friday, November 30, 2012


昨晚很夜了,蒋爸爸,蒋哥哥和蒋妹妹还没睡, 三个人在大谈大笑...天啊,蒋爸爸竟然没发现蒋妹妹之前一直咳个不停...我这宝贝,当她一直咳个不停,她将会做"鱼翅"给大家忙个没完没了. 所以, 我就下了命令,告诉蒋爸爸若蒋妹妹代会儿呕吐,他得清理.

话才说完不久,就听到尼加拉瀑布声从厕所发出来, 哦....原来蒋妹妹在呕吐了.对了,因她很容易反胃,然后就呕吐,所以经过几次的训练, 蒋妹妹会在她将要呕吐之前跑到厕所去. 吃饱太得空蒋哥哥就走了去看一看, 然后赶紧跳进背窝里, 他说很臭喔...那当然,呕吐曾几何时是香的.

蒋妹妹翻江倒海的呕吐后, 终于雨过天晴, 大家也就各自各位呼呼鲁鲁来个美梦…..

今早,当我摸她的额头,发现她有点烧...可怜的蒋妹妹,她已开始向我发出快要生病的讯号了. 希望吃了退烧药,希望蒋妹妹可以早日康复.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sweet talk by the kids

Monday night, since both kids still so energetic and i need to tidy up the room, so as usual, i take the opportunity to chat with both kids.

Kaitlyn was playing with her doll and pretending that she is having a shopping spree with the doll.

K: mummy, bye bye, i am going out with baby
M: where are u going with the baby?
K: we are going to Singapore for shopping
M: why not u leave baby in Penang with mummy and u go shopping
K: no mummy, we go Singapore together!
M: **wah, make me so happy!!** hmm, so u will u leave baby in hotel with me and u go shopping?
K: no mummy, we go shopping together with baby
M: ar, then how u gonna shop with baby?
K: we can put baby in stroller
M: hmm...ok, ok **make me so happy though**

Then, i turn to Kelvin

M: boy, next time after you get married, will u still stay with daddy and mummy?
K:*without any second thought* yes, of course i will still stay with you and daddy!!
M:*so i raise the question up another level* boy, if next time, if you have a girlfriend and mummy don't like her, then how?
K:*uh huh, now, he paused for a while* mummy, why u don't like my girlfriend?
M: I don't know why, i am just giving you an example, what if i don't like her?
K:*a while later, only answer me* then, i don't want my girlfriend.
M:*hahahahaha...sure or not, liusten first huh!* oh, like that huh!
K: after i get married, i will buy a big house , bring my girlfriend (he still doesn't really know that after married, the girlfriend should be call wife) back and we stay together
M: ok ok, good boy

Before he proceed further, i call the night off and fast fast ask both of them to keep their books and sleep. Because i worry that they may ask me too many questions and i am unable to answer them, LOL!

As for me, i went to sleep in the smile on my face after getting sweet talk from both kids. Sweeter than having a bowl of dessert.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Attending wedding dinner at Sungai Petani

When i told the kids that we are going to Sungai Petani for wedding dinner, both kids so excited. Usually, i will not share the outing plan with the kids until a day before because i want to avoid the excitement and never ending question from the kids, especially Kelvin. :)

On Sunday, after Kelvin's Taekwondo class, we bring the kids for lunch and told them that they MUST take their nap when we reach him as we will be out for wedding dinner later of the day. Very cooperatively, the kids went for their nap and wake up around 5pm, just in time for all preperation!

After everyone are ready, here we come, Sungai Petani!!! Along the way, my boy kept bombarded me with lots of questions, yes..this is my boy, he has endless energy and endless WHY WHY WHY question anytime anywhere. I try my very best to answer most of his questions. However, after 30 minutes of journey, he seems tone down a bit, probably he feel tired because he has been sitting in the car for so long, LOL!

After around 45 minutes of driving, finally we reached the wedding venue. The wedding is at Dewan Persatuan Pendidikan Akhlak Lip Seang Kor. The entrance of the place is actually a narrow road and as soon as we turn into the road,both kids statred to comment,

my girl said "wah, we go into jungle!"
my boy said "daddy, we go into jungle!!"

LOL!!!! Both kids commented such a way because there is quite lot of bushes at the both side the road leading to the Lup Seang Kor moral uplifting society, and furthermore, the road is a non-tar road, so both kids has an impression that this is not a city, LOL!

We reached at around 7:35pm and wedding dinner start at 8pm, phew, not a long waiting time though.There's 4 kids at our table and while waiting for food to be served, and since there isn't any place for kids to run around, the kids were allowed to play game on the smartphone, however, after a while, my boy started to play with friend's kid. As soon as food is served, all parents requested the kids to pass back the phone and no fuss from the kids. Must be everyone is hungry!! Food food food, yummie, food are quite delicious and surprise me that my picky eater girl tried every dishes!!! Not to mention on my boy, he is just a mini me, we both enjoy food :)   Luckily both of them quite discipline throughout the dinner and do not make any noise.  They almost try each of the dishes. Thumbs up!

We left the wedding place before the wedding ended because we need to drive another 45 minuted back to Penang island. On the way back, both kids should be exhausted, so not much noise from them.

骂你,罚你,情非得已....I feel so guilty

今天, 不懂什么原因, 蒋大弟竟然在大庭广众下流泪.

As usual, Kelvin attending his Sunday Taekwondo class, and as usual, he enjoyed himself very much. Towards the end of the class, the instructors requested all of them to put on their sparring gear, YEAH, time for sparring. After one round of sparring with one of his friend, he rested at the side, talking happily with others.

快乐的世间过得很快, after a while, my boy being asked to spar with another boy who has higher belt than him, and out of our expectation, my boy burst into tears. The instructor did try to make him stop crying, but his tears seems like a burst pipe, keep coming out. So, he being asked to stand aside. And after a while, the instructor tried to request him for another round of sparring, and again, his tears pipe burst again. Sigh. I was so mad as he refused to tell out what is the reason.

When we got home, i asked him again and he can't really give me a good reason why he cry, he told me he feel very hot with the sparring gear. Well, i don't think this is the real reason. So, as the result, he being prohibited from playing tablets and watching TV for a week as a punishment.

When i sit down and think over again and again, i feel so guilty.I shouldn't push him so much, should let him grow at his own pace. But i don't want my boy grow up in a sissy way, i want him to be able to express himself out well so that he can find his own way out. 毕竟, 逃避现实不是一个好办法嘛. Hopefully my boy can overcome his own fear soon.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


今早, 当我还在忙碌地帮自己打扮,准备去上班,突然间听到"蹦"的一声, 哎呀,不用问,知道一定是妹妹又在欺负哥哥. 转身一看, 可怜的哥哥,无奈的告诉我, 妹妹又打他了.

以往的我, 我会选择用爱的教育去跟女儿谈,但是,她竟然敬酒不喝喝罚酒,一次又一次欺负哥哥. 对, 咱们家里的小妹比哥哥来得顽皮, 可能看太多Tom and Jerry 卡通片吧, 哈哈! 我曾经向学校老师求助, 叫他们帮我在学校跟女儿洗洗脑, 但是, 在学校, 她竟然是个小天使, 好乖,好乖!

当她做错事,我教训她时, 她就会梨花带泪,很委屈的大泪掺小泪,但是我是不会让步. 我会跟她说, 再我数到三之前,她最好收声. 当然, 这方法挺好用地 :)

我没什么大期望,只希望妹妹可以不再那么可恶, 不要在欺负善良的哥哥. 好怕,有一天,当哥哥忍无可忍, 一脚 turning kick 过去, 恐怕妹妹可能会被踢到粘在墙壁上.

my girl found out something exciting...

While she's at her usual study routine at night, suddenly my girl came to me...

K ~ my girl ; M ~ Me

K: Mummy, i found out that in daddy's name, he has the word "Chiang" like what i have in my name
M: Yes, dear, coz all kids usually will follow their daddy's surname, so if ur daddy's surname is "chiang", then both you and daddy will have the same word in your name (not sure she understand me or not)
K: Mummy, but ke ke's name also got "Chiang"
M: (i bet she doesn't understand my earlier explanation) Yes, dear, coz both you and ke ke are daddy's kid, so he also has "Chiang" in his name.
K: Ohhhh ....(happily she walked away)
M: *phew* Luckily she doesn't ask any further as i am out of idea how to explain to her :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Finishing his first milestone

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, my little caterpillar become butterfly. To me, everything it's just like everything just happened on yesterday.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

His first Graduation!

10th Nov 2012, I want to jot down this memorable day as this is my boy's first graduation day! He has finished the first milestone! For this year, the school is combining 4 centers young graduates together for today's graduation ceremony.
 About a month before the BIG DAY, we being informed by the school that my boy will be delivering the English graduation speech on THE DAY. And since the final exam is just around the corner, so we didn't push him too much and only start pressing him on memorizing the speech about 1 week before the graduation. I can remember vividly that for the continuous night, every night i will scream and shout at him couching him on the speech and gesture, else he will either forget his speech or his gesture.

For this past event, he has been wearing Evan's black pant, and in very last minute, a week before the graduation day, i managed to get him his own black pant from lovely lace. Again, thanks to aunt Angeline's suggestion, else i will be running around just like chicken without head looking for the long black pant.

And finally, the day has come. Early in the morning, around 7:15am, i need to pull him out from his cozy blanket and give him a quite bath, and....dressed him up! Yes, he needs to wear white long sleeve and blank long pant. After everyone are ready. off we headed to USM for the graduation. Mind you, yes, my boy is having his first graduation in USM, LOL!
While he was delivering his speech, i am having cold sweat as i worry that he may forget his speech. And voila, he delivered the entire speech without any problem. Looks like i am over worry, i should have confident on him :)

Besides speech, the young graduate also do a round of singing. Kelvin and his schoolmates sang 我相信 by 杨培安. After the performance by young graduates from 3 D'Monte center, here come the graduation certification presentation time, each young graduate will proceed to the stage when their name being called out.

Finally, the ceremony come to the end after each young graduates receive their certificate. The kids then enjoy playing with their friends in the hall. They didn't really feel sad as most of them will still continue their schooling life with D'Monte Educare 安亲班. I hope that they will maintain their friendship forever as some of them already know each others since young age.

Congrats, my boy! Proud of you!
Wish you all the best in your primary school life!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our first welcome note!

Has been long time i missing in action in blogging world and now i am back in action! I realized that i NEED to jot down the growing up journey of the kids so that one day when i get old and lost my memory, at least i can browse this blog and read through the post again. Since it's a brand new start, so i will not continue to update my old blog, instead, will start a brand new blog.

My 2 sweethearts

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