Monday, November 26, 2012

骂你,罚你,情非得已....I feel so guilty

今天, 不懂什么原因, 蒋大弟竟然在大庭广众下流泪.

As usual, Kelvin attending his Sunday Taekwondo class, and as usual, he enjoyed himself very much. Towards the end of the class, the instructors requested all of them to put on their sparring gear, YEAH, time for sparring. After one round of sparring with one of his friend, he rested at the side, talking happily with others.

快乐的世间过得很快, after a while, my boy being asked to spar with another boy who has higher belt than him, and out of our expectation, my boy burst into tears. The instructor did try to make him stop crying, but his tears seems like a burst pipe, keep coming out. So, he being asked to stand aside. And after a while, the instructor tried to request him for another round of sparring, and again, his tears pipe burst again. Sigh. I was so mad as he refused to tell out what is the reason.

When we got home, i asked him again and he can't really give me a good reason why he cry, he told me he feel very hot with the sparring gear. Well, i don't think this is the real reason. So, as the result, he being prohibited from playing tablets and watching TV for a week as a punishment.

When i sit down and think over again and again, i feel so guilty.I shouldn't push him so much, should let him grow at his own pace. But i don't want my boy grow up in a sissy way, i want him to be able to express himself out well so that he can find his own way out. 毕竟, 逃避现实不是一个好办法嘛. Hopefully my boy can overcome his own fear soon.


  1. sometimes, children need TIME to express themselve better... Your companion is always the best for them...

    1. Wei ling, actually seeing him crying so badly, i feel so bad, but then still need to teach him that crying is not a good way to solve problem. Hopefully he will overcome his fear/worry and share out his fear/worry. He is the type of boy who 报喜不报忧..


My 2 sweethearts

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